PC12: Provisional Agenda

Twelfth meeting of the Plants Committee

Leiden (The Netherlands), 13-17 May 2002

Agenda and documents

Agenda item

Document No.

1. Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure
PC12 Doc. 2
3. Adoption of the Agenda and Working programme
3.1 Agenda
PC12 Doc. 3.1 (Rev.1)
3.2 Working programme
PC12 Doc. 3.2
4. Admission of observers
5. Regional reports and reports on regional meetings
5.1 Africa
5.2 Asia
5.3 Central and South America and the Caribbean
PC12 Doc. 5.3
5.4 Europe
5.5 North America
PC12 Doc. 5.5
5.6 Oceania
PC12 Doc. 5.6
6. Regional Directories [Resolution Conf. 11.1, Annex 2, paragraph e)]
6.1 Africa
PC12 Doc. 6.1
6.2 Asia
6.3 Central and South America and the Caribbean
PC12 Doc. 6.3
6.4 Europe
6.5 North America
PC12 Doc. 6.5
6.6 Oceania
PC12 Doc. 6.6
7. Report of the Standing Committee
7.1 Review of Resolution Conf. 9.24
No document
7.2 Other plant issues
No document
7.3 Strategic planning
PC12 Doc. 7.3
8.1 Follow-up of CoP11 Decisions
8.1 Harpagophytum spp.
PC12 Doc. 8.1
  8.1.1 Common statement by the participants of the Regional Devil's Claw Conference, Windhoek, Namibia 28 February 2002
PC12 Doc. 8.1.1
  8.1.2 Imports of Harpagophytum in Germany
PC12 Doc. 8.1.2
8.2 Guaiacum sanctum
PC12 Doc. 8.2 (Rev.1)
8.3 Aquilaria spp.
PC12 Doc. 8.3
8.4 Mahogany Working Group
No document
9. Technical proposals for the 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties
9.1 Definitions of the technical terms used in the annotations
PC12 Doc. 9.1
9.2 Trade in seeds
PC12 Doc. 9.2
  9.2.1 Comments of the Secretariat with respect to document PC12 Doc. 9.2
PC12 Doc. 9.2.1
10. Species proposals for the 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties
10.1 Artificially propagated orchid hybrids
PC12 Doc. 10.1
10.2 Delisting of leaf-bearing cacti (Pereskioid and Opuntioid Cactaceae) PC12 Doc. 10.2
10.3 Inclusion of Guaiacum spp. in Appendix III
PC12 Doc. 10.3
11. Significant trade in plants
11.1 Problems and inconsistencies in Resolution Conf. 8.9 (Rev.) and Decision 11.117
PC12 Doc. 11.1 (Rev.1)
11.2 Implementation of Resolution Conf. 8.9 (Rev.) (cf. Decision 11.117)
  11.2.1 Trade in plants from Madagascar
PC12 Doc. 11.2.1
  11.2.2 Cycads
  11.2.3 Selection of taxa for review
PC12 Doc. 11.2.3
12. Medicinal plants
12.1 Implementation of Decision 11.165 on trade in traditional medicines
  12.1.1 Inventory of operations where artificial propagation of CITES species is conducted for medicinal purposes
PC12 Doc. 12.1.1
  12.1.2 List of species traded for medicinal purposes
PC12 Doc. 12.1.2
    12.1.3 Proposal from Italy PC12 Doc. 12.1.3
13. Review of the Appendices
No document
14. Checklists and nomenclature
14.1 Progress report
PC12 Doc. 14.1
14.2 Updated taxonomical list of Opuntia and segregates
PC12 Doc. 14.2
14.3 List of the American Dicksonia species
PC12 Doc. 14.3
15. Strategic planning (PC)
PC12 Doc. 15
16. ID Manual
16.1 Progress report
PC12 Doc. 16.1
16.2 Presentation of a book on Identification of Appendix I cacti
PC12 Doc. 16.2
17. Guidelines for transport of live plants
PC12 Doc. 17
18. Tree species evaluation: progress report by the Netherlands
No document
19. Evaluation of certification schemes
PC12 Doc. 19
20. Issues resulting from PC11, not included elsewhere in the Agenda
20.1 Review on the genus Taxus
PC12 Doc. 20.1
  Contribution from Italy PC12 Doc. 20.1.1
20.2 Illegal trade in Paphiopedilum spp.
20.3 Relationship between ex situ production and in situ conservation
PC12 Doc. 20.3
21. Training initiatives
21.1 Standard slide package: progress report
PC12 Doc. 21.1
22. Sales of cacti on the Internet
PC12 Doc. 22
23. Production systems involving CITES listed species and their impact on wild populations - source code designations
23.1 CITES plant production systems
PC12 Doc. 23.1
24. Time and venue of the 13th Plants Committee meeting
No document
25. Any other business
25.1 Progress report of the CITES Management Authority of China in plant protection and management in 2001
PC12 Doc. 25.1