Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties 

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Santiago (Chile), 3-15 November 2002

In-session documents

(All documents are provided here in PDF format)

From Committee I:

Document title/content
Document No.
Recommendations of the Working Group on a procedure to register and monitor operations that breed Appendix–I animal species for commercial purposes (inc. a draft resolution and a draft decision) CoP12 Com.I.1
Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties – Regarding support for the Secretariat’s capacity–building programme for science–based establishment and implementation of voluntary national export quotas for Appendix II species CoP12 Com.I.2
Working group on criteria – Chair's text CoP12 Com.I.3
Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 9.24 – Criteria for amendment of Appendices I and II CoP12 Com.I.4
Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties – Proposed Terms of Reference for Inter-Sessional Evaluations of CITES Listing Criteria and Guidelines following CoP12 (submitted by Argentina and Australia) CoP12 Com.I.5
Draft decision of the Conference of the Parties – Proposed Terms of Reference for Intersessional Evaluations of CITES Listing Criteria and Guidelines following CoP12 (prepared by the Secretariat) CoP12 Com.I.6

From Committee II:

Document title/content
Document No.
Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties – Positive economic incentives and trade policy CoP12 Com.II.1
Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties regarding financing of the conservation and sustainable international trade of species of wild fauna and flora CoP12 Com.II.2
Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties – Sustainable use of and trade in CITES species CoP12 Com.II.3
Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties – Permits and certificates CoP12 Com.II.4
Report of the finance working group of Committee II CoP12 Com.II.5
Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties – Personal or household effects CoP12 Com.II.6
Draft decisions of the Conference of the Parties concerning the Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretariats of CITES and CMS CoP12 Com.II.7
Draft resolution of the Conference of the Parties – Financing and budgeting of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties CoP12 Com.II.8 (Rev.)
Proposed revision of Resolution Conf. 11.15 and a draft decision on scientific exchange CoP12 Com.II.9