Sixty-first meeting of the Standing Committee - Agenda and documents

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Geneva (Switzerland), 15-19 August 2011

Agenda and documents

(all documents are provided in PDF format)

Agenda item Document Posted/
updated on
1. Opening remarks by the Chair no document  
2. Report of the Secretary-General no document  
Administrative matters
3. Agenda SC61 Doc. 3
(Rev. 2)
4. Working programme SC61 Doc. 4
(Rev. 1)
5. Rules of Procedure of the Standing Committee
Cross-references updated in Rule 29
6. Credentials No document  
7. Admission of observers SC61 Doc. 7 12/08/2011
8. Rules of Procedure of the Animals and Plants Committees SC61 Doc. 8 19/07/2011
9. Relationship with the United Nations Environment Programme    
  9.1 Report of UNEP
Addition of the Annex
SC61 Doc. 9.1
(Rev. 1)
  9.2 Report on the Working Group on Revising the Agreement between the CITES Standing Committee and the Executive Director of UNEP SC61 Doc. 9.2 01/07/2011
    Annex 1: Evolution of the relationship between the United Nations Environment Programme and the multilateral environmental agreements that it administers SC61 Doc. 9.2, Annex 1 18/07/2011
    Annex 2: Draft agreement between the Standing Committee and the Executive Director of UNEP SC61 Doc. 9.2, Annex 2 05/08/2011
10. Financial matters    
  10.1 Costed programme of work for 2010 SC61 Doc. 10.1 18/07/2011
    Annex 1: Costed programme of work for 2010
Correction to final totals of External Funds
SC61 Doc. 10.1 Annex 1 (Rev. 2) 21/07/2011
    Annex 2: Status of contributions as of 31 December 2010 SC61 Doc. 10.1 Annex 2 25/07/2011
    Annex 3: Contributions received in 2010 for each month (cumulative) SC61 Doc. 10.1 Annex 3 19/07/2011
    Annex 4: Certified statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserve and fund
balances of the CITES Trust Fund for 2010 (English only)
SC61 Doc. 10.1 Annex 4 18/07/2011
  10.2 Costed programme of work for 2011
Paragraph 6 amended and following two paragraphs deleted
SC61 Doc. 10.2
(Rev. 1)
    Annex: Costed programme of work for 2011 SC61 Doc. 10.2
(Rev. 1)
  10.3 Non-payment of contributions SC61 Doc. 10.3 18/07/2011
    Annex 1: Annual distribution of the unpaid contributions as of 31 December 2010 SC61 Doc. 10.3
Annex 1
    Annex 2: Unpaid contributions from 2008 and prior years as of 20 May 2011 SC61 Doc. 10.3
Annex 2
11. Meetings of the Conference of the Parties    
  11.1 Structure and length of future meetings SC61 Doc. 11.1 23/06/2011
  11.2 Arrangements for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties No document  
  11.3 Improving transparency of voting during meetings of the Conference of the Parties (Hungary 1) SC61 Doc. 11.3 23/06/2011
12. Provision of support for committee members SC61 Doc. 12 05/07/2011
Strategic matters
13. Committee reports    
  13.1 Animals Committee No document  
  13.2 Plants Committee No document  
14. CITES Strategic Vision    
  14.1 Progress report on the implementation of the CITES Strategic Vision: 2008-2013 SC61 Doc. 14.1 15/07/2011
  14.2 Planning for 2014-2016 SC61 Doc. 14.2 05/07/2011
15. Cooperation with other organizations    
  15.1 Overview SC61 Doc. 15.1 18/07/2011
  15.2 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership No document  
  15.3 Convention on Biological Diversity SC61 Doc. 15.3 18/07/2011
  15.4 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals SC61 Doc. 15.4
(Rev. 1)
  15.5 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations SC61 Doc. 15.5
  15.6 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services SC61 Doc. 15.6
(Rev. 1)
  15.7 International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas SC61 Doc. 15.7
  15.8 World Trade Organization SC61 Doc. 15.8
16. Access to finance, including GEF funding SC61 Doc. 16
17 Cooperation between Parties and promotion of multilateral measures SC61 Doc. 17
18. CITES and livelihoods SC61 Doc. 18
19. Capacity building SC61 Doc. 19
20. CITES logo SC61 Doc. 20
21. Secretary-General’s certificates of commendation SC61 Doc. 21
Interpretation and implementation of the Convention
Review of Resolutions    
22. Review of Resolutions following Decision 14.19 SC61 Doc. 22 28/07/2011
  Annex : Recomended amendments to the English version of the Resolutions in effect (English only)
(republished with a minor correction on page 25)
SC61 Doc. 22
Compliance and enforcement    
23. National laws for implementation of the Convention SC61 Doc. 23 18/07/2011
  Annex 2: Status of legislative progress for implementing CITES (English only) SC61 Doc. 23
Annex 2
24. National reports
Missing documents reference added in paragraph 13
SC61 Doc. 24
(Rev. 1)
25. Review of the guidelines for the preparation and submission of annual reports SC61 Doc. 25 30/06/2011
26. Ranching operations SC61 Doc. 26 18/07/2011
27. Implementation of the Convention relating to captive-bred and ranched specimens (Hungary 1 and United States of America) SC61 Doc. 27 14/07/2011
28. Review of Significant Trade SC61 Doc. 28 29/07/2011
29. E-commerce of specimens of CITES-listed species SC61 Doc. 29 23/06/2011
30. Enforcement matters SC61 Doc. 30 30/06/2011
  Annex 1: Letter of Understanding establishing the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime SC61 Doc. 30 Annex 1 18/07/2011
  Annex 2: Information note about the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime SC61 Doc. 30 Annex 2 18/07/2011
31. Gathering and analysis of data on illegal trade SC61 Doc. 31 19/07/2011
  Annex : Results of GLOBAL-TWIX questionnaire (English only) SC61 Doc. 31
Trade control and marking    
32. Introduction from the sea SC61 Doc. 32 30/06/2011
33. Electronic permitting SC61 Doc. 33 01/07/2011
34. Purpose codes on CITES permits and certificates SC61 Doc. 34 01/07/2011
35. Physical inspection of timber shipments no document  
36. Use of taxonomic serial numbers    
  36.1 Report of the Secretariat SC61 Doc. 36.1 18/07/2011
  36.2 Proposed terms of reference for Standing Committee discussions on use of taxonomic serial numbers (Canada) SC61 Doc. 36.2 23/06/2011
37. Identification manual SC61 Doc. 37 15/07/2011
Exemptions and special trade provisions    
38. Personal and household effects SC61 Doc. 38 30/06/2011
39. Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes (Philippines) SC61 Doc. 39 12/07/2011
  Annex 1: Registration of Cacatua sulphurea abbotti (English only) SC61 Doc. 39
Annex 1
  Annex 2: Registration of Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata (English only) SC61 Doc. 39
Annex 2
  Annex 3: Registration of Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea (English only) SC61 Doc. 39
Annex 3
  Annex 4: Registration of Cacatua moluccensis (English only) SC61 Doc. 39
Annex 4
Species trade and conservation    
40. Great apes SC61 Doc. 40 30/06/2011
41. Asian big cats SC61 Doc. 41 30/06/2011
  Annex 1: Poaching of and illegal trade in tigers (English only) SC61 Doc. 41
Annex 1
  Annex 2: Endangered Species Import and Export Management Office, P.R. China (CITES Management Authority of China) (English only) SC61 Doc. 41
Annex 2
  Annex 3: Conservation of and trade in tigers and other Appendix-I Asian big cat species (CITES Management Authority of Thailand) (English only) SC61 Doc. 41
Annex 3

Annex 4: Response by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Notification to the Parties No. 2011/014 (United Kingdom) (English only)

SC61 Doc. 41
Annex 4
  Annex 5: Response of Israel to Notification No. 2011/014 on the Conservation of and trade in tigers and other Appendix-I Asian big cat species (Israel) (English only) SC61 Doc. 41
Annex 5
  Annex 6: Report on implementation of the Resolution Conf. 12.5 (Rev. CoP15) Conservation of and trade in tigers and other Appendix-l Asian big cat species (India) (English only) SC61 Doc. 41
Annex 6
42. Bushmeat SC61 Doc. 42 19/07/2011
  Annex : Report of the meeting of the Central Africa bushmeat working group held on 10 June in Nairobi, Kenya SC61 Doc. 42
43. Tibetan antelope SC61 Doc. 43 30/06/2011
44. Elephants    
  44.1 Control of trade in elephant specimens SC61 Doc. 44.1 05/07/2011
  44.2 Elephant management and conservation
SC61 Doc. 44.2
(Rev. 1)
    Annex 1: Status of elephant populations, levels of illegal killing and the trade in ivory: a report to the Standing Committee of CITES
Data error corrected in figure 6 and Table 3 and minor editorial changes
SC61 Doc 44.2
(Rev. 1)
Annex 1

    Annex 2: Tables and references (English only)
Name of Cambodia's MIKE site corrected in Table 6
SC61 Doc 44.2
(Rev. 1)
Annex 2

  44.3 MIKE-ETIS Subgroup SC61 Doc. 44.3 24/06/2011
  44.4 Decision-making mechanism for authorizing ivory trade SC61 Doc. 44.4 05/07/2011
  44.5 Review of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP15) SC61 Doc. 44.5 05/07/2011
  44.6 Consideration of proposals for the transfer of African elephant populations from Appendix I to Appendix II SC61 Doc. 44.6 24/06/2011
  44.7 First technical exchange meeting between producing, consuming, and transiting nations to reduce the illegal trade in African elephant ivory (United States of America) SC61 Doc. 44.7 12/07/2011
45. Rhinoceroses    
  45.1 Implementation of Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP15) and Decisions from CoP15 SC61 Doc. 45.1 30/06/2011
  45.2 Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses (Hungary 1 ) SC61 Doc. 45.2 23/06/2011
46. Snake trade and conservation management    
  46.1 Report of the Secretariat SC61 Doc. 46.1 18/07/2011
  46.2 Report of the Animals Committee SC61 Doc. 46.2
(Rev. 1)
47. Tortoises and freshwater turtles SC61 Doc. 47
(Rev. 2)
  Annex 2: Implementation of Decision 14.128 – A study of progress on conservation of and trade in CITES-listed tortoises and freshwater turtles in Asia SC61 Doc. 47
(Rev. 2), Annex 2
48. Sturgeons    
  48.1 Caviar trade database SC61 Doc. 48.1 01/07/2011
  48.2 Monitoring of progress SC61 Doc. 48.2 02/08/2011
49. Humphead wrasse SC61 Doc. 49 30/06/2011
  Annex : Workshop report on the trade of Cheilinus undulatus (Humphead Wrasse/Napoleon Wrasse) and CITES implementation (English only) SC61 Doc. 49
50. Bigleaf mahogany    
  50.1 Overview SC61 Doc. 50.1 22/07/2011
  50.2 Management of bigleaf mahogany in Peru SC61 Doc. 50.2 22/07/2011
51. Ramin No document  
CITES Appendices    
52. Periodic Review of the Appendices No document  
53. Time-bound listings of species in the Appendices SC61 Doc. 53 24/06/2011
54. Development and application of annotations (United States of America) SC61 Doc. 54 07/07/2011
55. Dialogue meetings SC61 Doc. 55 01/07/2011
Regional matters
56. Reports of regional representatives    
  56.1 Africa SC61 Doc. 56.1  
  56.2 Asia
(Addition of the contribution from Indonesia)
SC61 Doc. 56.2
(Rev. 1)
  56.3 Central and South America and the Caribbean SC61 Doc. 56.3 05/08/2011
  56.4 Europe (English only) SC61 Doc. 56.4 15/08/2011
  56.5 North America SC61 Doc. 56.5 28/07/2011
  56.6 Oceania SC61 Doc. 56.6 18/07/2011
Concluding items
57. Any other business No document  
58. Determination of the time and venue of the 62nd meeting No document  
59. Closing remarks No document  

Information documents

Title Document Agenda
Language Posted/
updated on
1. Overview of the Decisions on annotations (submitted by the Secretariat) SC61 Inf. 1 54 English 18/07/2011
2. Status report: Illegal killing of rhinoceros and the subsequent illegal trade in rhino horn (submitted by South Africa) SC61 Inf. 2 45 English 18/07/2011
3. Report on actions taken to implement CITES Decision 15.86 (submitted by China) SC61 Inf. 3 49 English 18/07/2011
4. Implementation of the African Elephant Action Plan (submitted by Germany) SC61 Inf. 4 44 English 22/07/2011
5. Analysis of parties' biennial reports on implementation of CITES 2005-2006 and 2007-2008 and an analysis of charging regimes implemented by CITES Parties
(submitted by the Secretariat)
SC61 Inf. 5 24 English 26/07/2011
6. Tortoises and freshwater turtles (submitted by the Secretariat) SC61 Inf. 6
47 English 09/08/2011
7. Monitoring the illegal killing of elephants: Technical report for CITES SC61 (submitted by the Secretariat) SC61 Inf. 7 44.2 English 09/08/2011
8. Second Joint Meeting of the CMS-MoU/CITES-MIKE – Memorandum of Understanding under the Convention on Migratory Species concerning conservation measures for the West African populations of African Elephant and The Steering Committee of the Programme for Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (CITES-MIKE) for West Africa (submitted by the Secretariat) SC61 Inf. 8 15.4 English 10/08/2011
9. Outcomes of the joint meeting of the CBD Liaison Group on Bushmeat and the CITES Central Africa Bushmeat Working Group (submitted by the Secretariat) SC61 Inf. 9 42 English 10/08/2011
10. CITES capacity needs assessment (submitted by the Secretariat) SC61 Inf. 10 19 English 10/08/2011
11. Conservation of African and Asian elephants SC61 Inf. 11 44 English 12/08/2011
12. Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses SC61 Inf. 12 45 English 12/08/2011
13. Implementation of the Convention relating to captive-bred and ranched specimens SC61 Inf. 13 27 English 12/08/2011

1 On behalf of the European Union and its Member States.