Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties 

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Doha (Qatar), 13-25 March 2010

Proposals for amendment of Appendices I and II

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Higher taxa Species covered by the proposal Proposal number and proponent Proposal Posted/updated on
Canidae Canis lupus CoP15 Prop. 1 Switzerland, as Depositary Government, at the request of the Animals Committee Addition of an annotation to the species Canis lupus listed in Appendices I and II reading:

"Excludes the domesticated form and the dingo which are referenced as Canis lupus familiaris and Canis lupus dingo"
Felidae Lynx rufus CoP15 Prop. 2 United States of America Deletion from Appendix II 01/12/09
Ursidae Ursus maritimus CoP15 Prop. 3 United States of America Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I 21/12/09
Elephantidae   Loxodonta africana CoP15 Prop. 4 (Rev. 1) United Republic of Tanzania Transfer the population of the United Republic of Tanzania from Appendix I to Appendix II with an annotation to read:

"For the exclusive purpose of the following:

a)    trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes;
b)    trade in registered raw ivory (whole tusks and pieces) subject to the following:
       i)     a one-off sale of 89,848.74 kg from registered government-owned stocks, originating in Tanzania (excluding seized ivory and ivory of unknown origin);
       ii)    only to trading partners that have been already designated by the Standing Committee, as having sufficient national legislation and domestic trade controls to ensure that the imported ivory will not be re-exported and will be managed in accordance with all requirements of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP14) concerning domestic manufacturing and trade. These are Japan designated as a trading partner at the 54th meeting (Geneva, October 2006), and China designated as a trading partner at the 57th meeting (SC57, Geneva, July 2008);
       iii)    not before the Secretariat has verified the registered government-owned stocks;
       iv)   the proceeds of the trade are used exclusively for elephant conservation, community conservation and development programmes within or adjacent to the elephant range in Tanzania;
       v)    Tanzania will not present further proposals to allow trade in elephant ivory from its population in Appendix II to the Conference of the Parties for the period from CoP15 and ending six years from the date of the single sale of ivory that is to take place in accordance with provisions in paragraphs b) i), b) ii), b) iii), b) iv). In addition such further proposal shall be dealt with in accordance with Decisions 14.77 and 14.78;
c)    trade in raw hides;
d)    trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations, as defined in Resolution Conf. 11.20.

The Standing Committee can decide to cause the trade in a), b), c) and d) above to cease partially or completely in the event of non-compliance by exporting or importing countries, or in the case of proven detrimental impacts of the trade on other elephant populations as may be proposed by the CITES Secretariat.

All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly".
Loxodonta africana CoP15 Prop. 5 Zambia Transfer of the population of Zambia from Appendix I to Appendix II for the exclusive purposes of allowing:

a)    trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial purposes;
b)    trade in live animals to appropriate and acceptable destinations, as defined in Resolution Conf. 11.20;
c)    trade in raw hides;
d)    trade in registered raw ivory subject to the following:
       i)     a one-off sale of 21,692.23 kg as ivory from registered government-owned stocks, originating in Zambia (excluding seized ivory and ivory of unknown origin);
       ii)    only to trading partners that have already been designated by the Standing Committee, as having sufficient national legislation and domestic trade controls to ensure that the imported ivory will not be re-exported and will be managed in accordance with all requirements of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP14) concerning domestic manufacturing and trade: these are Japan designated as a trading partner at the 54th meeting (SC54 Geneva, October 2006), and China designated as a trading partner at the 57th meeting (SC57, Geneva, July 2008);
       iii)    not before the Secretariat has verified the registered government-owned stocks;
       iv)   the proceeds of the trade are used exclusively for elephant conservation and community conservation and development programmes within or adjacent to the elephant range in Zambia;
       v)    on a proposal from the Secretariat, the Standing Committee can decide to cause this trade to cease partially or completely in the event of non-compliance by exporting or importing countries, or in the case of proven detrimental impacts of the trade on other elephant populations. All other specimens shall be deemed to be specimens of species included in Appendix I and the trade in them shall be regulated accordingly.
Loxodonta africana CoP15 Prop. 6 Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Rwanda and Sierra Leone i)     Remove the following paragraph from the annotation regarding the populations of Loxodonta africana of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe:
       h)    no further proposals to allow trade in elephant ivory from populations already in Appendix II shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties for the period from CoP14 and ending nine years from the date of the single sale of ivory that is to take place in accordance with provisions in paragraphs g) i), g) ii), g) iii), g) vi) and g) vii). In addition such further proposals shall be dealt with in accordance with Decisions 14.77 and 14.78.
ii)    Include an annotation regarding all populations of Loxodonta africana, as follows:
       "No further proposals concerning trade in African elephant ivory, including proposals to downlist elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II, shall be submitted to the Conference of the Parties for the period from CoP14 and ending twenty years from the date of the single sale of ivory that took place in November 2008. Following this twenty year resting period, any elephant proposals shall be dealt with in accordance with Decisions 14.77 and 14.78."
iii)   Remove paragraph (f) in the annotation to the CITES Appendices governing the elephant populations of Namibia and Zimbabwe:
       f)     trade in individually marked and certified ekipas incorporated infinishedjewellery for non-commercial purposes for Namibia and ivory carvings for non-commercial purposes for Zimbabwe.
Anatidae Anas oustaleti CoP15 Prop. 7 Switzerland, as Depositary Government, at the request of the Animals Committee

Deletion from Appendix I

Crocodylidae   Crocodylus moreletii CoP15 Prop. 8 Mexico Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II with a zero quota for wild specimens 21/01/10
Crocodylus niloticus CoP15 Prop. 9 Egypt Transfer of the Egyptian population from Appendix I to Appendix II 17/11/09
Agamidae Uromastyx ornata CoP15 Prop. 10 Israel Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I 01/12/09
Iguanidae  Ctenosaura bakeri, C. oedirhina and C. melanosterna CoP15 Prop. 11 Honduras Inclusion in Appendix II 15/01/10
Ctenosaura palearis CoP15 Prop. 12 Guatemala Inclusion of Ctenosaura palearis in Appendix II 15/01/10
Hylidae Agalychnis spp. CoP15 Prop. 13 Honduras and Mexico Inclusion in Appendix II 21/01/10
Salamandridae Neurergus kaiseri CoP15 Prop. 14 Islamic Republic of Iran Inclusion in Appendix I 17/11/09
Sphyrna lewini, S. mokarran, S. zygaena, Carcharhinus plumbeus, C. obscurus CoP15 Prop. 15 Palau and United States of America Inclusion in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"The entry into effect of the inclusion of these species in Appendix II of CITES will be delayed by 18 months to enable Parties to resolve the related technical and administrative issues."
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus longimanus CoP15 Prop. 16 Palau and United States of America Inclusion in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"The entry into effect of the inclusion of Carcharhinus longimanus in Appendix II of CITES will be delayed by 18 months to enable Parties to resolve the related technical and administrative issues."
Lamnidae Lamna nasus CoP15 Prop. 17Annex Palau and Sweden* Inclusion in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"The entry into effect of the inclusion of Lamna nasus in Appendix II of CITES will be delayed by 18 months to enable Parties to resolve related technical and administrative issues, such as the possible designation of an additional Management Authority and adoption of Customs codes."
Squalidae Squalus acanthias CoP15 Prop. 18 Palau and Sweden* Inclusion in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"The entry into effect of the inclusion of Squalus acanthias in Appendix II of CITES will be delayed by 18 months to enable Parties to resolve related technical and administrative issues, such as the development of stock assessments and collaborative management agreements for shared stocks and the possible designation of an additional Scientific or Management Authority."
Scombridae Thunnus thynnus CoP15 Prop. 19 Monaco Inclusion in Appendix I 16/12/09
Scarabaeidae Dynastes satanas CoP15 Prop. 20 The Plurinational State of Bolivia Inclusion in Appendix II 12/01/10
Coralliidae Coralliidae spp. (Corallium spp. and Paracorallium spp.) CoP15 Prop. 21 Sweden* and United States of America Inclusion of all species in the family in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"The entry into effect of the inclusion of species in the family Coralliidae in Appendix II of CITES will be delayed by 18 months to enable Parties to resolve the related technical and administrative issues."
ANACARDIACEAE    Operculicarya decaryi CoP15 Prop. 22 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Operculicarya hyphaenoides CoP15 Prop. 23 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Operculicarya pachypus CoP15 Prop. 24 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
CACTACEAE and all taxa with annotation #1 CACTACEAE spp. and all taxa with annotation #1 CoP15 Prop. 25 Mexico and United States of America, on behalf of the Plants Committee Delete annotations #1 and #4 and replace them both with the following new annotation for plant taxa listed in Appendix II:

"All parts and derivatives, except:
a)    seeds (including seedpods of Orchidaceae), spores and pollen (including pollinia) except those seeds from Cactaceae spp. exported from Mexico;
b)    seedlings or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers;
c)    cut flowers of artificially propagated plants;
d)    fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genera Vanilla (Orchidaceae), Opuntia subgenus Opuntia (Cactaceae), Hylocereus and Selenicereus (Cactaceae);
e)    stems, flowers, and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genera Opuntia subgenus Opuntia and Selenicereus (Cactaceae); and
f)    finished products of Euphorbia antisyphilitica packaged and ready for retail trade."
Amend footnote 6 as follows (delete struck-through text):
Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids and/or cultivars are not subject to the provisions of the Convention:
–     Hatiora x graeseri
–     Schlumbergera x buckleyi
–     Schlumbergera russelliana x Schlumbergera truncata
–     Schlumbergera orssichiana x Schlumbergera truncata
–     Schlumbergera opuntioides x Schlumbergera truncata
–     Schlumbergera truncata (cultivars)
–     Cactaceae spp. colour mutants lacking chlorophyll, grafted on the following grafting stocks: Harrisia 'Jusbertii', Hylocereus trigonus or Hylocereus undatus
–     Opuntia microdasys (cultivars)
CUCURBITACEAE  Zygosicyos pubescens CoP15 Prop. 26 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Zygosicyos tripartitus CoP15 Prop. 27 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia misera CoP15 Prop. 28 Mexico and United States of America Deletion from Appendix II 17/11/09
LAURACEAE Aniba rosaeodora CoP15 Prop. 29 Brazil Inclusion in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"#11      Designates logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood and essential oil."
[According to the standard nomenclatural reference adopted by the Conference of the Parties, this species is within the Family "LEGUMINOSAE (Fabaceae)"]
Senna meridionalis CoP15 Prop. 30 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
ORCHIDACEAE ORCHIDACEAE spp. included in Appendix I CoP15 Prop. 31 United States of America Amend the annotation to the listing of Orchidaceae included in Appendix I, as follows:

Delete the current annotation, which states:
       For all of the following Appendix-I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention.
Replace with the following new annotation:
"For all of the following Appendix-I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, and transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention only if the specimens meet the definition of ‘artificially propagated’ agreed by the Conference of the Parties."
PALMAE (Arecaceae)   Beccariophoenix madagascariensis CoP15 Prop. 32 Madagascar Inclusion of the seeds of the species in Appendix II 16/12/09
Dypsis decaryi
[According to the standard nomenclatural reference adopted by the Conference of the Parties, this species is named Neodypsis decaryi]
CoP15 Prop. 33 Madagascar Inclusion of the seeds of the species in Appendix II 16/12/09
PASSIFLORACEAE   Adenia firingalavensis CoP15 Prop. 34 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Adenia olaboensis CoP15 Prop. 35 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Adenia subsessifolia
[According to the standard nomenclatural reference adopted by the Conference of the Parties, this species is named Adenia subsessilifolia]
CoP15 Prop. 36 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
PROTEACEAE   Orothamnus zeyheri CoP15 Prop. 37 South Africa Deletion from Appendix II 23/11/09
Protea odorata CoP15 Prop. 38 South Africa Deletion from Appendix II 17/11/09
VITACEAE    Cyphostemma elephantopus CoP15 Prop. 39 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Cyphostemma laza CoP15 Prop. 40 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
Cyphostemma montagnacii CoP15 Prop. 41 Madagascar Inclusion in Appendix II 16/12/09
ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Bulnesia sarmientoi CoP15 Prop. 42 Argentina Inclusion in Appendix II with the following annotation:

"#11      Designates logs, sawn wood, veneer sheets, plywood, powder and extracts."

*    on behalf of the European Union Member States acting in the interest of the European Union