Sixty-fifth meeting of the Standing Committee - Agenda and documents

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Sixty-fifth meeting of the Standing Committee

Geneva (Switzerland), 7-11 July 2014

Administrative and financial matters


(all documents are provided in PDF format)

Agenda item Document Posted/
updated on
1. Opening remarks of the Chair No document  
2. Opening remarks of the Secretary-General No document  
Administrative matters and financial matters
3. Agenda SC65 Doc. 3 (Rev.1)
4. Working programme SC65 Doc. 4 
5. Rules of Procedure of the Standing Committee SC65 Doc. 5
6. Credentials No document


7. Admission of observers SC65 Doc. 7
8. Relationship with the United Nations Environment Programme    
  8.1 Briefing by the Chair / Secretary-General No document
  8.2 Report of UNEP SC65 Doc. 8.2
9. Financial matters    
  9.1 Review of the Terms of Reference for the Administration of the Trust Fund SC65 Doc. 9.1
  9.2 Costed programme of work for 2012-2013 SC65 Doc. 9.2
    Annex 1:  Costed programme of work for the CITES Secretariat for 2012 SC65 Doc. 9.2,
Annex 1
    Annex 2:  Costed programme of work for the CITES Secretariat for 2013 SC65 Doc. 9.2,
Annex 2 (Rev.1)
    Annex 3:  CITES Trust Fund Status of Contributions as of 31 December 2013 SC65 Doc. 9.2,
Annex 3
    Annex 4:  CITES Trust Fund Contributions received in 2013 for each month (Cumulative) SC65 Doc. 9.2,
Annex 4
    Annex 5:  CITES Trust Fund Annual Distribution of the Unpaid Contributions as of 31 December 2013. SC65 Doc. 9.2,
Annex 5
    Annex 6:  Statement of Income and Expenditure for CTL for 2012-2013 SC65 Doc. 9.2,
Annex 6
10. Administrative matters No document  
11. Meetings of the Conference of the Parties  
  11.1 Structure and length of future meetings 12/05/2014
  11.2 Guidance on the submission of credentials SC65 Doc. 11.2 28/05/2014
  11.3 Arrangements for the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties No document  
12. Organization of special meetings SC65 Doc. 12 12/05/2014
Strategic matters
13. Scientific committees    
  13.1 Report of the Animals Committee No document
  13.2 Report of the Plants Committee No document
  13.3 Potential conflicts of interest in the Animals and Plants Committees SC65 Doc. 13.3 20/05/2014
14. Implementation of the CITES Strategic Vision: 2008-2020 SC65 Doc. 14 13/05/2014
15. Celebration of the first World Wildlife Day SC65 Doc. 15 13/05/2014
16. Cooperation with other organizations    
  16.1 Overview No document  
  16.2 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals  SC65 Doc. 16.2 13/05/2014
  16.3 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  (Report of the working group) SC65 Doc. 16.3 12/05/2014
    Annex 2: Draft memorandum for cooperation between the FAO and CITES Secretariat (version with changes marked up) SC65 Doc. 16.3,
Annex 2
  16.4 International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime SC65 Doc. 16.4 19/05/2014
  16.5 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services: Report of the working group SC65 Doc. 16.5 12/05/2014
  16.6 International Tropical Timber Organization No document  
  16.7 Cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions SC65 Doc. 16.7 13/05/2014
17. Access to finance, including GEF funding and innovative mechanisms SC65 Doc. 17 17/06/2014
18. Cooperation between Parties and promotion of multilateral measures  No document  
19. CITES and livelihoods SC65 Doc. 19 01/07/2014
20. Capacity building  
  20.1 Needs assessment for strengthening the implementation of CITES SC65 Doc. 20.1 12/05/2014
    Annex 1: Logistical, Technological and Equipment Needs Assessment to Strengthen the Implementation of CITES SC65 Doc. 20.1,
Annex 1
  20.2 Capacity building activities for implementation of the CITES listing of sharks and manta rays SC65 Doc. 20.2 12/05/2014
21. CITES logo SC65 Doc. 21
Interpretation and implementation of the Convention
Compliance and enforcement
22. National laws for implementation of the Convention SC65 Doc. 22
23. Application of Article XIII No document  
24. National reports    
  24.1 Late submission or non-submission of national reports SC65 Doc. 24.1
  24.2 Special reporting requirements and reporting on trade in artificially propagated plants SC65 Doc. 24.2
    Annex 1: CITES Reporting Requirements, and draft recommendations on whether they should be maintained or deleted. SC65 Doc. 24.2,
Annex 1
    Annex 2: Proposal for a revised set of indicators to measure progress with the CITES Strategic Vision 2008-2020. SC65 Doc. 24.2,
Annex 2
    Annex 3: Proposal for a new national report format under Article VIII, paragraph 7 (b) SC65 Doc. 24.2,
Annex 3
25. Ranching operations in Madagascar  
  25.1 Report of Madagascar SC65 Doc. 25.1 20/05/2014
  25.2 Report of the Secretariat SC65 Doc. 25.2 20/06/2014
26. Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species    
  26.1 Report of the Secretariat SC65 Doc. 26.1 26/06/2014
  26.2 Evaluation of the Review of Significant Trade: Report of the Animals and Plants Committees No document  
27. Enforcement matters    
  27.1 Report of the Secretariat SC65 Doc. 27.1 16/05/2014
    Annex 1: Information on pangolins to be submitted for the 65th meeting of the Standard Committee SC65 Doc. 27.1,
Annex 1
    Annex 2: Report on Status and Conservation of Asian Pangolins Species in Pakistan SC65 Doc. 27.1, 
Annex 2
    Annex 3: Data on seizures of illegal trade in Asian pangolins (2013 to Present) SC65 Doc. 27.1, 
Annex 3
    Annex 4: Analysis of seizure data for Manis spp. submitted by Member States of the European Union to the European Commission SC65 Doc. 27.1, 
Annex 4
      SC65 Doc. 27.1, Addendum 04/07/2014
  27.2 Disposal of illegally traded and confiscated specimens of Appendix-I, -II and -III species SC65 Doc. 27.2 28/05/2014
Trade control and traceability
28. Introduction from the sea SC65 Doc. 28
29. Electronic permitting SC65 Doc. 29


30. Transport of live specimens SC65 Doc. 30 19/05/2014
31. Physical inspection of timber shipments SC65 Doc. 31 20/06/2014
32. Identification manual SC65 Doc. 32
33. Inclusion of CITES-listed species in the Harmonized Commodity description and Coding System SC65 Doc. 33
Exemptions and special trade provisions
34. Implementation of the Convention relating to captive-bred and ranched specimens    
  34.1 Report of the Secretariat SC65 Doc. 34.1 14/05/2014
  34.2 Report of the Animals Committee SC65 Doc. 34.2 12/05/2014
35. Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes SC65 Doc. 35 04/07/2014
SC65 Doc. 35, Addendum 10/07/2014
Species trade and conservation
36. Bushmeat SC65 Doc. 36 20/05/2014
37. Great apes SC65 Doc. 37
38. Asian big cats SC65 Doc. 38
    Annex 1: Review of implementation of Resolution Conf. 12.5 (Rev. CoP16) - report of the consultants SC65 Doc. 38, 
Annex 1
    Annex 2: Report of Cambodia SC65 Doc. 38, 
Annex 2
    Annex 3: Report of China SC65 Doc. 38, 
Annex 3
    Annex 4: Report of Malaysia SC65 Doc. 38, 
Annex 4
    Annex 5: Report of Nepal SC65 Doc. 38, 
Annex 5
    Annex 6: Report of Pakistan SC65 Doc. 38,
Annex 6
    Annex 7: Report of Thailand SC65 Doc. 38,
Annex 7
    Annex 8: Report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland SC65 Doc. 38,
Annex 8
    Annex 9: Report of Viet Nam SC65 Doc. 38,
Annex 9
      SC65 Doc. 38, Addendum 26/06/2014
SC65 Doc. 38,
Addendum 2
39. Illegal trade in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) SC65 Doc. 39 (Rev.2)
SC65 Doc. 39, Addendum 08/07/2014
SC65 Doc. 39, Addendum 2 (Rev.1) 08/07/2014
40. Saiga antelope SC65 Doc. 40 16/06/2014
41. Tibetan antelope SC65 Doc. 41 (Rev.1) 12/05/2014
42. Elephants    
  42.1 Elephant conservation, illegal killing and ivory trade SC65 Doc. 42.1 13/06/2014
SC65 Doc. 42.1, Addendum 01/07/2014
SC65 Doc. 42.1, Addendum 2 07/07/2014
  42.2 National ivory action plans SC65 Doc. 42.2 13/06/2014
SC65 Doc. 42.2, Addendum 07/07/2014
  42.3 Decision-making mechanism for authorizing ivory trade SC65 Doc. 42.3 27/05/2014
  42.4 Review of Resolution Conf. 10.9 on Consideration of proposals for the transfer of African elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II SC65 Doc. 42.4 12/05/2014
  42.5 Elephant Protection Initiative (Botswana, Ethiopia, Gabon,United Republic of Tanzania) SC65 Doc. 42.5 12/05/2014
  42.6 Preventing the illegal ivory trade under Article VII and through the internet (Chad, Philippines) SC65 Doc. 42.6 (Rev.1) 23/05/2014
  42.7 Disposal of ivory stocks (Chad, Philippines) SC65 Doc. 42.7 22/05/2014
  42.8 Ivory stock in Burundi (Burundi) SC65 Doc. 42.8 16/05/2014
  42.9 Reporting on trade in and registration of live Asian elephants (Greece1) SC65 Doc. 42.9 12/05/2014
43. Rhinoceroses    
  43.1 Report of the working group SC65 Doc. 43.1 13/05/2014
  43.2 Report of the Secretariat SC65 Doc. 43.2
    Annex 1: Viet Nam’s Compliance with Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev.CoP15) on the Conservation of and Trade in African and Asian Rhinoceroses SC65 Doc. 43.2,
Annex 1
    Annex 2: Rhino conservation in Zimbabwe: 2012-2013 SC65 Doc. 43.2,
Annex 2
44. Snake trade and conservation management SC65 Doc. 44
45. Tortoises and freshwater turtles SC65 Doc. 45 04/06/2014
    Annex 4:  SC65 Doc. 45,
Annex 4
46. Sharks and rays SC65 Doc. 46 12/05/2014
47. Sturgeons and paddlefish: report of the Animals Committee SC65 Doc. 47 12/05/2014
48. Malagasy ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and Malagasy rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.)    
  48.1 Report of the Secretariat SC65 Doc. 48.1
  48.2 Action plan of Madagascar (Madagascar) SC65 Doc. 48.2 04/06/2014
    Annex 1:  Evaluation ecologique des bois precieux SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 1
    Annex 2:  RAPPORT DE L’ETUDE SUR LES TAXONS DE BOIS PRECIEUX Diospyros spp. et Dalbergia spp. en vue de leur inscription dans l’Annexe II de la CITES SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 2
    Annex 3:  Protocole de collaboration entre le Ministère de l’Environnement et des Forêts, Le Ministère de la Pêche en charge du Centre de Surveillance des Pêches et du Ministère des Transports en charge de l’Agence Portuaire Maritime et Fluviale SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 3
    Annex 4:  Principes clés de la répartition des revenus SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 4
    Annex 5:  Répartition des recettes SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 5
    Annex 6:    
      1: Note Verbale SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 6 - 1
      2: Mesures prises par le Gouvernement Malgache dans le cadre de l'assainissement du trafic de bois de rose. SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 6 - 2
      3: Lettre PM aux Ambassadeurs SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 6 - 3
      4: Actions pour l'assainissement du trafic de bios de rose SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 6 - 4
    Annex 7: Rapport Final Etude Bois de Rose saisis SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 7
    Annex 8: F-Notif-2014-019 SC65 Doc. 48.2,
Annex 8
CITES Appendices
49. Annotations    
  49.1 Report of the interim working group SC65 Doc. 49.1 12/05/2014
    Annex: Summary of existing guidance, and other recommendations regarding annotations SC65 Doc. 49.1,
  49.2 Annotations for tree species included in Appendices II and III No document
Regional matters
50. Reports of regional representatives    
  50.1 Africa SC65 Doc. 50.1
  50.2 Asia SC65 Doc. 50.2
  50.3 Central and South America and the Caribbean SC65 Doc. 50.3
SC65 Doc. 50.3, Addendum 05/06/2014
  50.4 Europe SC65 Doc. 50.4


  50.5 North America SC65 Doc. 50.5
  50.6 Oceania SC65 Doc. 50.6
Concluding items
51. Any other business No document  
52. Determination of time and venue of the 66th meeting No document  
53. Closing remarks No document  
  53.1 Observers    
    - Organizations    
    - Non-party States  
    - Parties  
  53.2 Standing Committee    
  53.3 Secretary-General    
  53.4 Chair    

1On behalf of the European Union and its 28 Member States