Parties, especially those that are range States of the jaguar, and relevant stakeholders are encouraged to:
a) urgently adopt comprehensive legislation and enforcement controls aimed at eliminating the poaching of jaguars and illegal trade in their parts and derivatives, including online sales of specimens;
b) include the jaguar as a priority species to be targeted as part of enforcement operations, measures and controls deployed to respond to and address wildlife crime;
c) ensure that any illegal domestic and international trade in jaguar specimens detected are included in annual illegal trade reports in accordance with Resolution Conf. 11.17 (Rev. CoP19) on National reports;
d) promote the design and implementation of conservation corridors between range countries of the jaguar, strengthening cooperation mechanisms on a local, national and regional level in order to promote good conservation practices; channel investments to the conservation of the species; reduce the threats to the connectivity of its habitats; and strengthen the capacities of the main players involved, including by mobilizing Global Environment Facility (GEF) funding for this purpose;
e) support the development of the proposal for establishing a long-term system for monitoring illegal killing of jaguars, associated illegal trade in their parts and derivatives and other key aspects related to jaguar conservation;
f) raise awareness about the importance of the jaguar and its protection status, its role in the ecosystem and the threats it faces, including illegal trade;
g) participate in the meeting of jaguar range States referred to in paragraph c) of Decision 19.111, and other events as appropriate, in order to share experiences and knowledge about the priority issues identified to combat illegal trade in jaguars;
h) recognize the jaguar as the flagship species of its range countries so that the protection and conservation of the species and its habitat becomes a joint priority due to its ecological significance; and
i) provide information to the Secretariat on the measures and activities they undertook to implement the actions directed to them under this Decision.