19.243 to 19.245 Rosewood tree species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:

Subject to external resources, the Secretariat shall:

a) compile and submit for consideration of the Plants Committee an overview and status of work completed, underway, or to be undertaken as a result of CoP19 to improve CITES implementation for rosewood tree species;

b) in consultation with the Plants Committee, develop the terms of reference for a study of rosewood tree species, taking into account findings and recommendations contained in documents PC25 Doc. 26.1, PC25 Doc. 26.2 and PC25 Doc. 26.3 and any planned CITES workshops on non-detriment findings;

c) commission the study on the conservation and trade rosewood-tree species;

d) organize an international workshop, inviting relevant range States, trading countries, relevant organizations, industry representatives and other experts to present the results of the study and develop recommendations aimed at improving the implementation of the Convention for rosewood tree species; and

e) submit the final study for consideration by the Plants Committee, as well as the outcomes of the workshop.

Decision directed to:
Plants Committee
The Plants Committee shall collaborate with the Secretariat in the implementation of Decision 19.243 and make recommendations aimed at improving the implementation of the Convention for rosewood tree species to the Standing Committee and/or the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate.
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall consider any report from the Plants Committee under Decision 19.244 and make recommendations aimed at improving the implementation, interpretation, and enforcement of the Convention for rosewood tree species to the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate.