Twentieth meeting of the Plants Committee

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Dublin (Ireland), 22-30 March 2012

In-session documents

(all documents are provided in PDF format)

Note: The recommendations in these working group reports may have been adopted with amendments.
You need to refer to the corresponding items in the executive summaries for the text adopted by the Committee.

Title Document
PC20 working groups
No document
2. Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species – Species selected following CoP15
(agenda item 14.2)
3. Assessment of trade in epiphytic cacti and review of listing of Cactaceae spp. in Appendix II (Decision 15.89) (agenda items 16.1.1, 16.2 and 16.3)
4. Madagascar (Decision 15.97) (agenda item 17.1.1)
5. Preparation of clarification and guidance on the meaning of "packaged and ready for retail trade" and other terms used in the Annotations
Tree species: annotations for species included in Appendices II and III [Decision 14.149, 15.35 and 14.148 (Rev.CoP15)] (agenda items and
6. Timber species, medicinal plants and agarwood-producing species (Decisions 15.26 and 15.27)
Agarwood producing taxa (Decision 15.94) (agenda items 15.1 and 17.2.1)
7. Progress report of the Working Group on the Bigleaf Mahogany and Other Neotropical Timber Species [Decisions 15.91, 15.92 and 14.146 (Rev. CoP15)] (agenda item 19.1)
8. Nomenclature matters (agenda item 20)
PC20 drafting group
1. Progress report of the Working Group on the Bigleaf Mahogany and Other Neotropical Timber Species [Decisions 15.91, 15.92 and 14.146 (Rev. CoP15)] (agenda item 19.1)
PC20 in-session documents
1. Agarwood (agenda item 17.2.1)
2. Cactaceae and Orchidaceae: review of annotations (Decision 15.34) (agenda item
3. Progress report of the Working Group on the Bigleaf Mahogany and other Neotropical Timber Species [Decision 15.91, 15.92 and 14.146 (Rev. CoP15)] (agenda item 19.1)
AC26/PC20 working groups
1. Transport of live specimens (agenda item 11)
2. Evaluation of the Review of Significant Trade (agenda item 7)
3. Non-detriment findings (agenda item 8)
AC26/PC20 drafting group
1. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (agenda item 5)
AC26/PC20 in-session documents
1. Capacity-building programme for science-based establishment and implementation of voluntary national export quotas for Appendix-II species (Decision 12.91) – Report of the joint working group (agenda item 9)
2. Revision of Resolution Conf. 14.8 on Periodic Review of the Appendices (agenda item 10)