Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties - Agenda and working documents

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Doha (Qatar), 13-25 March 2010

Agenda and working documents

(all documents are provided here in PDF format)

Agenda item Document
updated on
Opening of the meeting
Opening ceremony no document
Welcoming addresses no document
Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the meeting and of the Chairs of Committees I and II and the Credentials Committee no document
Administrative matters
1. Adoption of the agenda CoP15 Doc. 1(Rev. 1) 24/02/2010
2. Adoption of the working programme CoP15 Doc. 2 (Rev. 1)
(Rev. 2)
3. Rules of Procedure CoP15 Doc. 3 03/12/2009
4. Credentials Committee    
  4.1 Establishment of the Credentials Committee no document  
  4.2 Report of the Credential Committee CoP15 Doc. 4.2  
5. Admission of observers CoP15 Doc. 5 11/03/2010
6. Financing and budgeting of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties    
  6.1 Terms of reference of the Finance and Budget Subcommittee CoP15 Doc. 6.1 20/10/2009
  6.2 Financial reports for the years 2007 and 2008 CoP15 Doc. 6.2 (Rev. 1) 20/10/2009
    Annex 1: Actual expenditure for 2007 by category of service CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A1
    Annex 2: Actual expenditure for 2008 by category of service CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A2
    Annex 3: Status of contributions as of 31 december 2008 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A3
    Annex 4: Contributions received in 2007 for each month (cumulative) CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A4
    Annex 5: Contributions received in 2008 for each month (cumulative) CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A5
    Annex 6: Annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 december 2008 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1)  A6
    Annex 7: Statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserves and fund balances for the period 2007 and 2008 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A7
    Annex 8 a): The certified accounts of the Trust Fund of the Convention for the biennium 2006-2007 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A8 a)
    Annex 8 b): The certified accounts of external funding in support of CITES activities for the biennium 2006-2007 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A8 b)
    Annex 9 a): The certified accounts of the Trust Fund of the Convention for the biennium 2006-2007 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A9 a)
    Annex 9 b): The certified accounts of external funding in support of CITES activities for 2008 CoP15 Doc. 6.2
(Rev. 1) A9 b)
  6.3 Implementation of the costed programme of work for 2009 CoP15 Doc. 6.3(Rev. 1) 20/10/2009
    Annex 1: Costed programme of work for the CITES Secretariat for 2009 CoP15 Doc. 6.3
(Rev. 1) A1
    Annex 2: Status of contributions as of 31 December 2009 CoP15 Doc. 6.3
(Rev. 1) A2
    Annex 3: Contributions received in 2009 for each month (cumulative) CoP15 Doc. 6.3
(Rev. 1) A3
    Annex 4: Statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserves and fund balances for the period 2009 CoP15 Doc. 6.3
(Rev. 1) A4
  6.4 Implementation of the costed programme of work for 2010 and 2011 CoP15 Doc. 6.4(Rev. 1) 20/10/2009
    Annex 1: Costed programme of work for the CITES Secretariat for 2010 CoP15 Doc. 6.4
(Rev. 1) A1
    Annex 2: Costed programme of work for the CITES Secretariat for 2011 CoP15 Doc. 6.4
(Rev. 1) A2
  6.5 Costed programme of work for 2012 to 2013 CoP15 Doc. 6.5(Rev. 1) 22/10/2009
    Annex 1: Costed programme of work for the CITES Secretariat for the biennium 2012-2013 CoP15 Doc. 6.5
(Rev. 1) A1
    Annex 2: Standard figures used in calculating staff costs for the biennium 2012-2013 CoP15 Doc. 6.5
(Rev. 1) A2
    Annex 3: Comparison between different scenarios for an average annual increase in contributions to the CITES Trust Fund in 2012- 2013 and a drawdown from the Trust Fund reserve of $ 250,000 per year CoP15 Doc. 6.5
(Rev. 1) A3
    Annex 4: Proposed budget for the biennium 2012-2013 CoP15 Doc. 6.5
(Rev. 1) A4
    Annex 5: Scale of contributions for the biennium 2012-2013 CoP15 Doc. 6.5 (Rev. 1) A5 (Rev.1) 22/10/2009
    Annex 6: Draft Resolution CoP15 Doc. 6.5
(Rev. 1) A6


6.6 Non-payment of contributions CoP15 Doc. 6.6 (Rev. 1) 22/10/2009


  Annex 1: Annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 december 2009

CoP15 Doc. 6.6(Rev. 1) A1



  Annex 2: Draft decision of the conference of the parties CoP15 Doc. 6.6
(Rev. 1) A2
Strategic matters
7. Committee reports and recommendations  
  7.1 Standing Committee  
    7.1.1 Report of the Chair CoP15 Doc. 7.1.1  
    7.1.2 Election of regional and alternate regional members CoP15 Doc. 7.1.2 (Rev. 1) 18/02/2010
  7.2 Animals Committee    
    7.2.1 Report of the Chair CoP15 Doc. 7.2.1 30/10/2009
    7.2.2 Election of regional and alternate regional members CoP15 Doc. 7.2.2 (Rev. 1) 18/02/2010
  7.3 Plants Committee    
    7.3.1 Report of the Chair CoP15 Doc. 7.3.1 (Rev. 1) 21/01/2010
    7.3.2 Election of regional and alternate regional members CoP15 Doc. 7.3.2(Rev. 1) 18/02/2010
8. Implementation of the Strategic Vision: 2008-2013 CoP15 Doc. 8 05/11/2009
9. Review of the scientific committees CoP15 Doc. 9 26/10/2009
10. Cooperation with other organizations    
  10.1 Synergy with biodiversity-related international initiatives CoP15 Doc. 10.1 05/11/2009
  10.2 Cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations CoP15 Doc. 10.2 05/11/2009
  10.3 CCAMLR: report on toothfish CoP15 Doc. 10.3  
  10.4 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation of the Convention on Biological Diversity CoP15 Doc. 10.4 11/11/2009
  10.5 Statements from representatives of other conventions and agreements no document  
11. Cooperation with international financial institutions no document  
12. Harmonization of nomenclature and taxonomy with other Multilateral Environmental Agreements CoP15 Doc. 12 26/10/2009
13. Cooperation between Parties and promotion of multilateral measures CoP15 Doc. 13 05/11/2009
14. CITES and livelihoods CoP15 Doc. 14 05/11/2009
15. National wildlife trade policy reviews CoP15 Doc. 15 27/10/2009
16. Capacity Building    
  16.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP15 Doc. 16.1 26/10/2009
  16.2 International expert workshop on non-detriment findings    
    16.2.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP15 Doc. 16.2.1 28/10/2009
    16.2.2 Report of the Animals and Plants Committees CoP15 Doc. 16.2.2 26/11/2009
  16.3 Non-detriment findings for timber, medicinal plants and agarwood CoP15 Doc. 16.3 25/11/2009
17. Incentives for the implementation of the Convention CoP15 Doc. 17 05/11/2009
Interpretation and implementation of the Convention
Review of Resolutions and Decisions  
18. Review of Resolutions CoP15 Doc. 18 20/10/2009
  Annex 1: Conf. 5.10 – Definition of 'primarily commercial purposes' CoP15 Doc. 18A1 20/10/2009
  Annex 2: Conf. 7.12 (Rev.) – Marking requirements for trade in specimens of taxa with populations in both Appendix I and Appendix II CoP15 Doc. 18A2 20/10/2009
  Annex 3: Conf. 9.5 (Rev. CoP14) – Trade with States not party to the Convention CoP15 Doc. 18A3 20/10/2009
  Annex 4: Conf. 9.7 (Rev. CoP13) – Transit and transhipment CoP15 Doc. 18A4 20/10/2009
  Annex 5: Conf. 9.10 (Rev. CoP14) – Disposal of illegally traded, confiscated and accumulated specimens CoP15 Doc. 18A5 20/10/2009
  Annex 6: Conf. 9.19 (Rev.CoP13) – Guidelines for the registration of nurseries exporting artificially propagated specimens of Appendix-I species CoP15 Doc. 18A6 20/10/2009
  Annex 7: Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP14) – Trade in elephant specimens CoP15 Doc. 18A7 20/10/2009

Annex 8: Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP14) – Regulation of trade in plants

CoP15 Doc. 18A8 20/10/2009
  Annex 9: Conf. 11.21 (Rev. CoP14) – Use of annotations in Appendices I and II CoP15 Doc. 18A9 23/10/2009
  Annex 10: Conf. 12.2 – Procedure for approval of externally funded projects CoP15 Doc. 18A10 30/10/2009
  Annex 11: Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP14) – Permits and certificates CoP15 Doc. 18A11 30/10/2009
  Annex 12: Conf. 12.10 (Rev. CoP14) – Guidelines for a procedure to register and monitor operations that breed Appendix-I animal species for commercial purposes CoP15 Doc. 18A12 11/11/2009
  Annex 12.d): Canadian form to apply for CITES registration of a captive-breeding operation CoP15 Doc. 18A12d) 11/11/2009
  Annex 13: Conf. 14.7 – Management of nationally established export quotas CoP15 Doc. 18A13 30/10/2009
19. Review of Decisions CoP15 Doc. 19 13/11/2009
Compliance and enforcement    
20. National laws for implementation of the Convention CoP15 Doc. 20 05/11/2009
21. National reports CoP15 Doc. 21 05/11/2009
22. Reporting on trade in artificially propagated plants CoP15 Doc. 22 26/10/2009
23. Standard units of reporting trade in agarwood-producing taxa CoP15 Doc. 23 26/10/2009
24. Enforcement matters CoP15 Doc. 24 26/10/2009
25. Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP14) on Compliance and enforcement (Sweden*) CoP15 Doc. 25 09/11/2009
26. Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II plant species

CoP15 Doc. 26 (Rev. 1)

Trade control and marking    
27. Introduction from the sea CoP15 Doc. 27 04/11/2009
28. Ranching and trade in ranched specimens CoP15 Doc. 28 27/10/2009
29. Production systems for specimens of CITES-listed species CoP15 Doc. 29 26/10/2009
30. Electronic permitting    
  30.1 Electronic permitting toolkit CoP15 Doc. 30.1 26/10/2009
    Toolkit (English only) CoP15 Doc. 30.1T 30/10/2009
  30.2 Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP14) on Permits and certificates (Sweden*)

CoP15 Doc. 30.2
(Rev. 1)


31. Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates CoP15 Doc. 31 26/10/2009
32. E-commerce of specimens of CITES-listed species CoP15 Doc. 32 26/10/2009
33. Transport of live specimens CoP15 Doc. 33 13/11/2009
34. Review of the universal tagging system and trade in small crocodilian leather goods CoP15 Doc. 34 05/11/2009
35. Standard nomenclature CoP15 Doc. 35
(Rev. 1)
(Rev. 2)
(Rev. 3)
36. Identification of CITES-listed corals in trade (United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 36 11/11/2009
37. Identification of worked specimens of black coral (Antipatharia) and parts thereof in trade (Sweden*) CoP15 Doc. 37 11/11/2009
38. Identification Manual CoP15 Doc. 38 26/10/2009
39. Using the taxonomic serial number (TSN) in international wildlife trade data: a role for CITES (Canada) CoP15 Doc. 39 04/11/2009
Exemptions and special trade provisions    
40. Personal and household effects CoP15 Doc. 40 05/11/2009
41. Applications to register operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes    
  41.1 Consideration of operations subject to an objection CoP15 Doc. 41.1 26/10/2009

Annex 1: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Amazona barbadensis

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A1 18/11/2009

Annex 2: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Ara ambigua

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A2 18/11/2009

Annex 3: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Ara macao

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A3 18/11/2009

Annex 4: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Cacatua sulphurea abbotti

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A4 18/11/2009

Annex 5: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A5 18/11/2009

Annex 6: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A6 18/11/2009

Annex 7: Application from Birds International, Inc. (Philippines) to register Cacatua moluccensis

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A7 18/11/2009

Annex 8: Pre-convention certificate from the Philippines

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A8 18/11/2009

Annex 9: Objection from Australia

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A9 18/11/2009

Annex 10: Objection from the United States

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A10 18/11/2009

Annex 11: Recommendations of the Animals Committee on the applications from the Philippines

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A11 18/11/2009

Annex 12: Application from Pacific Northwest Falcons (United States) to register Falco rusticolus and F. peregrinus x F. rusticolus

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A12 18/11/2009

Annex 13: Application from David Knutson (United States) to register Falco peregrinus

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A13 18/11/2009

Annex 14: Application from Hollister Longwings (United States) to register Falco rusticolus , F. peregrinus and F. rusticolus x F. peregrinus

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A14 18/11/2009

Annex 15: Objection from the Philippines to the registration of Pacific Northwest Falcons

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A15 18/11/2009

Annex 16: Objection from the Philippines to the registration of David Knutson and Hollister Longwings

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A16 18/11/2009

Annex 17: Recommendations of the Animals Committee on the applications from the United States

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A17 18/11/2009

Annex 18: Response from the United States to the Philippines 'objection to the registration of Pacific Northwest Falcons

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A18 18/11/2009

Annex 19: Response from the United States to Philippines 'objection to the registration of David Knutson and Hollister Longwings

CoP15 Doc. 41.1 A19 18/11/2009

Request from the Philippines regarding Birds International (Philippines)

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 05/11/2009

Annex 1: Amazona ochrocephala auropalliata

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A1 12/11/2009

Annex 2: Amazona ochrocephala oratrix

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A2 12/11/2009

Annex 3: Amazona viridigenalis

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A3 12/11/2009

Annex 4: Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A4 12/11/2009

Annex 5: Ara militaris

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A5 12/11/2009

Annex 6: Ara rubrogenys

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A6 12/11/2009

Annex 7: Cacatua goffini

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A7

Annex 8: Propyrrhura maracana

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 A8 12/11/2009

Annex A:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AA 12/11/2009

Annex B1:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AB1 12/11/2009

Annex B2:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AB2 12/11/2009

Annex B3:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AB3 12/11/2009

Annex C: Memorandum of understanding between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of Bolivia

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AC 12/11/2009

Annex D: Memorandum of understanding between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and The Government of the Republic of Indonesia

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AD 12/11/2009

Annex E1: Pre-convention certificate

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AE1 12/11/2009

Annex E2:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AE2 12/11/2009

Annex F:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AF 12/11/2009

Annex G1:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AG1 12/11/2009

Annex G2:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AG2 12/11/2009

Annex G3:

CoP15 Doc. 41.2 AG3 12/11/2009
  41.3 Request from the United States of America regarding Richard W. Anderson (United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 41.3 05/11/2009
  41.4 Request from the United States of America regarding Stephen C. Brown (United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 41.4 05/11/2009
  41.5 Request from the United States of America regarding Frank Metallo (United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 41.5 06/11/2009
Species trade and conservation    
42. Great apes CoP15 Doc. 42 26/10/2009
43. Asian big cats    
  43.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP15 Doc. 43.1 26/10/2009
Addendum 14/03/2010
  43.2 Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 12.5 on Conservation of and trade in tigers
and other Appendix-I Asian big cat species
CoP15 Doc. 43.2 06/11/2009
44. Elephants    
  44.1 Monitoring of illegal trade in ivory and other elephant specimens CoP15 Doc. 44.1 (Rev. 1) 26/10/2009
    Annex: Report submitted by ETIS (English only) CoP15 Doc. 44.1
(Rev. 1) A
  44.2 Monitoring of illegal hunting in elephant range States CoP15 Doc. 44.2
(Rev. 1)

45. Rhinoceroses    
  45.1 Report of the Secretariat CoP15 Doc. 45.1
(Rev. 1 )
Addendum 14/03/2010
    Annex: African and Asian Rhinoceroses – Status, Conservation and Trade CoP15 Doc. 45.1
(Rev. 1) A
  45.2 Revision of Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP14) on Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses (Kenya) CoP15 Doc. 45.2 (Rev.1) 06/11/2009
46. Tibetan antelope CoP15 Doc. 46 26/10/2009
47. Saiga antelope CoP15 Doc. 47 26/10/2009
48. Snake trade and conservation management (China and United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 48 23/11/2009
49. Tortoises and freshwater turtles CoP15 Doc. 49 27/10/2009
50. Hawksbill turtle CoP15 Doc. 50 20/11/2009
51. Humphead wrasse: additional management measures needed to combat IUU fishing (Indonesia) CoP15 Doc. 51 11/11/2009
52. Atlantic bluefin tuna (Monaco)

CoP15 Doc. 52
(Rev. 1)

53. Conservation and management of sharks and stingrays CoP15 Doc. 53 21/12/2009
54. Conservation of and trade in Coralliidae species (United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 54 13/11/2009
55. Trade in epiphytic cacti (Cactaceae spp.) (Switzerland) CoP15 Doc. 55 07/12/2009
56. Euphorbia spp. CoP15 Doc. 56 07/12/2009
57. Cedrela odorata, Dalbergia retusa, Dalbergia granadillo and Dalbergia stevensonii CoP15 Doc. 57 09/12/2009
58. Bigleaf mahogany CoP15 Doc. 58 11/12/2009
59. Taxus cuspidata CoP15 Doc. 59 07/12/2009
60. Agarwood-producing taxa CoP15 Doc. 60 13/11/2009
61. Report of the Central Africa Bushmeat Working Group CoP15 Doc. 61 26/10/2009
Amendment of the Appendices    
62. Periodic Review of the Appendices CoP15 Doc. 62 02/11/2009
63. Criteria for the inclusion of species in Appendices I and II CoP15 Doc. 63 02/11/2009
64. Cactaceae and Orchidaceae: review of annotations CoP15 Doc. 64 12/11/2009
65. Orchids: annotations for species included in Appendix II CoP15 Doc. 65 13/11/2009
66. Annotations for tree species included in Appendices II and III CoP15 Doc. 66 11/11/2009
67. Inconsistent implementation of Appendix-III timber listings annotated to include only the national populations of the listing countries (United States of America) CoP15 Doc. 67 10/11/2009

Proposals to amend Appendices I and II

CoP15 Doc. 68 05/02/2010
Addendum 16/03/2010
  Annex 1: List of proposals CoP15 Doc. 68 A1 05/02/2010
  Annex 2: Comments from the Parties and intergovernmental bodies and comments and recommendations from the Secretariat CoP15 Doc. 68 A2 05/02/2010
  Annex 3: Comments received from FAO CoP15 Doc. 68 A3[Because of its length (161 pages), no print-out of this annex will be distributed at the meeting] 05/02/2010
  Annex 4: Comments received from ICCAT (English only) CoP15 Doc. 68 A4[Because of its length (431 pages), no print-out of this annex will be distributed at the meeting] 05/02/2010
  Annex 5: Reply received from ITTO in response to the Secretariat's request for comment, in the language in which they were submitted CoP15 Doc. 68 A5 05/02/2010
  Annex 6: Report of the Panel of Experts on proposals to transfer populations of the African elephant from Appendix I to Appendix II CoP15 Doc. 68 A6 28/02/2010
  Annex 6 a)

Report of the Panel regarding the proposal of the United Republic of Tanzania

CoP15 Doc. 68 A6a) 05/03/2010
  Annex 6 b) Report of the Panel regarding the proposal of Zambia CoP15 Doc. 68 A6b) 11/03/2010
Conclusion of the meeting
69. Time and venue of the next regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties no document
70. Closing remarks no document


* on behalf of the European Community Member States acting in the interest of the European Community.