19.40 to 19.43 Capacity-building

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Parties are invited to share ideas, experiences, and information related to the development of an integrated capacity-building framework aiming to guide Parties, the Secretariat and external partners, as appropriate, to identify capacity-building needs and to prioritize, plan, coordinate, implement, monitor and review the benefit of their capacity-building efforts for more effective implementation of the Convention.
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee, with inputs from the Animals and Plants Committees, the Finance and Budget Subcommittee, and the Secretariat

The Standing Committee shall:

a) continue the development of an integrated capacity-building framework, including a common language and clear definitions, to improve the implementation of the Convention, with inputs from the Animals and Plants Committees, the Finance and Budget Subcommittee, and the Secretariat;

b) in doing so, ensure the representation of perspectives and contexts of different regions and stakeholders (including from Parties that fund and Parties that receive capacity-building support) and consider developing a mechanism for Parties to identify the specific needs that, if met, would allow them to achieve full capacity to implement CITES; and

c) provide a draft integrated capacity-building framework (which may include conceptual models, tools and guidance), along with its recommendations, for consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its 20th meeting.

Decision directed to:
Animals and Plants Committees
The Animals and Plants Committees shall engage in consultations with the Standing Committee, as called for in Decision 19.41; and with the Secretariat as called for in Decision 19.43.
Decision directed to:
Secretariat, in consultation with the Standing Committee and the Animals and Plants Committees
The Secretariat shall provide input to the Standing Committee and, subject to the availability of external funding and in consultation with the Standing Committee and the Animals and Plants Committees, organise technical workshops and regional consultations that would facilitate the implementation by the Standing Committee of Decision 19.41.