# |
Species covered by the Proposal |
English common name |
Proponents |
Species/proposal |
updated on
(dd/mm/yyyy) |
Mammalia |
Ceratotherium simum simum
Eswatini |
Remove the existing annotation on the Appendix II listing of Eswatini’s population
23/06/2022 |
Ceratotherium simum simum |
Botswana, Namibia |
Transfer of the population of Namibia from Appendix I to Appendix II with the following annotation:
For the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in:
a) live animals for in-situ conservation only; and
b) hunting trophies.
All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.
23/06/2022 |
Cynomys mexicanus
Mexico |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Hippopotamus amphibius |
Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
23/06/2022 |
Loxodonta africana |
Burkina Faso, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Senegal |
Transfer the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe from Appendix II to Appendix I |
FRA  |
23/06/2022 |
Loxodonta africana |
Zimbabwe |
Amend Annotation 2 pertaining to the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe
Proposed amendments are shown in strike through:
For the exclusive purpose of allowing:
a) trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes
b) trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations, as defined in Resolution Conf. 11.20 (Rev. CoP17), for Botswana and Zimbabwe and for in situ conservation programmes for Namibia and South Africa;
c) trade in hides;
d) trade in hair;
e) trade in leather goods for commercial or non-commercial purposes for Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe and for non-commercial purposes for Zimbabwe;
f) trade in individually marked and certified ekipas incorporated in finished jewellery for non- commercial purposes for Namibia and ivory carvings for non-commercial purposes for Zimbabwe;
g) trade in registered raw ivory (for Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, whole tusks and pieces) subject to the following:
i) only registered government-owned stocks, originating in the State (excluding seized ivory and ivory of unknown origin);
ii) only to trading partners that have been verified by the Secretariat, in consultation with the Standing Committee, to have sufficient national legislation and domestic trade controls to ensure that the imported ivory will not be re-exported and will be managed in accordance with all requirements of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) concerning domestic manufacturing and trade;
iii) not before the Secretariat has verified the prospective importing countries and the registered government-owned stocks;
iv) raw ivory pursuant to the conditional sale of registered government-owned ivory stocks agreed at CoP12, which are 20,000 kg (Botswana), 10,000 kg (Namibia) and 30,000 kg (South Africa);
v) in addition to the quantities agreed at CoP12, government-owned ivory from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe registered by 31 January 2007 and verified by the Secretariat may be traded and despatched, with the ivory in paragraph (g) iv) above, in a single sale per destination under strict supervision of the Secretariat;
vi) the proceeds of the trade are used exclusively for elephant conservation and community conservation and development programmes within or adjacent to the elephant range; and
vii) the additional quantities specified in paragraph g) v) above shall be traded only after the Standing Committee has agreed that the above conditions have been met; and
h) no further proposals to allow trade in elephant ivory from populations already in Appendix II shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties for the period from CoP14 and ending nine years from the date of the single sale of ivory that is to take place in accordance with provisions in paragraphs g) i), g) ii), g) iii), g) vi) and g) vii). In addition such further proposals shall be dealt with in accordance with Decisions 16.55 and 14.78 (Rev. CoP16).
On a proposal from the Secretariat, the Standing Committee can decide to cause this trade to cease partially or completely in the event of non-compliance by exporting or importing countries, or in the case of proven detrimental impacts of the trade on other elephant populations.
All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.
23/06/2022 |
Aves |
Branta canadensis leucopareia |
United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Kittacincla malabarica
Malaysia, Singapore |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Phoebastria albatrus |
United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Pycnonotus zeylanicus |
Malaysia, Singapore, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
23/06/2022 |
Reptilia |
Apalone spp. |
United States of America |
Include in Appendix II (except the subspecies included in Appendix I) |
23/06/2022 |
Batagur kachuga
India |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
23/06/2022 |
Caiman latirostris |
Transfer the population of Brazil from Appendix I to Appendix II
23/06/2022 |
Chelus fimbriata and C. orinocensis |
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru |
Include in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Claudius angustatus
Mexico |
Include in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Crocodylus porosus |
Philippines |
Transfer the population of the Palawan Islands (Philippines) from Appendix I to Appendix II with a zero export quota for wild specimens |
23/06/2022 |
Crocodylus siamensis |
Thailand |
Transfer the population of Thailand from Appendix I to Appendix II with a zero quota for wild specimens
23/06/2022 |
Crotalus horridus |
United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Cuora galbinifrons |
European Union, Viet Nam |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
23/06/2022 |
Cyrtodactylus jeyporensis |
India |
Include in Appendix II
23/06/2022 |
Epicrates inornatus |
United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Graptemys barbouri, G. ernsti, G. gibbonsi, G. pearlensis and G. pulchra |
United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Kinosternon spp. |
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, United States of America |
Include Kinosternon cora and K. vogti in Appendix I and all other species of Kinosternon spp. in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Macrochelys temminckii and Chelydra serpentina |
United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Nilssonia leithii |
India |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
23/06/2022 |
Phrynosoma spp. |
Mexico |
Include in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Phrynosoma platyrhinos |
United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Physignathus cocincinus |
European Union, Viet Nam |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Rhinoclemmys spp. |
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama |
Include in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Staurotypus salvinii and S. triporcatus |
El Salvador, Mexico |
Include in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Sternotherus spp. |
United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Tarentola chazaliae |
Mauritania, Senegal |
Include in Appendix II |
FRA  |
23/06/2022 |
Tiliqua adelaidensis |
Australia |
Include in Appendix I |
23/06/2022 |
Amphibia |
Agalychnis lemur |
Colombia, Costa Rica, European Union, Panama |
Include in Appendix II with a zero annual export quota for wild-taken specimens traded for commercial purposes. |
23/06/2022 |
Centrolenidae spp. |
Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Gabon, Guinea, Niger, Panama, Peru, Togo, United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Laotriton laoensis |
European Union |
Include in Appendix II with a zero export quota for wild-taken specimens traded for commercial purposes |
23/06/2022 |
Elasmobranchii |
Carcharhinidae spp. |
Bangladesh, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, European Union, Gabon, Israel, Maldives, Panama, Senegal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Include in Appendix II
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Potamotrygon albimaculata, P. henlei, P. jabuti, P. leopoldi, P. marquesi, P. signata and P. wallacei |
Brazil |
Include in Appendix II
23/06/2022 |
Rhinobatidae spp. |
Israel, Kenya, Panama, Senegal |
Include in Appendix II
23/06/2022 |
Sphyrnidae spp. |
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, European Union, Panama |
Include in Appendix II
23/06/2022 |
Actinopteri |
Hypancistrus zebra |
Brazil |
Include in Appendix I |
ESP  |
23/06/2022 |
Holothuroidea |
Thelenota spp. |
European Union, Seychelles, United States of America |
Include in Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Apocynaceae, Cactaceae, Cycadaceae, Dicksoniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Gnetaceae, Liliaceae, Magnoliaceae, Nepenthaceae, Orchidaceae, Papaveraceae, Podocarpaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Trochodendraceae, Zamiaceae and Zingiberaceae |
Flora species with annotation #1, #4, #14 and Appendix-I listed species of Orchidaceae |
Canada |
Amend Annotation #1 to read as follows: All parts and derivatives, except: […] b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;
Amend Annotation #4 to read as follows: All parts and derivatives, except: […] b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;
Amend Annotation #14 to read as follows: All parts and derivatives except: […] b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; […] f) finished products packaged and ready for retail trade,; this exemption does not apply to wood chips, beads, prayer beads and carvings.
Amend paragraph f) of the text in French of Annotation #14 to read as follows: f) les produits finis conditionnés et prêts pour la vente au détail; cette dérogation ne s’applique pas aux copeaux en de bois, aux perles, aux grains de chapelets et aux gravures.
Amend the parenthetical annotation to Appendix I Orchidaceae in the Appendices to read as follows: ORCHIDACEAE Orchids (For all of the following Appendix-I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, and transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention only if the specimens meet the definition of ‘artificially propagated’ agreed by the Conference of the Parties)
23/06/2022 |
Bignoniaceae |
Handroanthus spp., Roseodendron spp. and Tabebuia spp. |
Colombia, European Union, Panama |
Include in Appendix II with annotation #17 (Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood and transformed wood.) |
23/06/2022 |
Crassulaceae |
Rhodiola spp.
China, European Union, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America, |
Include in Appendix II with annotation #2 (All parts and derivatives except: a) seeds and pollen; and b) finished products packaged and ready for retail trade.) |
23/06/2022 |
Fabaceae |
Dalbergia sissoo |
India, Nepal |
Delete from Appendix II |
23/06/2022 |
Paubrasilia echinata
Brazil |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I with annotation "All parts, derivatives and finished products, including bows of musical instruments, except musical instruments and their parts, composing travelling orchestras, and solo musicians carrying musical passports in accordance with Res. 16.8." |
23/06/2022 |
Leguminosae |
Afzelia spp.
Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, European Union, Liberia, Senegal |
Include all African populations in Appendix II with annotation #17 (Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood and transformed wood.) |
23/06/2022 |
Dipteryx spp. |
Colombia, European Union, Panama |
Include in Appendix II with annotation "Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood, transformed wood and seeds"
23/06/2022 |
Pterocarpus spp. |
Côte d'Ivoire, European Union, Liberia, Senegal, Togo
Include all African populations in Appendix II with annotation #17 (Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheers, plywood and transformed wood) and amend annotations of Pterocarpus erinaceus and P. tinctorius, already listed in Appendix II, to annotation #17 |
23/06/2022 |
Meliaceae |
Khaya spp. |
Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, European Union, Liberia, Senegal |
Include all African populations in Appendix II with annotation #17 (Logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood and transformed wood.) |
23/06/2022 |
Orchidaceae |
Orchidaceae spp. |
Switzerland |
Amend Annotation #4, with the addition of new paragraph g), to read: ‘g) finished products packaged and ready for retail trade of cosmetics containing parts and derivatives of Bletilla striata, Cycnoches cooperi, Gastrodia elata, Phalaenopsis amabilis or P. lobbii’ |
23/06/2022 |