Seventeenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties

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Johannesburg (South Africa), 24 September-05 October 2016

Provisional agenda and working documents

(all documents are provided here in PDF format)

Agenda item Document Posted/
updated on
Opening ceremony No document    
Welcoming addresses No document    
Administrative and financial matters
Election of Chair, Alternate Chair and Vice-Chairs of the meeting and of Chairs of Committees I and II
No document    
2. Adoption of the agenda
(changes to agenda item 88)
CoP17 Doc. 2 (Rev. 2) 10/06/2016
3. Adoption of the working programme
(changes to agenda item 88)
CoP17 Doc. 3 (Rev. 2) 08/07/2016 01/08/2016
4. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure      
  4.1 Report of the Secretariat
(amendments to Annex 2, Rules 9 and 26, and deletion of Annex 3)
CoP17 Doc. 4.1 (Rev. 1) 09/06/2016
  4.2 Proposal of Botswana and South Africa CoP17 Doc. 4.2 13/06/2016
  4.3 Proposal of Israel CoP17 Doc. 4.3 (Rev. 1) 13/06/2016
5. Credentials Committee      
  5.1 Establishment of the Credentials Committee No document    
  5.2 Report of the Credentials Committee No document    
6. Admission of observers CoP17 Doc. 6 (Rev. 1) 13/09/2016
7. Administration, finance and budget of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties      
  7.1 Administration of the Secretariat CoP17 Doc. 7.1 08/06/2016  
Report of the Executive Director of UNEP on administrative and other matters
(changes made to the table on programme support costs)
CoP17 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 1) 09/06/2016
  7.3 Financial reports for 2014-2016 CoP17 Doc. 7.3 08/06/2016  
    Annex 1: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2014 Annex 1 09/06/2016  
    Annex 2: CITES Trust Fund – status of contributions as of 31 December 2014 Annex 2 09/06/2016  
    Annex 3: CITES External Trust Fund – status of contributions as of 31 December 2014 Annex 3 09/06/2016  
    Annex 4: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2015 Annex 4 09/06/2016  
    Annex 5: CITES Trust Fund – status of contributions as of 31 December 2015 Annex 5 09/06/2016  
    Annex 6: CITES Trust Fund – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 December 2015 Annex 6 09/06/2016  
    Annex 7: CITES External Trust Fund – status of contributions as of 31 December 2015 Annex 7 09/06/2016  
    Annex 8: Statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserve and fund balance for the period 2014-2015 (English only) Annex 8 09/06/2016  
    Annex 9: Financial report on costed programme of work for 2016  Annex 9 16/08/2016  
    Annex 10: CITES Trust Fund – status of contributions Annex 10 10/08/2016  
    Annex 11: CITES Trust Fund – annual distribution of the unpaid contributions Annex 11 05/08/2016  
    Annex 12: CITES External Trust Fund – status of contributions Annex 12 05/08/2016  
    Annex 13: Statement of income and expenditure for the year 2015 Annex 13 16/08/2016  
    Annex 14: Draft CITES policy on interpretation and translation Annex 14 07/09/2016  
  7.4 Budget and work programme for 2017 to 2019 CoP17 Doc. 7.4 08/06/2016  
    Annex 1: Secretariat tasks under Resolutions and Decisions – CoP16-CoP17 Annex 1 26/08/2016  
    Annex 2: Budget scenario – zero real growth Annex 2 10/06/2016  
    Annex 3: Budget scenario – zero nominal growth Annex 3 10/06/2016  
    Annex 4: Budget scenario – incremental growth Annex 4 09/06/2016  
    Annex 5: Draft Resolution on Financing and the costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2017-2019 Annex 5 09/06/2016  
  7.5 Access to finance, including GEF funding CoP17 Doc. 7.5 08/06/2016  
8. Sponsored delegates project CoP17 Doc. 8 13/06/2016
Strategic matters
9. Revision of the CITES Strategic Vision: 2008-2020 CoP17 Doc. 9 14/06/2016  
10. Committee reports and recommendations      
  10.1 Standing Committee      
    10.1.1 Report of the Chair
(new paragraph 12)
CoP17 Doc. 10.1.1 (Rev. 1) 21/07/2016
    10.1.2 Election of new regional and alternate regional members No document    
  10.2 Animals Committee      
    10.2.1 Report of the Chair CoP17 Doc. 10.2.1 30/06/2016
    10.2.2 Election of new regional and alternate regional members No document    
  10.3 Plants Committee      
    10.3.1 Report of the Chair CoP17 Doc. 10.3.1 29/06/2016
    10.3.2 Election of new regional and alternate regional members No document    
11. Rules of Procedure for the CITES bodies CoP17 Doc. 11 09/06/2016  
12. Potential conflicts of interest in the Animals and Plants Committees CoP17 Doc. 12 08/06/2016
Establishment of the rural communities committee of the Conference of the Parties
CoP17 Doc. 13 14/06/2016
14. Cooperation with organizations and multilateral environmental agreements      
  14.1 Cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions CoP17 Doc. 14.1 08/06/2016
  14.2 International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime CoP17 Doc. 14.2 16/06/2016  
  14.3 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CoP17 Doc. 14.3 15/06/2016
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
CoP17 Doc. 14.4 09/06/2016
  14.5 Cooperation with other organizations CoP17 Doc. 14.5 21/06/2016  
  14.6 Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation on Biological Diversity  CoP17 Doc. 14.6 (Rev. 1) 13/06/2016
    Annex 3: Links on the flora species with online descriptions (English only) Annex 3 19/09/2016  
15. Capacity building CoP17 Doc. 15 08/06/2016  
16. CITES and livelihoods CoP17 Doc. 16 08/06/2016
17. Livelihoods and food security CoP17 Doc. 17 13/06/2016
18. Demand reduction      
Demand reduction strategies to combat illegal trade in CITES-listed species
CoP17 Doc. 18.1 13/06/2016
  18.2 Development of CITES demand-reduction guidelines 1 CoP17 Doc. 18.2 15/06/2016
19. United Nations World Wildlife Day CoP17 Doc. 19 08/06/2016  
Empowering the next generation: CITES and Youth Engagement – Report of the Youth Forum on People and Wildlife
CoP17 Doc. 20 13/06/2016
Interpretation and implementation matters
Existing Resolutions and Decisions      
21. Review of Resolutions and Decisions 
(paragraphs 12 and 15 added and changes to the Annex)
CoP17 Doc. 21 (Rev. 1) 20/06/2016
General compliance and enforcement      
22. National laws for implementation of the Convention CoP17 Doc. 22 24/06/2016  
  Annex 3: Status of legislative progress for implementing CITES (updated on 1 September 2016) (English only) Annex 3 (Rev. 1) 24/06/2016
23. CITES compliance matters CoP17 Doc. 23 08/07/2016  
24. National ivory action plans process
(changes to paragraph 31, decision 17.JJ and Annex to decision 17.AA para 2) iii a) ii)
CoP17 Doc. 24
(Rev. 1)
25. Enforcement matters CoP17 Doc. 25 08/07/2016  
  Annex 4: A review of wildlife forensic science and laboratory capacity to support the implementation and enforcement of CITES (English only) Annex 4 08/07/2016  
26. Illegal international trade in wildlife CoP17 Doc. 26 13/06/2016
27. Actions to combat wildlife trafficking CoP17 Doc. 27 13/06/2016
Prohibiting, preventing and countering corruption facilitating activities conducted in violation of the Convention
CoP17 Doc. 28 13/06/2016
29. Combating wildlife cybercrime CoP17 Doc. 29 13/06/2016
30. Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa1 CoP17 Doc. 30 15/06/2016
31. Implementation and enforcement of the Convention as it relates to the trade in species listed in Appendix I CoP17 Doc. 31 08/06/2016
32. Implementation of the Convention relating to captive-bred and ranched specimens  CoP17 Doc. 32 08/06/2016
33. Evaluation of the Review of Significant Trade CoP17 Doc. 33 04/07/2016
34. Disposal of illegally-traded and confiscated specimens of Appendix-I, -II and -III species CoP17 Doc. 34  13/06/2016
35. Review of reporting requirements      
  35.1 Report of the Standing Committee CoP17 Doc. 35.1 09/06/2016
  35.2 Report of the Secretariat CoP17 Doc. 35.2 08/06/2016  
Trade control and traceability      
36. Introduction from the sea CoP17 Doc. 36 20/06/2016
37. Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates CoP17 Doc. 37 08/06/2016
38. Identification of elephant and mammoth ivory in trade CoP17 Doc. 38 13/06/2016
    Addendum 29/09/2016  
39. Hunting trophies      
  39.1 Hunting trophies of species listed in Appendix I or II CoP17 Doc. 39.1 13/06/2016
  39.2 Trade in hunting trophies of species listed on Appendix II CoP17 Doc. 39.2 13/06/2016
International trade in live Appendix-II animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations
CoP17 Doc. 40 13/06/2016
41. Identification of origin of cetaceans bred or kept in captivity CoP17 Doc. 41 13/06/2016
Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 16.8 on Frequent cross-border non-commercial movements of musical instruments
CoP17 Doc. 42 13/06/2016
43. Review of the definition of ‘artificially propagated’ for plants CoP17 Doc. 43 13/06/2016
44. Electronic systems and information technologies CoP17 Doc. 44 (Rev. 1) 08/06/2016 18/08/2016  
45. Traceability CoP17 Doc. 45 08/06/2016  
46. Pilot testing of a global traceability information system for reptile skins CoP17 Doc. 46 13/06/2016
47. Stocks and stockpiles of specimens of CITES-listed species CoP17 Doc. 47 10/06/2016  
48. Identification of specimens in trade      
  48.1 Timber identification  CoP17 Doc. 48.1 13/06/2016
  48.2 Identification Manual CoP17 Doc. 48.2 09/06/2016  
Species specific matters 2
49. Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) CoP17 Doc. 49 09/06/2016
50. Sturgeons and paddlefish (Acipenseriformes spp.) CoP17 Doc. 50 20/06/2016
51. Conservation of and trade in Anguilla spp CoP17 Doc. 51 13/06/2016
52. Review of precious corals in international trade [Order Antipatharia/family Coralliidae] CoP17 Doc. 52 13/06/2016
53. Agarwood-producing taxa (Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.)      
  53.1 Implementation of the Convention for agarwood-producing taxa CoP17 Doc. 53.1 24/06/2016
  53.2 Sustainable production of agarwood-producing taxa (Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp.) CoP17 Doc. 53.2 08/06/2016  
54. Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) CoP17 Doc. 54 09/06/2016
55. Ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)      
  55.1 Action plan for Diospyros spp. and Dalbergia spp.: report from Madagascar No document    
  55.2 Implementation of the Convention for trade in Malagasy ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) CoP17 Doc. 55.2 08/06/2016  
56. Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)      
  56.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP17 Doc. 56.1 15/07/2016  
  56.2 Report of the Animals Committee CoP17 Doc. 56.2 24/06/2016
57. Elephants (Elephantidae spp.)      
  57.1 Implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP16) on Trade in elephant specimens CoP17 Doc. 57.1 25/07/2016  
    Annex 5: Illegal trade in live Asian elephants: a review of current legislative, regulatory, enforcement, and other measures acros range States (English only) Annex 5 25/07/2016  
  57.2 Closure of domestic markets for elephant ivory CoP17 Doc. 57.2 14/06/2016
  57.3 Ivory stockpiles: proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP16) on Trade in elephant specimens CoP17 Doc. 57.3 14/06/2016
  57.4 Trade in live elephants: Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP16) on Trade in elephant specimens CoP17 Doc. 57.4 14/06/2016
  57.5 Report on Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) CoP17 Doc. 57.5 08/06/2016  
      Addendum 22/09/2016  
  57.6 Report on the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS)
(changes made to the section on ivory stockpiles)
CoP17 Doc. 57.6 (Rev. 1) 28/06/2016
      Addendum 23/09/2016  
58. International trade in Encephalartos spp CoP17 Doc. 58 13/06/2016
59. Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) CoP17 Doc. 59 20/06/2016  
60. Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)      
  60.1 Report of the Standing Committee CoP17 Doc. 60.1 16/06/2016  
  60.2 Proposal of India CoP17 Doc. 60.2 13/06/2016
61. Great apes (Hominidae spp.) CoP17 Doc. 61 21/06/2016
62. International trade in rosewood timber species [LEGUMINOSAE (Fabaceae)]
(Mexico added as co-author)
CoP17 Doc. 62
(Rev. 1)
63. Guidelines to determine the possible impact of trade in lycaons (Lycaon pictus) on the conservation of the species  CoP17 Doc. 63 25/08/2016
64. Pangolins (Manis spp.) CoP17 Doc. 64 08/06/2016
65. Conservation of and trade in East African sandalwood (Osyris lanceolata) CoP17 Doc. 65 15/06/2016
66. Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii): enforcement measures CoP17 Doc. 66 08/06/2016
67. Harvesting of and trade in African cherry (Prunus africana) CoP17 Doc. 67 30/06/2016
68. Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.) CoP17 Doc. 68 20/06/2016  
  Annex 5: African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade (English only) Annex 5 27/07/2016  
69. Illegal trade in the helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil) CoP17 Doc. 69 13/06/2016
70. Saiga antelope (Saiga spp.) CoP17 Doc. 70 20/06/2016
71. Snake trade and conservation management (Serpentes spp.) CoP17 Doc. 71 10/06/2016
72. Regional cooperation on the management of and trade in the queen conch (Strombus gigas) CoP17 Doc. 72 04/07/2016  
73. Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.) CoP17 Doc. 73 28/06/2016  
74. Totoaba - Totoaba macdonaldi – Opportunities for international collaboration within the CITES framework
(Revision 1 - Spanish only)
CoP17 Doc. 74
CoP17 Doc. 74 (Rev.1)
75 Bushmeat      
  75.1 Review of Resolution Conf. 13.11 on Bushmeat CoP17 Doc. 75.1 01/07/2016
  75.2 Report of the Central Africa Bushmeat Working Group CoP17 Doc. 75.2 09/06/2016  
76. Neotropical tree species CoP17 Doc. 76 24/06/2016
77. International trade in African tree species CoP17 Doc. 77 13/06/2016
78. Sharing existing written science-based rationales and scientific information for non-detriment findings made for trade in CITES-listed species CoP17 Doc. 78 13/06/2016
79. Implementation of the CITES Strategic Vision: 2008-2020 CoP17 Doc. 79 13/06/2016
80. CITES Appendix III - an added-value for the conservation of threatened wildlife with restricted distribution CoP17 Doc. 80 13/06/2016
Maintenance of the Appendices      
81. Standard nomenclature      
  81.1 Standard nomenclature: Report of the Animals and Plants Committees CoP17 Doc. 81.1 30/06/2016
    Annex 1: New layout recommended for the Annex of Resolution Conf. 12.11 (Rev. CoP16)  Annex 1 30/06/2016  
    Annex 2: Recommended changes to the Annex of Resolution Conf. 12.11 (Rev. CoP16). List of standard references adopted by the Conference of the Parties in the current layout  Annex 2 30/06/2016  
    Annex 3: Draft decision on Nomenclature and identification of CITES-listed corals in trade Annex 3 30/06/2016  
    Annex 4: Draft decision on Use of time-specific versions of online databases as standard nomenclature references Annex 4 30/06/2016  
    Annex 5: Taxonomic checklist of amphibian species listed in the CITES Appendices and the Annexes of EC Regulation 338/97 (English only) Annex 5 30/06/2016  
    Annex 6: Taxonomic checklist of fish species listed in the CITES Appendices and the Annexes of EC Regulation 338/97 (English only) Annex 6 30/06/2016  
    Annex 7: Draft decision on Bird family and order names Annex 7 30/06/2016  
    Annex 8: Impact of nomenclature recommendations by the Animals Committee with regard to species and subspecies listed in the CITES Appendices (English only) (Amendment of proposed changes  in the Appendices for Cuora bourreti and Cuora picturata) Annex 8 (Rev.1) 30/06/2016
    Annex 9: Valid CITES scientific names for new species names not recommended for adoption (English only) Annex 9 30/06/2016  
    Annex 10: Impact of nomenclature recommendations - Flora (English only) Annex 10 (Rev. 2) 30/06/2016
  81.2 Standard nomenclature for Hippocampus spp. CoP17 Doc. 81.2 (Rev. 1) 13/06/2016
82. Periodic review of the Appendices      
  82.1 Revision of Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP16) on Periodic Review of species included in Appendices I and II CoP17 Doc. 82.1 30/06/2016
  82.2 Review of the Appendices: Felidae spp CoP17 Doc. 82.2 04/07/2016
83. Annotations      
  83.1 Report of the Standing Committee CoP17 Doc. 83.1 24/06/2016
  83.2 Annotations for species listed in the CITES Appendices: Report of the working group CoP17 Doc. 83.2 13/06/2016
  83.3 Annotations for Appendix II orchids CoP17 Doc. 83.3 13/06/2016
84. Decision-making mechanism for a process of trade in ivory      
  84.1 Report of the Standing Committee CoP17 Doc. 84.1 30/06/2016
  84.2 Proposal of Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger and Senegal CoP17 Doc. 84.2 13/06/2016
  84.3 Proposal of Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe CoP17 Doc. 84.3 13/06/2016
85. Extinct or possibly extinct species CoP17 Doc. 85 01/07/2016
86. Review of Resolution Conf. 10.9 on Consideration of proposals for the transfer of African elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II CoP17 Doc. 86 13/06/2016
87. Freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygonidae spp.) CoP17 Doc. 87 22/06/2016

Amendment of the Appendices

88. Proposals to amend Appendices I and II      
  88.1 Secretariat's assessment of the proposals to amend Appendices I and II CoP17 Doc. 88.1 23/08/2016  
    Annex 1: List of proposals to amend Appendices I and II and Secretariat's recommendations  Annex 1 23/08/2016  
    Annex 2: Comments and recommendations from the Secretariat (English only) Annex 2A - Fauna
Annex 2B - Flora
  88.2 Comments from Parties
(Change in Parties that submitted comments)
CoP17 Doc. 88.2 (Rev.) 02/08/2016
    Annex 1: Brazil Annex 1 02/08/2016  
    Annex 2: Burkina Faso  Annex 2 02/08/2016  
    Annex 3: Democratic Republic of the Congo Annex 3 02/08/2016  
    Annex 4: Indonesia Annex 4 02/08/2016  
    Annex 5: Japan Annex 5 02/08/2016  
    Annex 6: Kenya Annex 6 02/08/2016  
    Annex 7: Liberia Annex 7 02/08/2016  
    Annex 8: Niger Annex 8 02/08/2016  
    Annex 9: Nigeria Annex 9 02/08/2016  
    Annex 10: Qatar Annex 10 02/08/2016  
    Annex 11: Senegal Annex 11 02/08/2016  
    Annex 12: Ukraine Annex 12 02/08/2016  
    Annex 13: United States of America Annex 13 02/08/2016  
  88.3 Comments from statutory consultees CoP17 Doc. 88.3 02/08/2016  
    Annex 1: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) Annex 1 02/08/2016  
    Annex 2: Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) Annex 2 02/08/2016  
    Annex 3: Commission for Inland Fisheries and Agriculture of Latin America and the Caribbean (COPESCAALC) Annex 3 02/08/2016  
    Annex 4: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Annex 4 02/08/2016  
    Annex 5: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Annex 5 02/08/2016  
    Annex 6: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Annex 6 02/08/2016  
    Annex 7: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) Annex 7 02/08/2016  
    Annex 8: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) Annex 8 02/08/2016  
    Annex 9: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Annex 9 02/08/2016  
    Annex 10: North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) Annex 10 02/08/2016  
    Annex 11: South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization (SPRFMO) Annex 11 02/08/2016  
    Annex 12: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Annex 12 02/08/2016  
    Annex 13: Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) Annex 13 02/08/2016  
Conclusion of the meeting
89. Determination of the time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties No document    
90. Closing remarks (Observers, Parties, CITES Secretary General, Host Government) No document    

1.Agenda items 18.2 and 30 are based on a single working document with two distinct parts.
2.List in alphabetical order of scientific names.