Nineteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties

Panama City, Panama, 14 - 25 November 2022

Agenda and working documents

(All documents are provided here in PDF format, download all documents here)

Rules of Procedure

Title Files Created / Updated Secretariat comments included
Opening ceremony
(no document)
Welcoming addresses
(no document)
Administrative and financial matters
1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair of the meeting and of Chairs of Committees I and II
(no document)
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Adoption of the working programme
4. Rules of Procedure of the Conference of the Parties
4.1. Report of the Standing Committee
4.2. Proposed amendment to Rule 26
5. Credentials Committee
5.1. Establishment of the Credentials Committee
(no document)
5.2. Report of the Credentials Committee
(no document)
6. Admission of observers
7. Administration, finance and budget of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties
7.1. Administration of the Secretariat
7.2. Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on administrative matters
7.3. Financial reports for 2020-2022
Annex 1: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2020
Annex 2: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2020
Annex 3: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2020
Annex 4: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2021
Annex 5: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2021
Annex 6: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 December 2021
Annex 7: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2021
Annex 8: Statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserve and fund balance for the period 2019-2020
Annex 9: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2022 - up to 30 June 2022
Annex 10: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 30 June 2022
Annex 11: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 30 June 2022
Annex 12: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 30 June 2022
Annex 13: Statement of income and expenditure for the year 2021
Annex 14: Costed Programme of Work of the CITES Secretariat for 2022 as at 30 September 2022
Annex 15: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 30 September 2022
Annex 16: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 30 September 2022
Annex 17: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) 2020-2022 – status of contributions as of 30 September 2022
7.4. Budget and work programme for 2023 to 2025
Annex 1: Draft resolution on Financing and the costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2023-2025
Annex 2: Budget scenario – zero real growth
Annex 3: Budget scenario – zero nominal growth
Annex 4: Budget scenario – incremental growth
7.5. Access to funding
7.6. Sponsored delegates project
8. Language strategy for the Convention
Strategic matters
9. Committee reports and recommendations
9.1. Standing Committee
9.1.1. Report of the Chair
9.1.2. Election of new regional and alternate regional members
(no document)
9.2. Animals Committee
9.2.1. Report of the Chair
9.2.2. Election of new regional and alternate regional members
(no document)
9.3. Plants Committee
9.3.1. Report of the Chair
9.3.2. Election of new regional and alternate regional members
(no document)
10. CITES Strategic Vision
11. Appendix-I listed species
12. World Wildlife Trade Report
13. Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities
14. Livelihoods
15. Participatory mechanisms for rural communities in CITES
16. Capacity building
17. Cooperation with organizations and multilateral environmental agreements
17.1. Cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions
17.2. Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
17.3. Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
17.4. Joint CITES-CMS African Carnivores Initiative
17.5. International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime
18. United Nations World Wildlife Day
19. CITES and forests
20. CITES Tree species programme
21. Review of the ETIS programme
22. MIKE and ETIS programmes
23. Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergence associated with international wildlife trade
23.1. Report of the Standing Committee
23.2. One Health and CITES: Human and animal health risks from wildlife trade
24. Implications of the COVID‑19 pandemic on the implementation of the Convention
25. Action plan on gender-related matters
Interpretation and implementation matters
Existing Resolutions and Decisions
26. Review of Resolutions
27. Review of Decisions
General compliance and enforcement
28. National laws for implementation of the Convention
29. Compliance matters
29.1. Implementation of Article XIII and Resolution Conf. 14.3 (Rev. CoP18) on CITES compliance procedures
29.2. Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi)
29.2.1. Report of the Secretariat
29.2.2. Renewed and updated Decisions for CoP19
29.3. Malagasy ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)
30. Compliance Assistance Programme
31. Country-wide Significant Trade Reviews
32. Review of Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP18) on Compliance and enforcement
33. Enforcement matters
34. Annual illegal trade reports
35. Task Force on illegal trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
36. Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa
36.1. Report of the Standing Committee
36.2. Wildlife crime and CITES enforcement support in West and Central Africa
37. Wildlife crime linked to the Internet
38. Demand reduction to combat illegal trade
39. Domestic markets for frequently illegally traded specimens
Regulation of trade
40. Guidance for making legal acquisition findings
41. Electronic systems and information technologies and authentication and control of permits
42. Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates
43. Non-detriment findings
43.1. Report of the Animals and Plants Committees
43.2. Making non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken in the marine environment not under the jurisdiction of any State
44. Identification materials
44.1. Review of Resolution Conf. 11.19 (Rev. CoP16)
44.2. Identification of timber and other wood products
45. Labelling system for trade in caviar
46. Trade in stony corals
47. Specimens produced through biotechnology
48. Definition of the term 'appropriate and acceptable destinations'
49. Introduction from the sea
50. Disposal of confiscated specimens
51. Quotas for leopard (Panthera pardus) hunting trophies
52. Transport of live specimens: improving implementation of the transport regulations
Exemptions and special trade provisions
53. Review of CITES provisions related to trade in specimens of animals and plants not of wild source
54. Review of the provisions of Resolution Conf. 17.7 on Review of trade in animal specimens reported as produced in captivity
55. Registration of operations that breed Appendix I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes
56. Guidance on the term ‘artificially propagated’
57. Specimens grown from wild-collected seeds or spores that are deemed to be artificially propagated
Species specific matters
58. West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)
59. Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
60. Conservation of amphibians (Amphibia spp.)
61. Eels (Anguilla spp.)
62. Agarwood-producing taxa (Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.)
62.1. Report of the Plants Committee
62.2. The history and challenges of agarwood and CITES
63. Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.)
64. Marine turtles (Cheloniidae spp. and Dermochelyidae spp.)
64.1. Report of the Secretariat and the Standing Committee
64.2. Conservation of marine turtles
65. Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)
66. Elephants (Elephantidae spp.)
66.1. Implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) on Trade in elephant specimens
66.2. Ivory stockpiles
66.2.1. Ivory stockpiles: implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) on Trade in elephant specimens
66.2.2. Establishing a fund accessible to range States upon non-commercial disposal of ivory stockpiles
66.3. Implementing aspects of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) on the closure of domestic ivory markets
66.4. Trade in live African elephants
66.4.1. International trade in live African elephant specimens: Proposed revision to Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP18) on Trade in elephant specimens
66.4.2. Clarifying the framework: Proposal of the European Union
66.5. Report on Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE)
66.6. Report on the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS)
66.7. Review of the National Ivory Action Plan process
67. CITES Big Cats Task Force (Felidae spp.)
68. Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)
69. Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.)
69.1. Report of the Standing Committee
69.2. Next steps towards the successful implementation of the Appendix-II listing for seahorses
70. Rosewood timber species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)]
71. Pangolins (Manis spp.)
71.1. Report of the Standing Committee and of the Animals Committee
71.2. Proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 17.10
72. African lions (Panthera leo)
73. Jaguars (Panthera onca)
73.1. Report of the Standing Committee
73.2. Proposed amendments to the draft decisions on jaguars agreed at SC74
74. Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes spp.)
75. Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)
76. Saiga antelope (Saiga spp.)
77. Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
78. Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.)
79. African tree species
80. Marine ornamental fishes
81. Neotropical tree species
82. Trade in medicinal and aromatic plant species
83. Identifying species at risk of extinction for CITES Parties
Maintenance of the Appendices
84. Standard nomenclature
84.1. Report of the Animals and Plants Committees
84.2. Standard nomenclature for Dipteryx spp.
84.3. Standard nomenclature for Khaya spp.
84.4. Standard nomenclature for Rhodiola spp.
85. Annotations
85.1. Annotations: Report of the Standing Committee
85.2. Information system for trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species
85.3. Informal review mechanism of existing and proposed annotations
86. Products containing specimens of Appendix-II orchids
87. Amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17)
87.1. Proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17)
87.2. Aquatic species listed in the CITES Appendices: proposals for a new approach to the listing of sharks and rays
88. Communications concerning amendments to the Appendices received by the Depositary Government after the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Proposals to amend the Appendices
89. Proposals to amend Appendices I and II
89.1. Secretariat’s assessment of the proposals to amend Appendices I and II (Annex II added)
89.2. Comments from Parties
89.3. Comments from statutory consultees
Annex 1: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
Annex 2: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Annex 3: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
Annex 4: International Timber Trade Organization (ITTO)
Annex 5: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Annex 6: Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS)
Annex 7: Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (OSPESCA)
Annex 8: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC)
Conclusion of the meeting
90. Determination of the time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(no document)
91. Closing remarks (Observers, Parties, CITES Secretary General, Host Government)
(no document)