19.68 to 19.70 Review of the National Ivory Action Plans Process

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Secretariat, in consultation with the Standing Committee through its Chair

Subject to external funding, the Secretariat shall, in consultation with the Standing Committee through its Chair:

a) contract a consultant to conduct a review of the National Ivory Action Plan Process and the associated Guidelines in accordance with the following terms of reference:

i) review current updating practices of NIAPs and propose options to ensure that NIAPs remain up to date when circumstances on the ground have changed;

ii) provide a better understanding of the reasons behind the lack of reporting or late reporting and consider ways to facilitate timely reporting;

iii) consider the relationship between the NIAP process and other Article XIII processes in case there are Parties subject to both processes in parallel, and provide insights thereon;

iv) review the different reporting requirements and advise in particular whether and how the NIAP process could benefit from strengthened annual illegal trade reports under Resolution Conf.11.17 (Rev. CoP19) to avoid duplication of efforts of reporting Parties; and

v) analyze the different tools under ICCWC and advise whether and how they could be used for enhancing the NIAP process; and

b) provide the Standing Committee with a report on the results of the review.

Decision directed to:
The Secretariat shall undertake any additional tasks directed to it by the Standing Committee under Decision 19.70, paragraph a).
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee

The Standing Committee shall:

a) review the report called for in Decision 19.68; and

b) prepare a report, along with its recommendations for updating the NIAP Process, for consideration for the Conference of the Parties at its 20th meeting.