19.44 to 19.46 Compliance Assistance Programme

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:

Parties are invited to continue to provide financial or technical support to Parties subject to compliance mechanisms and other related compliance measures as specified in Resolution Conf. 14.3 (Rev. CoP19) on CITES compliance procedures to further strengthen their institutional capacity.

Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall, subject to the availability of external funding:

a) upon request, conduct technical missions and facilitate the organization of in-country assistance coordination mechanisms to selected Parties eligible to benefit from the Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP);

b) in consultation with the International University of Andalucía which hosts the Masters Course in ‘Management and Conservation of Species in Trade – The International Framework’ and other relevant universities, explore the possibility and feasibility of training and deploying short term consultants to assist Parties benefiting from the Compliance Assistance Programme; and

c) report to the Standing Committee on the progress made in the implementation of Decisions 19.44 and 19.45.

Decision directed to:
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall monitor progress in the implementation of the Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) and report its findings and recommendations to the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.