Provisional agenda and working documents - Eighteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties

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Geneva (Switzerland), 17-28 August 2019

Provisional agenda and working documents

(all documents available for download as a zip file here)
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Agenda item Document Posted/
updated on
Opening ceremony No document  
Administrative and financial matters
Election of Chair, Alternate Chair and Vice-Chairs of the meeting and of Chairs of Committees I and II
No document    
2. Adoption of the agenda CoP18 Doc. 2
(Rev. 1)
3. Adoption of the working programme
(new dates)
CoP18 Doc. 3
(Rev. 4)
4. Rules of Procedure      
  4.1 Rules of Procedure for the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties CoP18 Doc. 4.1 15.01.2019 NA
  4.2 Review of the Rules of Procedure CoP18 Doc. 4.2 15.01.2019
5. Credentials Committee      
  5.1 Establishment of the Credentials Committee No document    
  5.2 Report of the Credentials Committee No document    
6. Admission of observers CoP18 Doc. 6
(Rev. 1)
7. Administration, finance and budget of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties      
  7.1 Administration of the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 7.1 28.01.2019 NA
Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on administrative and other matters
CoP18 Doc. 7.2 09.04.2019 NA
  7.3 Financial reports for 2016-2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 30.01.2019 NA
    Annex 1: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2016 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A1 28.01.2019  
    Annex 2: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2016 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A2 28.01.2019  
    Annex 3: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2016 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A3 28.01.2019  
    Annex 4: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2017 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A4 28.01.2019  
    Annex 5: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2017 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A5 28.01.2019  
    Annex 6: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2017 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A6 28.01.2019  
    Annex 7: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2018 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A7 28.01.2019  
    Annex 8: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2018 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A8 28.01.2019  
    Annex 9: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 December 2018 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A9 28.01.2019  
    Annex 10: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 December 2018 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A10 28.01.2019  
    Annex 11: Statement of financial performance and position for the year ended 31 December 2017 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A11 28.01.2019
    Annex 12: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2019 (up to 31 March 2019) CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A12 18.04.2019  
    Annex 13: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 31 March 2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A13 09.04.2019  
    Annex 14: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 31 March 2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A14 09.04.2019  
    Annex 15: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – status of contributions as of 30 June 2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A15 16.07.2019  
    Annex 16: CITES External Trust Fund (QTL) – status of contributions as of 30 June 2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A16 16.07.2019  
    Annex 17: CITES Trust Fund (CTL) – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 30 June 2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A17 16.07.2019  
    Annex 18: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2019 as of 30 June 2019 CoP18 Doc. 7.3 A18 24.07.2019  
  7.4 Budget and work programme for 2020 to 2022 CoP18 Doc. 7.4 28.01.2019 NA
    Annex 1: Draft Resolution on Financing and the costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2020-2022 CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A1 28.01.2019  
    Annex 2: Budget scenario – zero real growth CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A2 28.01.2019  
    Annex 3: Budget scenario – zero nominal growth CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A3 28.01.2019  
    Annex 4: Budget scenario – incremental growth CoP18 Doc. 7.4 A4 28.01.2019  
  7.5 Access to funding, including GEF funding CoP18 Doc. 7.5 15.01.2019 NA
  7.6 Sponsored delegates project CoP18 Doc. 7.6 18.01.2019 NA
8. Draft resolution on language strategy for the Convention CoP18 Doc. 8 21.01.2019
Strategic matters
9. Committee reports and recommendations      
  9.1 Standing Committee      
    9.1.1 Report of the Chair CoP18 Doc. 9.1.1 28.01.2019
    9.1.2 Election of new regional and alternate regional members No document    
  9.2 Animals Committee      
    9.2.1 Report of the Chair CoP18 Doc. 9.2.1 21.03.2019
    9.2.2 Election of new regional and alternate regional members No document    
  9.3 Plants Committee      
    9.3.1 Report of the Chair CoP18 Doc. 9.3.1 31.01.2019
    9.3.2 Election of new regional and alternate regional members No document    
10. CITES Strategic Vision post-2020 CoP18 Doc. 10 15.01.2019
11. Review of the Convention CoP18 Doc. 11 04.02.2019
12. Securing better implementation of marine fish species listings in the Appendices CoP18 Doc. 12 21.01.2019
Revision of Resolution Conf. 11.1 (Rev. CoP17) on Establishment of committees
CoP18 Doc. 13 21.01.2019
14. Potential conflicts of interest in the Animals and Plants Committees CoP18 Doc. 14 29.01.2019
15. Cooperation with organizations and multilateral environmental agreements      
  15.1 Cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions CoP18 Doc. 15.1 21.01.2019
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
CoP18 Doc. 15.2 21.01.2019 NA
  15.3 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation CoP18 Doc. 15.3 21.01.2019
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
CoP18 Doc. 15.4 15.01.2019
International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime
CoP18 Doc. 15.5 21.01.2019 NA
  15.6 Cooperation between CITES and the World Heritage Convention CoP18 Doc. 15.6 21.01.2019
16. CITES tree species programme CoP18 Doc. 16 27.03.2019 NA
17. Rural communities      
Report of the Standing Committee
CoP18 Doc. 17.1 15.01.2019
Proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 4.6 (Rev. CoP17) and Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17)
CoP18 Doc. 17.2 21.01.2019
  17.3 Participatory mechanism for rural communities CoP18 Doc. 17.3 04.02.2019
18. CITES and livelihoods      
  18.1 Report of the Secretariat
(new paragraphs 19 and 20 and changes to the draft decisions in Annex 1)
CoP18 Doc. 18.1 (Rev. 1) 21.01.2019
  18.2 Proposal by Peru CoP18 Doc. 18.2 31.01.2019
  18.3 Proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17) CoP18 Doc. 18.3 21.01.2019
19. Food security and livelihoods CoP18 Doc. 19 15.01.2019
Demand reduction strategies to combat illegal trade in CITES-listed species
CoP18 Doc. 20 21.01.2019
21. Capacity building and identification materials      
  21.1 Capacity-building and identification materials CoP18 Doc. 21.1 21.01.2019
  21.2 Capacity-building activities specified in Resolutions and Decisions CoP18 Doc. 21.2 21.01.2019
Framework to facilitate coordination, transparency and accountability of CITES capacity-building efforts
CoP18 Doc. 21.3 21.01.2019
22. United Nations World Wildlife Day CoP18 Doc. 22 19.02.2019 NA
23. Youth engagement CoP18 Doc. 23 15.01.2019
Interpretation and implementation matters
Existing Resolutions and Decisions      
24. Review of Resolutions CoP18 Doc. 24 21.01.2019 NA
25. Review of Decisions CoP18 Doc. 25 09.04.2019 NA
General compliance and enforcement      
26. National laws for implementation of the Convention 
(update to the legislative table)
CoP18 Doc. 26
(Rev. 1)
27. CITES compliance matters CoP18 Doc. 27 18.02.2019 NA
28. Compliance Assistance Programme CoP18 Doc. 28 06.02.2019 NA
29. Country-wide Significant Trade Reviews CoP18 Doc. 29 21.01.2019
Compliance in relation to Malagasy ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)
  30.1 Report of Madagascar CoP18 Doc. 30.1 21.02.2019
  30.2 Report of the Standing Committee CoP18 Doc. 30.2 21.01.2019
31. Domestic markets for frequently illegally traded specimens CoP18 Doc. 31 18.01.2019
32. Enforcement matters CoP18 Doc. 32 29.01.2019 NA
33. Combating wildlife cybercrime      
  33.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 33.1 21.01.2019 NA
  33.2 Report of the Standing Committee CoP18 Doc. 33.2 21.01.2019
34. Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa CoP18 Doc. 34 12.03.2019 NA
35. Disposal of confiscated specimens CoP18 Doc. 35 15.01.2019
Storage and management of illegal trade data collected through the Parties’ annual illegal trade reports
CoP18 Doc. 36 15.01.2019
Working conditions of wildlife rangers and their implications for implementation of CITES
CoP18 Doc. 37 30.01.2019
Regulation of trade      
38. Designation and roles of Management Authorities CoP18 Doc. 38 15.01.2019 NA
39. Guidance for making legal acquisition findings CoP18 Doc. 39 21.01.2019
40. Due diligence by CITES Parties and obligations of importing countries CoP18 Doc. 40 08.02.2019
41. Electronic systems and information technologies CoP18 Doc. 41 18.01.2019
42. Traceability CoP18 Doc. 42
(Rev. 1)
43. Specimens produced from synthetic or cultured DNA CoP18 Doc. 43 18.01.2019
44. Definition of the term 'appropriate and acceptable destinations'      
  44.1 Report of the Standing Committee CoP18 Doc. 44.1 18.01.2019
  44.2 International trade in live African elephants: Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 11.20 (Rev.  CoP17) on Definition of the term 'appropriate and acceptable destinations' CoP18 Doc. 44.2 30.01.2019
45. Non-detriment findings CoP18 Doc. 45 21.01.2019
46. Quotas for leopard hunting trophies CoP18 Doc. 46 12.03.2019
47. Enhancement of quotas for markhor hunting trophies CoP18 Doc. 47 WITHDRAWN
48. Black rhinoceros hunting trophies: Export quota for South Africa CoP18 Doc. 48 06.02.2019
49. Implications of the transfer of a species to Appendix I      
  49.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 49.1 21.01.2019 NA
  49.2 Trade in 'pre-Appendix-I' specimens CoP18 Doc. 49.2 30.01.2019
Amendments to Resolution Conf. 10.13 (Rev. CoP15) on Implementation of the Convention for timber species
CoP18 Doc. 50 22.01.2019
51. Stocks and stockpiles CoP18 Doc. 51 15.01.2019
52. Introduction from the sea CoP18 Doc. 52 22.01.2019
53. Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates CoP18 Doc. 53 22.01.2019
54. Identification of specimens in trade      
  54.1 Identification Manual CoP18 Doc. 54.1 22.01.2019 NA
  54.2 Identification of CITES-listed tree species CoP18 Doc. 54.2 22.01.2019
  54.3 Identification of sturgeons and paddlefish specimens in trade CoP18 Doc. 54.3 22.01.2019 NA
55. CITES implementation for trade in medicinal plant species CoP18 Doc. 55 27.03.2019 NA
Exemptions and special trade provisions      
56. Simplified procedure for permits and certificates  CoP18 Doc. 56 18.01.2019
57. Implementation of the Convention relating to captive-bred and ranched specimens CoP18 Doc. 57 22.01.2019
Implementation of Resolution Conf. 17.7 on Review of trade in animal specimens reported as produced in  captivity
CoP18 Doc. 58 15.01.2019
59. Definition of the term ‘artificially propagated’      
  59.1 Guidance on the term 'artificially propagated' CoP18 Doc. 59.1 22.01.2019
  59.2 Source codes for plant specimens in trade CoP18 Doc. 59.2 22.01.2019
Species specific matters 1
60. Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) CoP18 Doc. 60 22.01.2019 NA
61. Sturgeons and paddlefish (Acipenseriformes spp.) CoP18 Doc. 61 01.02.2019
62. Draft decisions on the conservation of amphibians (Amphibia) CoP18 Doc. 62
(Rev. 1)
63. Eels (Anguilla spp.) CoP18 Doc. 63 22.01.2019
64. Precious corals (Order Antipatharia and family Coralliidae) CoP18 Doc. 64 04.02.2019
Implementation of Resolution Conf. 16.10 on Implementation of the Convention for agarwood-producing taxa [Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.]
CoP18 Doc. 65 22.01.2019
66. Trade in Boswellia spp. (Burseraceae) CoP18 Doc. 66 21.01.2019
67. Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) CoP18 Doc. 67 21.01.2019
68. Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)      
  68.1 Report of the Animals Committee CoP18 Doc. 68.1 21.02.2019
  68.2 Report of the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 68.2 26.04.2019 NA
69. Elephants (Elephantidae spp.)      
  69.1 Implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on Trade in elephant specimens CoP18 Doc. 69.1 04.02.2019
    Addendum to Implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on Trade in elephant specimens CoP18 Doc. 69.1 Add. 08.08.2019 NA
Report on Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE)
CoP18 Doc. 69.2 28.01.2019 NA
    Addendum to the Report on Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) CoP18 Doc. 69.2 Add. 25.04.2019 NA
Report on the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS)
(changes to paragraphs 6 and 7, Groups 4, 7 and 8 in Annex 1 and inclusion of Annex 2 - Comments received from Parties on the ETIS report and Annex 3 - TRAFFIC's response to Parties' comments)
CoP18 Doc. 69.3 (Rev. 1) 28.01.2019
  69.4 Ivory stockpiles: implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on Trade in elephant specimens CoP18 Doc. 69.4 30.01.2019
Implementing aspects of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17) on the closure of domestic ivory markets
CoP18 Doc. 69.5 04.02.2019
Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and other marine turtles (Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae)
CoP18 Doc. 70 13.02.2019 NA
71. Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)      
  71.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 71.1 20.03.2019 NA
  71.2 Draft decisions on Asian big cats CoP18 Doc. 71.2 (Rev.1)
72. Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) on CITES – a roadmap to success CoP18 Doc. 72 06.02.2019
73. Great apes (Hominidae spp.) CoP18 Doc. 73 29.01.2019
74. Rosewood timber species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)] CoP18 Doc. 74 22.01.2019
75. Pangolins (Manis spp.) CoP18 Doc. 75 29.01.2019 NA
76. African lion (Panthera leo)      
  76.1 Report of the Secretariat
(inclusion of the executive summary of the Guidelines for the Conservation of Lions in Africa as Annex 2)
CoP18 Doc. 76.1 (Rev. 1) 12.03.2019
  76.2 Conservation of and trade in African lions CoP18 Doc. 76.2 04.02.2019
77. Jaguar (Panthera onca)      
  77.1 Jaguar trade CoP18 Doc. 77.1 (Rev. 1) 06.02.2019
  77.2 Illegal trade in jaguar CoP18 Doc. 77.2 WITHDRAWN
78. Illegal trade in Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii) CoP18 Doc. 78 15.01.2019
79. Songbird trade and conservation management (Passeriformes) CoP18 Doc. 79 06.02.2019
80. African cherry (Prunus africana) CoP18 Doc. 80 22.01.2019
81. African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) CoP18 Doc. 81 06.02.2019
82. Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) CoP18 Doc. 82 01.02.2019
83. Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)      
  83.1 Report of the Standing Committee and the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 83.1 19.03.2019 NA
Revisions to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP17) on Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses, and associated decisions
CoP18 Doc. 83.2 06.02.2019
84. Helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil) CoP18 Doc. 84 21.01.2019
85. Queen conch (Strombus gigas) CoP18 Doc. 85 11.03.2019 NA
86. Saiga antelope (Saiga spp.) CoP18 Doc. 86 22.01.2019
87. Conservation of the Titicaca water frog (Telmatobius culeus) CoP18 Doc. 87 04.03.2019
88. Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.) CoP18 Doc. 88 22.01.2019 NA
89. Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi)
(new draft decisions and new annexes 5 to 7; updates from high level mission)
CoP18 Doc. 89
(Rev. 1)
90. Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus) CoP18 Doc. 90 22.01.2019
91. Conservation of vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) and trade in its fibre and products CoP18 Doc. 91 12.02.2019
92. Appendix-I listed species CoP18 Doc. 92 28.01.2019 NA
93. Neotropical tree species CoP18 Doc. 93 22.01.2019
94. Conservation management of and trade in marine ornamental fishes CoP18 Doc. 94 21.01.2019
Guidance materials, activities and tools aimed at enhancing Parties’ capacity to regulate bushmeat trade
CoP18 Doc. 95 11.03.2019 NA
96. African Carnivores Initiative CoP18 Doc. 96 04.03.2019 NA
97. West African vulture trade and conservation management CoP18 Doc. 97 30.01.2019
Maintenance of the Appendices      
98. Reservations with respect to amendments to Appendices I and II CoP18 Doc. 98 15.01.2019 NA
99. Standard nomenclature CoP18 Doc. 99 22.01.2019
  Annex 1: CoP18 update of Annex to Resolution Conf. 12.11 (Rev. CoP17) CoP18 Doc. 99 A1 R2 22.01.2019
  Annex 2: Draft decisions on nomenclature and tentative budget CoP18 Doc. 99 A2 22.01.2019 NA
  Annex 3: Impact of nomenclature recommendations - Flora  CoP18 Doc. 99 A3 R1 22.01.2019
  Annex 4: Impact of nomenclature recommendations - Fauna CoP18 Doc. 99 A4 R1 22.01.2019
  Annex 5: Proposed New CITES Standard References for Nomenclature of Birds (Class Aves) CoP18 Doc. 99 A5 22.01.2019 NA
  Annex 6: Proposed changes in the published literature concerning nomenclature of CITES-listed animal species for which the Animals Committee, at the time of CoP18 document submission, has not yet reached a recommendation on adoption or rejection for CITES purposes CoP18 Doc. 99 A6 22.01.2019 NA
  Annex 7: Draft decisions on nomenclature revised by the Secretariat CoP18 Doc. 99 A7 01.04.2019 NA
100. Inclusion of species in Appendix III CoP18 Doc. 100 26.03.2019 NA
101. Annotations CoP18 Doc. 101 22.01.2019
102. Annotations for Appendix-II orchids CoP18 Doc. 102 22.01.2019
103. Guidance for the publication of the Appendices CoP18 Doc. 103 30.01.2019
Review of Resolution Conf. 10.9 on Consideration of proposals for the transfer of African elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II
CoP18 Doc. 104 22.01.2019

Proposals to amend the Appendices

105. Proposals to amend Appendices I and II      
  105.1 Secretariat’s assessment of the proposals to amend Appendices I and II CoP18 Doc. 105.1 18.04.2019 NA
    Annex 1: List of proposals to amend Appendices I and II and Secretariat's conclusions and recommendations CoP18 Doc. 105.1 A1 26.04.2019 NA
    Annex 2: Comments and recommendations from the Secretariat (English only) CoP18 Doc. 105.1 A2 18.04.2019 NA
  105.2 Comments from Parties
(response of the United States of America included)
CoP18 Doc. 105.2 (Rev. 1) 29.03.2019
  105.3 Comments from statutory consultees CoP18 Doc. 105.3 30.04.2019 NA
    Annex 1 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A1 15.03.2019  
    Annex 2 - Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A2 30.04.2019  
    Annex 3 – Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A3 30.04.2019  
    Annex 4 – Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A4 30.04.2019  
    Annex 5 – International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A5 30.04.2019  
    Annex 6 – Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A6 30.04.2019  
    Annex 7 – International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A7 30.04.2019  
    Annex 8 – International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A8 30.04.2019  
    Annex 9 – North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO); CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A9 30.04.2019  
    Annex 10 – North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A10 30.04.2019  
    Annex 11 – North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A11 30.04.2019  
    Annex 12 – North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A12 30.04.2019  
    Annex 13 – North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A13 30.04.2019  
    Annex 14 – South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) CoP18 Doc. 105.3 A14 30.04.2019  
Conclusion of the meeting
106. Determination of the time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties No document    
107. Closing remarks (Observers, Parties, CITES Secretary-General, Host Government) No document    

1 List in alphabetical order of scientific names