Twenty-fifth meeting of the Plants Committee
online, 02 - 04 June 2021
Joint information documents
1. | Guidance on the application of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) of the Animals and Plants Committees in an online meeting (submitted by the Secretariat) | AC31/PC25 Inf. 1 | All | English French Spanish |
21.05.2021 24.05.2021 |
Information documents
1. | CPF Strategic Vision towards 2030 (sumitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 1 | 12 | English | 08.06.2020 |
2. | Gross direct exports of Appendix-II plant species, 2014-2018, raw data (submitted by the Secretariat and prepared by UNEP-WCMC) | PC25 Inf. 2 | 15.4 | Excel | 08.06.2020 |
3. | Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.) (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 3 | 25 | English | 08.06.2020 |
4. | Products containing Appendix-II orchids (sumitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 4 | 37 | English | 08.06.2020 |
5. | Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (submitted by the Secretariat) Plateforme intergouvernementale scientifique et politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques (IPBES) (soumis par le Secrétariat) Plataforma intergubernamental científico normativa sobre diversidad biológica y servicios de los ecosistemas (IPBES) (presentado por la Secretaría) |
PC25 Inf. 5 | 14 | English French Spanish |
08.06.2020 |
6. | Rosewood tree species [Leguminosae (Fabaceae)] (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 6 | 26.1 | English | 10.06.2020 |
7. | Response of India to the questionnaire on Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.) (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 7 | 25 | English | 06.07.2020 |
8. | Rapid assessment of Appendix-I taxa that could potentially benefit from further CITES action (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 8 | 10 | English Excel |
07.09.2020 |
9. | Illustrated manual of plant # annotations in the CITES Appendices - Version 3.0 (submitted by Germany) | PC25 Inf. 9 | 35 | English | 23.10.2020 |
10. | Non-detriment findings (NDF) foundations for species of the genus Cedrela in Argentinca (submitted by Argentina) Fundamentos de los dictámenes de extracción no perjudicial para especies del género Cedrela en Argentina (presentado por Argentina) |
PC25 Inf. 10 | 29 | English / Spanish | 26.11.2020 |
11. | Identification of timber and other wood products - supporting information (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 11 | 19 | English | 11.01.2021 |
12. | Annotation #15 - responses to Notification to the Parties No. 2020/033 (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 12 | 36 | English | 13.01.2021 |
13. | Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation - supporting information (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 13 | 12 | English | 15.01.2021 |
14. | Musical instruments and Appendix-II annotation #15 (submitted by the United States of America) Instruments de musique et annotation #15 (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique) Instrumentos musicales y Apéndice-II anotación #15 (presentado por los Estados Unidos de América) |
PC25 Inf. 14 | 35 & 36 | English French Spanish |
27.05.2021 |
15. | Release of the CITES wood app (submitted by Germany) | PC25 Inf. 15 | 19 | English | 27.05.2021 |
16. | Non-detriment findings - citations and links to guidance documents (submitted by Germany) | PC25 Inf. 16 | 17 | English | 31.05.2021 |
17. | National species list of Korea (submitted by the Republic of Korea) | PC25 Inf. 17 | 32.1 | English | 31.05.2021 |
18. | Response of the Sultanate of Oman to the questionnaire on Boswellia trees (Boswellia spp.) (submitted by Oman) | PC25 Inf. 18 | 25 | English | 31.05.2021 |
19. | Response of the People's Republic of China regarding document AC31 Doc. 14.1 / PC25 Doc. 17 (submitted by China) | PC25 Inf. 19 | 17 | English | 02.06.2021 |
20. | Non-detriment findings (submitted by Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America) | PC25 Inf. 20 | 17 | English | 02.06.2021 |
21. | Inclusion of Pterocarpus erinaceus from all range States in the Review of Significant Trade (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 21 | 15.5 | English | 15.06.2021 |
22. | Guidance on terms related to artificial propagation of CITES-regulated plants (submitted by the Secretariat) | PC25 Inf. 22 | 22 | English | 21.06.2021 |