The Secretariat shall: subject to external resources
a) establish and convene, the CITES Big Cats Task Force (Task Force), in accordance with the terms of reference and modus operandi agreed by the Standing Committee as presented in Annex 2 to document CoP19 Doc. 67 on CITES Big Cats Task Force (Felidae spp.);
b) provide support to the Task Force allowing it to effectively carry out its mandate as stated in the terms of reference, including to:
i) discuss enforcement and implementation issues related to the illegal trade in specimens of big cats;
ii) as deemed appropriate, exchange intelligence and other information on the illegal trade in big cats; and
iii) develop strategies and make recommendations to improve international cooperation regarding the enforcement of CITES concerning illegal trade in specimens of big cats; and
c) report the findings and recommendations of the Task Force to the 77th and 78th meeting of the Standing Committee for its consideration, and for making its own recommendations as appropriate.