19.249 to 19.253 Brazil wood (Paubrasilia echinata)

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) issue a Notification to the Parties and relevant stakeholders requesting information on recent developments, national and international enforcement actions, illegal trade and marking of bows regarding Paubrasilia echinata;

b) subject to external funding, in consultation with the Plants Committee and in association with expert stakeholders, evaluate options for the establishment of a traceability system to register the provenance of Paubrasilia echinata (pernambuco) bows produced, acquired, or transported by owners, musicians and manufacturers; and

c) prepare a report on its findings on the implementation of paragraphs a) and b) supra and submit any resulting recommendations to the Standing Committee at its meeting.

Decision directed to:
Plants Committee
The Plants Committee shall advise the Secretariat in the implementation of Decision 19.249, paragraph b).
Decision directed to:
Parties, in particular source transit and destination Parties for Paubrasilia echinata

Parties, and in particular source, transit and destination Parties for Paubrasilia echinata, are invited to:

a) continue national enforcement efforts including investigations of illegal trade in Paubrasilia echinata and complement them with joint enforcement actions;

b) consider the registration of stockpiles of Paubrasilia echinata as appropriate;

c) offer support in capacity building to Brazil and other Parties as appropriate to improve the implementation of the listing of Paubrasilia echinata;

d) provide information to the Secretariat, as requested in Decision 19.249.

Decision directed to:
Governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations and other entities

Governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations and other entities, are invited to:

a) support the implementation of the listing of Paubrasilia echinata, inter alia by:

i) exploring ways to increase the traceability of finished bows, including for example, the development and implementation of a system of a unique individual marking and by sensitising producers and consumers (in particular musicians) of the status of the species,

ii) working with Brazil to identify existing Paubrasilia echinata plantations within Brazil that could be considered source code A or Y to establish a sustainable supply chain; and

b) provide information to the Secretariat, as requested in Decision 19.249.

Decision directed to:
Standing Committee

The Standing Committee shall:

a) consider any report by the Secretariat resulting from the implementation of Decision 19.249, as well as any other relevant information brought to its attention regarding the implementation of the listing of Paubrasilia echinata in Appendix II; and

b) make recommendations for consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its 20th meeting, including recommendations relating to the development and implementation of a traceability system of Paubrasilia echinata specimens.