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Lausanne (Switzerland), 9-20 October 1989
Proposals for amendment of Appendices I and II
(all documents are provided here in PDF format)
Higher taxa
Species covered
by the proposal |
Proposal number and proponent
F A U N A |
Crocodylidae | Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. R1 Botswana |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. R2 Madagascar |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. R3 Malawi |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. R4 Mozambique |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. R5 Zambia |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Tinamidae | Rhynchotus rufescens maculicollis |
CoP7 Prop. T1 |
Deletion from Appendix II |
Rhynchotus rufescens pallescens | CoP7 Prop. T2 Uruguay |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Rhynchotus rufescens rufescens | CoP7 Prop. T3 Uruguay |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Phasianidae | Francolinus ochropectus | CoP7 Prop. T4 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II |
Francolinus swierstrai | CoP7 Prop. T5 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Cyprinodontidae | Cynolebias constanciae | CoP7 Prop. T6 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II |
Cynolebias marmoratus | CoP7 Prop. T7 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Cynolebias minimus | CoP7 Prop. T8 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Cynolebias opalescens | CoP7 Prop. T9 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Cynolebias splendens | CoP7 Prop. T10 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
Crocodylidae | Crocodylus cataphractus | CoP7 Prop. EQ9 Congo |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. EQ10 Congo |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. EQ1 Ethiopia, Zimbabwe |
Transfer of the Ethiopian population from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. EQ6 Kenya |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. EQ7 Somalia |
Transfer of its population from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
Crocodylus niloticus | CoP7 Prop. EQ8 United Republic of Tanzania |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Crocodylus porosus | CoP7 Prop. EQ4 Indonesia |
Maintenance of its population in Appendix II | |
Osteolaemus tetraspis | CoP7 Prop. EQ11 Congo |
Cancellation of the annual export quota for its population | |
Chelonidae | Chelonia mydas | CoP7 Prop. EQ2 Indonesia |
Transfer of its populations from Appendix I to Appendix II |
Eretmochelys imbricata | CoP7 Prop. EQ3 Indonesia |
Transfer of its population from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
Osteoglossidae | Scleropages formosus | CoP7 Prop. EQ5 Indonesia |
Transfer of its population from Appendix I to Appendix II |
Pteropodidae | Acerodon spp. ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 1 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) |
Pteropus spp.* | CoP7 Prop. 2 Sweden |
Inclusion in Appendix II (* meaning except species in Appendix I) | |
Pteropus spp. ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 3 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus insularis ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 4 Sweden, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus mariannus ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 5 Sweden, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus molossinus ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 6 Sweden, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus phaelocephalus ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 7 Sweden, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus pilosus ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 8 Sweden, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus samoensis ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 9 Sweden, United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus tokudae ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 10 Sweden |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Pteropus tonganus ~5aa | CoP7 Prop. 11 Sweden |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (~5aa meaning dead specimens and parts only) | |
Ursidae | Melursus ursinus | CoP7 Prop. 12 Germany, India |
Inclusion in Appendix I |
Ursinus americanus | CoP7 Prop. 13 Japan |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Ursus arctos * | CoP7 Prop. 14 Denmark, Japan |
Inclusion in Appendix II (* meaning except species in Appendix I) | |
Ursus arctos +2aa | CoP7 Prop. 15 Denmark |
Inclusion in Appendix I (in lieu of Ursus arctos isabellinus) ( +2aa meaning populations of Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan) | |
Ursus arctos isabellinus | CoP7 Prop. 16 Denmark |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II of the remaining populations | |
Ursus arctos +2ab | CoP7 Prop. 17 Denmark |
Inclusion in Appendix I (in lieu of Ursus arctos nelsoni) (+2ab meaning the population of Mexico) | |
Ursus arctos pruinosus | CoP7 Prop. 18 Denmark |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
Mustelidae | Aonyx cinerea | CoP7 Prop. 19 India |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Lutra perspicillata | CoP7 Prop. 20 India |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Felidae | Felis pardalis | CoP7 Prop. 21 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Felis tigrina | CoP7 Prop. 22 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Felis wiedii | CoP7 Prop. 23 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Lynx pardinus | CoP7 Prop. 24 Germany, Portugal |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Otariidae | Callorhinus ursinus | CoP7 Prop. 25 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Elephantidae | Loxodonta africana | CoP7 Prop. 26 Austria, Gambia, Hungary, Kenya, Somalia, United Republic of Tanzania (English only), United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Bovidae | Cephalophus jentinki | CoP7 Prop. 27 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Rheidae | Rhea americana | CoP7 Prop. 28 Japan |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Ciconiidae | Ciconia ciconia | CoP7 Prop. 29 Germany |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Psittacidae | Agapornis cana | CoP7 Prop. 30 Madagascar |
Deletion from Appendix II |
Amazona tucumana | CoP7 Prop. 31 Denmark |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Ara maracana | CoP7 Prop. 32 Paraguay |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Cacatua moluccensis | CoP7 Prop. 33 Switzerland |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Bucerotidae | Buceros spp. | CoP7 Prop. 34 Switzerland |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Buceros bicornis homrai | CoP7 Prop. 35 Switzerland |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
Buceros rhinoceros | CoP7 Prop. 36 Belgium |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Pittidae | Pitta guajana | CoP7 Prop. 37 Thailand |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Pitta gurneyi | CoP7 Prop. 38 Thailand |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Hirundinidae | Pseudochelidon sirintarae | CoP7 Prop. 39 Thailand |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Teiidae | Dracaena paraguayensis | CoP7 Prop. 40 Paraguay |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Xenosauridae | Shinisaurus crocodilurus | CoP7 Prop. 41 Germany |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Varanidae | Varanus bengalensis | CoP7 Prop. 42 Japan |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II |
Varanus grayi | CoP7 Prop. 43 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Varanus griseus | CoP7 Prop. 44 Japan |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
Colubridae | Ptyas mucosus | CoP7 Prop. 45 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Elapidae | Naja naja | CoP7 Prop. 46 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Ophiophagus hannah | CoP7 Prop. 47 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Coelacanthidae | Latimeria chalumnae | CoP7 Prop. 48 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
SCLERACTINIA spp. | CoP7 Prop. 49 Israel |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
ATHECATA spp. | CoP7 Prop. 50 Israel |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
COENOTHECALIA spp. | CoP7 Prop. 51 Israel |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
STOLONIFERA | STOLONIFERA spp. | CoP7 Prop. 52 Israel |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
F L O R A |
ARACEAE | Alocasia zebrina | CoP7 Prop. T11 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix I |
CARYOCARACEAE | Caryocar costaricense | CoP7 Prop. T12 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix I |
FAGACEAE | Quercus copeyensis | CoP7 Prop. T13 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II |
GENTIANACEAE | Prepusa hookeriana | CoP7 Prop. T14 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix I |
HUMIRIACEAE | Vantanea barbourii | CoP7 Prop. T15 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I |
JUGLANDACEAE | Engelhardtia pterocarpa | CoP7 Prop. T16 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I |
LEGUMINOSAE | Cynometra hemitomophylla | CoP7 Prop. T17 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I |
Platymiscium pleiostachyum | CoP7 Prop. T18 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I | |
Tachigalia versicolor | CoP7 Prop. T19 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I | |
Tachigalia versicolor | CoP7 Prop. T20 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II | |
MELASTOMATACEAE | Lavoisiera itambana | CoP7 Prop. T21 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix I |
MELIACEAE | Guarea longipetiola | CoP7 Prop. T22 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix I |
MORACEAE | Bartocarpus costaricensis | CoP7 Prop. T23 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I |
PALMAE | Phoenix hanceana var. philippinensis | CoP7 Prop. T24 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix II |
Salacca clemensiana | CoP7 Prop. T25 United States of America |
Deletion from Appendix II | |
PODOCARPACEAE | Podocarpus costalis | CoP7 Prop. T26 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix I |
STERCULIACEAE | Pterygota excelsa | CoP7 Prop. T27 Switzerland |
Deletion from Appendix II |
WELWITSCHIACEAE | Weltwitschia mirabilis | CoP7 Prop. T28 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix I to Appendix II |
FLORA spp. | CoP7 Prop. 53 United States of America |
Not to annotate species in Appendix I of FLORA spp. so that artificially propagated hybrids be treated as Appendix II species in accordance with Resolution Conf. 6.19 a) | |
AMARYLLIDACEAE | Galanthus spp. | CoP7 Prop. 54 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Sternbergia spp. | CoP7 Prop. 55 United Kingdom |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
APOCYNACEAE | Pachypodium baronii | CoP7 Prop. 56 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Pachypodium brevicaule | CoP7 Prop. 57 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Pachypodium decaryi | CoP7 Prop. 58 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Rauvolfia serpentina | CoP7 Prop. 59 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
ARISTOLOCHIACEAE | Aristolochia indica | CoP7 Prop. 60 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
CYCADACEAE | CYCADACEAE spp. | CoP7 Prop. 61 United States of America |
Deletion of the seeds of CYCADACEAE spp. included in Appendix II |
DROSERACEAE | Drosera burmanni | CoP7 Prop. 62 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
Drosera indica | CoP7 Prop. 63 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Drosera peltata | CoP7 Prop. 64 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Euphorbia ambovombensis | CoP7 Prop. 65 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |
Euphorbia cylindrifolia | CoP7 Prop. 66 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia decaryi | CoP7 Prop. 67 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia francoisii | CoP7 Prop. 68 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia moratii | CoP7 Prop. 69 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia parvicyathophora | CoP7 Prop. 70 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia primulifolia | CoP7 Prop. 71 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia quartziticola | CoP7 Prop. 72 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Euphorbia tulearensis | CoP7 Prop. 73 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
GENTIANACEAE | Gentiana kurroo | CoP7 Prop. 74 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
LILIACEAE | Gloriosa superba | CoP7 Prop. 75 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
ORCHIDACEAE | Eriopsis biloba +2ac | CoP7 Prop. 76 Guatemala |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I (+2ac meaning the population of Guatemala) |
Lemboglossum majale | CoP7 Prop. 77 Guatemala |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Lemboglossum uroskinneri | CoP7 Prop. 78 Guatemala |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Paphiopedilum spp. | CoP7 Prop. 79 Netherlands |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Phragmipedium spp. | CoP7 Prop. 80 Germany |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
Rossioglossum williamsianum | CoP7 Prop. 81 Guatemala |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I | |
PALMAE | Chamaedora amabilis | CoP7 Prop. 82 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I |
Chamaedora cataractarum | CoP7 Prop. 83 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora elegans | CoP7 Prop. 84 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora ernesti-augusti | CoP7 Prop. 85 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora ferruginae | CoP7 Prop. 86 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora glaucifolia | CoP7 Prop. 87 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora klotzschiana | CoP7 Prop. 88 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora metallica | CoP7 Prop. 89 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora montana | CoP7 Prop. 90 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora oreophila | CoP7 Prop. 91 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora pulchra | CoP7 Prop. 92 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora radicalis | CoP7 Prop. 93 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora rojasiana | CoP7 Prop. 94 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora seifrizii | CoP7 Prop. 95 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora simplex | CoP7 Prop. 96 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
Chamaedora stolonifera | CoP7 Prop. 97 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora tenella | CoP7 Prop. 98 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix I | |
Chamaedora tuerckheimii | CoP7 Prop. 99 United States of America |
Inclusion in Appendix II | |
PODOPHYLLACEAE | Podophyllum hexandrum | CoP7 Prop. 100 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
RANUNCULACEAE | Aconitum deinorrhizum | CoP7 Prop. 101 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
VALERIANACEAE | Nardostachys grandiflora | CoP7 Prop. 102 India |
Inclusion in Appendix II |
ZAMIACEAE | ZAMIACEAE spp. | CoP7 Prop. 103 United States of America |
Deletion of the seed of ZAMIACEAE spp. included in Appendix II |
Chigua spp. | CoP7 Prop. 104 United States of America |
Transfer from Appendix II to Appendix I |