SC59 - Provisional agenda and documents

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Fifty-ninth meeting of the Standing Committee

Doha (Qatar), 12 March 2010

(Al Majlis room, 09h00 - 17h00)

Agenda and documents

(all documents are provided in PDF format)

Agenda item Document Posted/
updated on

Opening remarks by the Chair

no document  
Strategic and administrative matters
2. Agenda SC59 Doc. 2 (Rev.1) 14/01/2010
3. Rules of Procedure SC59 Doc. 3 14/01/2010
4. Credentials no document  
5. Admission of observers no document  

Summary records of meetings of the Standing Committee and other committees

SC59 Doc. 6 22/01/2010
7. Relationship with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) SC59 Doc. 7 (Rev.2) 01/03/2010
8. Cooperation with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals SC59 Doc. 8 11/02/2010
9. Arrangements for the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties    
  9.1 Election of officers no document  
  9.2 Other matters no document  
10. CITES and livelihoods SC59 Doc. 10 04/03/2010
  Annex 1: Tools to assess the impact of the implementation
of CITES listings on livelihoods of the poor (English only)
SC59 Doc. 10 A01 04/03/2010
  Annex 2: Guidelines to address the impact of the implementation of CITES listing decisions on the livelihoods of the poor (English only) SC59 Doc. 10 A02 04/03/2010
Interpretation and implementation of the Convention
Compliance and enforcement

National laws for implementation of the Convention

SC59 Doc. 11Annex 11/02/2010
12. National reports SC59 Doc. 12 11/02/2010
13. Enforcement matters no document  
14. Review of Significant Trade    
  14.1 Implementation of recommendations of the Animals and Plants Committees SC59 Doc. 14.1 01/02/2010
  14.2 Review of recommendations to suspend trade made more than two years ago SC59 Doc. 14.2 29/01/2010
15. Ranching operations SC59 Doc. 15 12/02/2010
  Annexes SC59 Doc. 15A 19/02/2010

Species trade and conservation

16. Great apes no document  
17. Asian big cats SC59 Doc. 17 14/01/2010
18. Tibetan antelope no document  
19. Elephants: MIKE and ETIS Subgroup SC59 Doc. 19 19/01/2010
20. Sturgeon: Operation of the caviar trade database no document  
21. Bigleaf mahogany SC59 Doc. 21 23/02/2010
22. Ramin SC59 Doc. 22 21/01/2010

Regional matters

23. Structure of regional reports SC59 Doc. 23 01/02/2010
Concluding items
24. Any other business no document  
25. Determination of the time and venue of the 60th and 61st meetings no document  
26. Closing remarks no document