Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties 

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Doha (Qatar), 13-25 March 2010

In-session documents

(All documents are provided here in PDF format)

From the Plenary:

Document title/content
1. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties concerning the Rules of Procedure of the Animals and Plants Committees CoP15 Plen. Doc. 1
2. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties concerning the Memorandum of Understanding between CITES and FAO CoP15 Plen. Doc. 2

From the Committee I:

Document title/content
1. Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties on standard nomenclature CoP15 Com.I. 1
2. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties on Cedrela odorata, Dalbergia retusa, Dalbergia granadillo and Dalbergia stevensonii CoP15 Com.I. 2
3. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding Saiga antelope CoP15 Com.I. 3
4. Draft revision of Resolution Conf 10.13 (Rev. CoP14) on Implementation of the Convention for timber species and draft decisions regarding agar-wood producing taxa CoP15 Com.I. 4
5. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP14) - Regulation of trade in plants CoP15 Com.I. 5
6. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding hawksbill turtles CoP15 Com.I. 6
7. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding non-detriment findings for timber, medicinal plants and agarwood CoP15 Com.I. 7
8. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding annotations to the Appendices for plants CoP15 Com.I. 8
9. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding non-detriment findings CoP15 Com.I. 9
10. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning review of significant trade in specimens of Appendix-II plant species CoP15 Com.I. 10
11. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding Aniba roseaodora CoP15 Com.I. 11
12. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) CoP15 Com.I. 12
13. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding criteria for the inclusion of species in Appendices I and II CoP15 Com.I. 13
14. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning the Working Group on Bigleaf Mahogany and Other Neotropical Timber Species CoP15 Com.I. 14
15. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning Madagascar CoP15 Com.I. 15
16. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding tortoises and freshwater turtles CoP15 Com.I. 16
17. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 11.16 (Rev. CoP14) and Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP14) and draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties CoP15 Com.I. 17
18. Draft revision of decision 13.26 (Rev. CoP14) and draft revision of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.I. 18
19. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties concerning Bulnesia sarmientoi CoP15 Com.I. 19
20. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding snake trade and conservation management CoP15 Com.I. 20

From the Committee II:

Document title/content
1. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding cooperation between Parties and promotion of multilateral measures CoP15 Com.II. 1
2. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding CITES and livelihoods CoP15 Com.II. 2
3. Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties regarding wildlife trade policy reviews CoP15 Com.II. 3
4. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 12.10 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 4
5. Review of Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP14) - Definition of hunting trophy CoP15 Com.II. 5
6. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding capacity building CoP15 Com.II. 6
7. Draft amendment to Resolution Conf. 11.10 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 7
8. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 5.10 CoP15 Com.II. 8
9. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 9.5 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 9
10. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 9.7 (Rev. CoP13) CoP15 Com.II. 10
11. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 12.11 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 11
12. Draft amendments to Resolution Conf. 11.1 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 12
13. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding transport of live specimens CoP15 Com.II. 13
14. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 14.6 and draft revision of decision 14.48 CoP15 Com.II. 14
15. Draft revision of decisions 14.37 and 14.38 CoP15 Com.II. 15
16. Draft revision of decisions 14.39 to 14.41 CoP15 Com.II. 16
17. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 4.6 (Rev. CoP13) CoP15 Com.II. 17
18. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 9.10 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 18
19. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning bushmeat CoP15 Com.II. 19
20. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 10.7 CoP15 Com.II. 20
21. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 11.21 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 21
22. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties regarding funding for projects related to species conservation and management CoP15 Com.II. 22
23. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties concerning trade in elephant specimens CoP15 Com.II. 23
24. Draft revision of Resolution Conf 8.4 (Rev. CoP14) and draft decisions concerning national laws for implementation of the Convention CoP15 Com.II. 24
25. Review of Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP14) on compliance and enforcement CoP15 Com.II. 25
26. Draft revision of decision 14.74 concerning bushmeat CoP15 Com.II. 26
27. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning rhinoceroses CoP15 Com.II. 27
28. Draft revision of Resolution Conf 11.3 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 28
29. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties amd draft revision of Resolution Conf 9.14 (Rev. CoP14) concerning rhinoceroses CoP15 Com.II. 29
30. Review of Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP14) - Definition of hunting trophy CoP15 Com.II. 30
31. Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties and draft revision of Resolution Conf. 12.5 CoP15 Com.II. 31
32. Revision of decision 14.54 concerning purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates CoP15 Com.II. 32
33. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning electronic permitting toolkit CoP15 Com.II. 33
34. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning the use of taxonomic serial numbers CoP15 Com.II. 34
35. Draft revision of Resolution Conf 14.6 and draft revision of decision 14.48 concerning introduction from the sea CoP15 Com.II. 35
36. Draft revision of Resolution Conf 9.25 (Rev. CoP14) regarding inclusion of species in Appendix III CoP15 Com.II. 36
37. Draft revision of Resolution Conf 12.10 (Rev. CoP14) CoP15 Com.II. 37
38. Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties on financing of the costed programme of work of the Secretariat for the biennium 2012-2013 CoP15 Com.II. 38
39. Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties on financing of the costed programme of work of the Secretariat for the biennium 2012-2013 CoP15 Com.II. 39
40. Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning humphead wrasse CoP15 Com.II. 40
41. Draft revision of Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP14) – Permits and certificates CoP15 Com.II. 41