1. Review of scientific committees (prepared by the Animals and Plants Committees)
8.4 |
2. Master’s course on Management, Access and Conservation of Species in Trade: the International Framework (prepared by the Chairmen of the Animals and Plants Committees)
8.4 |
3. Commercial trade in Appendix-I species (submitted by Israel)
34 |
4. Situación de la implementación de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla) (prepared by Chairman of the Bigleaf Mahogany Working Group)
64 |
5. Supporting documentation to CoP14 Proposals 31, 32 and 33 (submitted by The Netherlands)
68 |
6. CITES Plants Committee and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (prepared by the Plants Committee)
8.3 |
7. Amendment of the Appendices – Periodic review of plant taxa in the Appendices up to CoP15 (submitted by the Chairman of Working Group on the Periodic Review of Plant Species included in the CITES Appendices)
66 |
8. Additional Information on Identification Aid for Shark Specimens or Shark Meat (submitted by Germany)
59.3 |
9. IUCN/TRAFFIC Analyses of the proposals to Amend the CITES Appendices (prepared by IUCN and TRAFFIC)
68 |
10. Election of members of the permanent committees (prepared by the Secretariat)
11. Implementation of Resolution 12.4 Cooperation between CITES and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources regarding trade in toothfish (submitted by Australia)
61 |
12. The reports submitted in response to Decision 13.38 on hawksbill turtles (prepared by the Secretariat)
58 |
13. Report of a survey on saiga horn in markets in China (submitted by WCS)
56 |
14. Analysis of Parties' biennial reports on implementation of CITES – 2003-2004 (submitted by UNEP-WCMC)
29 |
15. Proceedings of the EU Wildlife Trade Enforcement Co-ordination Workshop (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
26 |
16. Draft framework for reviewing national wildlife trade policies (submitted by UNEP, UNCTAD, CITES Secretariat and IUED)
15 |
17. Trade in Saiga Antelope Horns and Other Parts: an Overview of Recent Global Trade Trends and Conservation Aspects with a Focus on Market Demand in South-east Asia (submitted by TRAFFIC International)
18 |
18. Tiger update by Global Tiger Forum (GTF) – May 2007 (prepared by the Global Tiger Forum)
52 |
19. CITES and livelihoods workshop (prepared by Fauna & Flora International)
14 |
20. Additional information concerning proposal CoP14 Prop. 18 on the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) (submitted by Germany)
68 |
21. Proposal to seek export quota of Uganda’s leopard, (Panthera pardus) population (submitted by Uganda)
37 |
22. Guide for participants
23. International workshop of experts on non-detriment findings on Bigleaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) (submitted by Mexico)
64 |
24. Australian Proposal for an Annotation to the Nomination of Sawfish to Appendix I by the USA and Kenya (submitted by Australia)
68 |
25. Correspondence between the FAO and CITES Secretariats concerning proposals to amend the Appendices (submitted by the Secretariat)
68 |
26. Additional information on amendment proposals CoP14 Prop. 9 to CoP14 Prop. 12 (submitted by Algeria)
68 |
27. Sponsored delegates project (prepared by the CITES Secretariat)
28. Statement by Mr Ahmed Djoghlaf - Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (submitted by CBD)
18.3 |
29. Canadian Non-Paper on Marine Species in Preparation for CITES CoP14 (submitted by Canada)
- |
30. Additional information on amendment proposal CoP14 Prop.2 (submitted by the United States of America)
68 |
31. Seventh Master's Degree in Management, Access and Conservation of Species in Trade: The International Framework (submitted by Spain)
6 |
32. Report of the Regional Workshop on the Monitoring and Management of Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, Kingston, Jamaica, 1-5 May 2006 (submitted by FAO)
- |
33. Stock assessment approach for the Napoleon Fish, Cheilinus undulatus, in Indonesia (submitted by FAO)
- |
34. Additional Information on biological and trade criteria for precious corals in the Genus Corallium (submitted by the United States of America)
68 |
35. Additional Information on biological and trade criteria in support of an Appendix II listing for the Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni (submitted by the United States of America)
68 |
36. Report of the Second FAO ad hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend Appendices I and II CITES Concerning Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species (Rome, 26-30 March 2007) (submitted by FAO)
68 |
37. Response to document from David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation by the CITES Management Authority for Namibia (submitted by Namibia)
- |
38. Report on the collaboration between the UNCTAD Biotrade Initiative and the CITES Secretariat (submitted by the BioTrade Initiative of UNCTAD)
39. Black rhinoceros export quotas for Namibia and South Africa (submitted by Kenya)
37.2 |
40. Elephants (submitted by Kenya)
53.4 & 68 |
41. Rhino-related crimes in Africa: an overview of poaching, seizure and stockpile data for the period 2000-2005 (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of TRAFFIC)
54 |
42. Letter from Germany to the Standing Committee Chairman regarding the MIKE Baseline Data (submitted by Germany on behalf of the Member States of the European Community)
53 |
43. Black Rhinoceros Conservation and Management in Nambia (submitted by Nambia)
37.2 |
44. Draft resolution on CITES and IWC (submitted by Germany on behalf of the Member States of the European Union)
53 |
45. Shark issues (submitted by China)
59 |
46. Costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2009-2011 (prepared by the Secretariat)
7.3 |
47. Costed programme of work for the Secretariat for the triennium 2009-2011 (prepared by the Secretariat)
7.3 |
48. Comments on the FAO assessment of CITES amendment (submitted by Germany on behalf of the European Community and its Member States)
49. Revision to language proposed in document CoP14 Doc. 39 (purpose-of-transaction codes on CITES permits and certificates) (submitted by the United States of America)
39 |
50. Conservation of and trade in tigers and other Asian big cats (submitted by China, India, Nepal and the Russian Federation)
52 |
51. Amendment to proposal CoP14 Prop. 6 (submitted by Kenya and Mali)
68 |
52. Amendment to proposal CoP14 Prop. 5 (submitted by Namibia)
68 |
53. Amendment to proposal CoP14 Prop. 5 (submitted by South Africa)
68 |
54. Amendment to proposal CoP14 Prop. 4 and related draft decisions (submitted by Germany on behalf of the European Community and its Member States)
68 |
55. Ivory trade (submitted by Kenya and Mali)
53 |
56. Trade in elephant specimens (submitted by Kenya and Mali)
53 |
57. Statement by Dr William T. Hogarth, Chairman, International Whaling Commission (submitted by the International Whaling Commission)
58. Abalone (submitted by South Africa)
59. Statement from the Government of Gabon (submitted by Gabon)
60. European Community Action Plan on CITES Enforcement (submitted by Germany on behalf of the European Community and its Member States)
61. Amendment to Proposal CoP14 Prop. 4 and related draft decisions (submitted by Chad and Zambia on behalf of Africa)
62. Ministerial Round Table - Chair's report (submitted by the Netherlands)
63. Statement by Norway at the Ministerial Roundtable Meeting (submitted by Norwday)
64. The interpretation of Annex 2 a (criteria for the inclusion of species in Appendix II in accordance with Article II, paragraph 2 (a), of the Convention and Annex 5 (Annex 5: Definitions, Explanations and Guidelines) of Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP13) in relation to commercially-exploited aquatic species (submitted by FAO)
65. Déclaration de la présidence de la CSRP à la CoP14 (submitted by Guinea-Bissau, only in French)