CoP18 - Information documents / Documents d'information / Documentos informativos

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Geneva (Switzerland), 17-28 August 2019

Information documents / Documents d'information / Documentos informativos


Acciones realizadas por la República Argentina tendientes a cumplir con los mandatos de la Convención sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de fauna y flora silvestre (CITES) para tiburones (presentado por Argentina)

CoP18 Inf. 1 Doc. 68 Spanish 20/02/2019
International workshop on CITES and livelihoods (Guangzhou, China, 6-8 November 2018) (submitted by China) CoP18 Inf. 2 Doc. 18 English 20/02/2019
3. Information document proposal to list Centronele spp., Cochranella spp., Hyalinobatrachium spp., Sachatamia spp. in Appendix II in CITES (submitted by Costa Rica) CoP18 Inf. 3 Prop. 38 English 20/02/2019
4. Final consultant's report: Review of demand reduction initiatives by CITES Parties (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 4 Doc. 20 English 20/02/2019
5. Viet Nam CITES Management Authority supports the inclusion of salamander genus in CITES Appendix II (submitted by Viet Nam) CoP18 Inf. 5 Prop. 40 and 41 English 20/02/2019
6. Supplemental information supporting the CITES CoP18 proposal to list Giraffa camelopardalis on Appendix II, as submitted by the Central African Republic, Chad, Kenya, Mali, Niger and Senegal (submitted by Chad and Niger)
Information complémentaires appuyant la proposition visant à inscrire Giraffa camelopardalis à l'Annexe II de la CITES à la CoP18, déposée par la République centrafricaine, le Tchad, le Kenya, le Mali, le Niger et le Sénégal (soumis par le Niger et le Tchad)
CoP18 Inf. 6 Prop. 5 English
7. Nairobi declaration in support of the proposal to include the giraffe in CITES Appendix II (submitted by Chad)
Déclaration de Nairobi en soutien à la proposition visant à inscrire la giraffe à l'Annexe II de la CITES (soumis par le Tchad)
CoP18 Inf. 7 Prop. 5 English
8. Additional information on document CoP18 Doc. 12 (submitted by Antigua and Barbuda) CoP18 Inf. 8 Doc. 12 English 27/03/2019
9. Outcomes of the 1st meeting of range States for the joint CMS-CITES African Carnivore Initiative (ACI1) (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 9 Doc. 96 English 27/03/2019
10. Guidelines for the conservation of lions in Africa (submitted by the Secretariat)
Directives pour la conservation du lion en Afrique (soumis par le Secrétariat)
CoP18 Inf. 10 Doc. 96 English
11. Elements for a potential workplan for CITES implementation for trade in medicinal plant species (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 11 Doc. 55 English 10/04/2019
12. IUCN/TRAFFIC analyses of the proposals to amend the CITES Appendices at the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 12 Doc. 105 English
Regional Workshop of Latin America and the Caribbean Pre-CoP18, discussion of proposals to include sharks and rays held on April 1 and 2 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (submitted by the Dominican Republic)
Taller Regional de América Latina y el Caribe Pre-CoP18, discusión de propuestas para incluir tiburones y rayas celebrado el 1 y 2 de abril en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (presentado por la República Dominicana)
CoP18 Inf. 13 Props. 42, 43 & 44 English
14. Chiang Mai Statement of ASEAN Ministers responsible for CITES and wildlife enforcement on illegal wildlife trade (submitted by Thailand) CoP18 Inf. 14 Doc. 32 English 02/05/2019
Canada's pinciples for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (submitted by Canada)
Principes du Canada relatifs à la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d'extinction (CITES) (soumis par le Canada)
Principios canadienses para la Convencion sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de fauna y flora silvestres (CITES) (presentado por Canadá)
CoP Inf. 15 All English
16. Déclaration de Dakar relative aux inscriptions de requins et de raies à l'Annexe II de la CITES (soumis par le Sénégal) CoP18 Inf. 16 Props. 42, 43 & 44 French 12/06/2019
17. Information on the exercise of the right to vote by the European Union or the EU Member States (submitted by the European Union) CoP18 Inf. 17 All English 17/06/2019

Status, scope and trends of the legal and illegal international trade in marine turtles, its conservation impacts, management options and mitigation priorities (submitted by the Secretariat)
Annex 1; Annex 2; Annex 3; Annex 4

CoP18 Inf. 18 Doc. 70 English 28/06/2019
19. Déclaration d'Abuja sur les priorités de conservation des États membres de la CEDEAO (soumis par le Nigéria)
Abuja declaration on conservation priorities of ECOWAS Member States (submitted by Nigeria)
CoP18 Inf. 19 All English / French 28/06/2019
20. Proposal to amend Listing Proposal 53 (CoP18 Prop. 53) to extend the scope of the annotation for Pericopsis elata  (submitted by Côte d’Ivoire and the European Union)
Proposition de modification de la Propositoin 53 (CoP18 Prop. 53) pour étendre le champ d'application de l'annotation pour Pericopsis elata (soumis par la Côte d'ivoire et l'Union européenne)
CoP18 Inf. 20 Prop. 53 English
21. Information supporting proposal CoP18 Prop. 28, to include Gekko gecko in Appendix II, as submitted by the European Union, India, the Philippines and the United States of America (submitted by the European Union and the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 21 Prop. 28 English 10/07/2019
22. Helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil): Proposal to amend Resolution Conf. 17.11 and the following amendments to Annex 1 in CoP18 Doc. 84 (proposed decisions) (submitted by Malaysia) CoP18 Inf. 22 Doc. 84 English 17/07/2019
CITES musical instrument certificates (submitted by the United States of America)
Certificats CITES pour instruments de musique (soumis par les États d'Amérique)
Certificados CITES sobre instrumentos musicales (presentado por les Estados Unidos de América)
CoP18 Inf. 23 Doc. 56 English
24. Transnational organized crime in Southeast Asia: Evolution, growth and impact (2019) (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 24 Doc. 32 & 33 English 25/07/2019
Musical instruments and the proposed listing of woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) in Appendix II without annotation (submitted by the United States of America)
Les instruments de musique et la proposition d'inscription de mammouth laineux (Mammuthus primigenius) à l'Annexe II sans annotation (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique)
Instrumentos musicales y la inclusión del mamut lanudo (Mammuthus primigenius) en el Apéndice II sin ninguna anotación (presentado por les Estados Unidos de América)
CoP18 Inf. 25 Prop. 13 English
Statement of principles: Musical instruments and Appendix II annotation #15 (submitted by the United States of America)
Déclaration de principes: Instruments de musique et Annexe II annotation #15 (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique)
Declaración de principios: Instrumentos musicales y anotación #15 en el Apéndice II (presentado por les Estados Unidos de América)
CoP18 Inf. 26 Prop. 52 English
Musical instruments and the proposed listing of Cedrela spp. on Appendix II without annotation (submitted by the United States of America)
Les instruments de musique et la proposition d'inscription de l'essence Cedrela spp. à l'Annexe II sans annotation (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique)
Instrumentos musicales y la propuestoa de la inclusión de Cedrela spp. en el Apéndice II sin anotación (presentado por les Estados Unidos de América)
CoP18 Inf. 27 Prop. 57 English
28. Review of CITES provisions relating to the trade in specimens of animals and plants not of wild source (submitted by the Secretariat)
Examen des dispositions CITES relatives au commerce de spécimens non sauvages d'animaux et de plantes (soumis par le Secrétariat)
Examen de la disposiciones de la CITES relativas al comercio de especímenes de fauna y flora de origen no silvestre (presentado por la Secretaría)
CoP18 Inf. 28 Doc. 59 English
Considerations for implementation of annotation #15 (submitted by Canada and the European Union)
Considérations relatives à l'application de l'annotation #15 (soumis par le Canada et l'Union européenne)
Consideraciones relativas a la aplicacion de la anotacion #15 (presentado Canadá y la Unión europea)
CoP18 Inf. 29 Prop. 52 English
30. Note from the FAO Expert Panel Coordinator on the Sixth FAO Expert Advisory Panel for the assessment of proposals to amend Appendices I and II of CITES concerning commercially exploited aquatic species (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 30 Doc. 105 English 01/08/2019
31. CITES CoP history relevant to non-CITES listed species (submitted by Sri Lanka, Switzerland and the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 31 Docs. 66, 79 & 94 English 07/08/2019
32. Showcasing implementation of Zimbabwe's national elephant management plan (2015-2020) and its national action plan (submitted by Zimbabwe) CoP18 Inf. 32 Prop. 11, Docs. 17 & 69 English 07/08/2019
33. Information supporting proposal CoP18 Prop. 6 to tranfer the smooth coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) to Appendix I and proposal CoP18 Prop. 7 to transfer the Asian small clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus) to Appendix I (submitted by India) CoP18 Inf. 33 Prop. 6 & 7 English 07/08/2019
34. Information supporting proposal CoP18 Prop. 36 to transfer the Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) to Appendix I (submitted by India) CoP18 Inf. 34 Prop. 36 English 07/08/2019
35. Information supporting proposal CoP18 Prop. 51 to delete Dalbergia sissoo from Appendix II (submitted by India) CoP18 Inf. 35 Prop. 51 English 07/08/2019
36. Voluntary certification standards and the implementation of CITES for trade in medicinal and aromatic plant species (submitted by Germany and Mexico) CoP18 Inf. 36 Docs. 17.2, 18.3, 42, 45 & 55 English 08/08/2019
37. The global tree assessment supporting CITES (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 37 Docs. 16, 65, 74 & 93 English 08/08/2019
Opposing for subgenus Holothuria (Microthele): Holothuria fuscogilva, Holothuria nobilis and Holothuria whitmaei at CITES CoP18 (submitted by Papua New Guinea)
CoP18 Inf. 38 Prop. 45 English 09/08/2019
Summary of new findings on Wedgefish and Giant Guitarfish (submitted by Senegal)
Résumé des nouvelles découvertes relatives aux raies wedgefish et aux guitares de mer (soumis par le Sénégal)
CoP18 Inf. 39 Props. 43 & 44 English
Supplementary information on CITES CoP 18 proposal 42: confirming that shortfin and longfin mako sharks fully meet the criteria for inclusion on CITES Appendix II (submitted by Senegal)
Informations supplémentaires relatives à la proposition 42 de la CoP18 à la CITES : Confirmation du fait que les requins-taupes bleus et les petits requins-taupes remplissent pleinement les critères d'inscription à l'Annexe II de la CITES (soumis par le Sénégal)
CoP18 Inf. 40 Prop. 42 English
41. Additional information for CITES CoP 18 proposal 45: identification of teatfish in trade (submitted by the Seychelles) CoP18 Inf. 41 Prop. 45 English 12/08/2019
42. Supplementary information on CITES CoP18 proposals 23, 24, 25 and 26 (submitted by Sri Lanka) CoP18 Inf. 42 Prop. 23, 24, 25 & 26 English 13/08/2019
43. Election of regional members of the Standing Committee and of members of the Animals and Plants Committees (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 43 Doc. 9 English 13/08/2019
44. Annual illegal trade report data storage and database management (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 44 Doc. 36 English 13/08/2019
45. International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 45 Doc. 15.5 English 13/08/2019
46. Rural communities, livelihoods and CITES: A guide to key documents for discussion at CITES CoP18 (submitted by China) CoP18 Inf. 46 Docs. 11, 17, 18 & 19 English 13/08/2019
47. Update on the Development of a West Africa Strategy for Combating Wildlife Crime (WASCWC) (submitted by Nigeria and Senegal) CoP18 Inf. 47 Doc. 34 English 14/08/2019
48. Medicinal Plant Listings in CITES (Korean Pharmacopoeia and Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia) (submitted by the Republic of Korea) CoP18 Inf. 48 Doc. 55 English 14/08/2019
49. Myth debunked: Keratinous pangolin scales do not contain the analgesic tramadol (submitted by the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 49 Doc. 75 English 14/08/2019
50. Implementing CITES Rosewood Species Listings. A Diagnostic Guide for Rosewood Range States (submitted by the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 50 Doc. 74 English 14/08/2019
Uplisting of Malagasy precious woods critical for their survival (submitted by the United States of America)
Renforcer le niveau de protection des bois précieux malgaches pour assurer leur survie (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique)
CoP18 Inf. 51 Doc. 30 English
52. Bomb-curve radiocarbon dating as a forensic tool for dating ivory (submitted by the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 52 Doc. 69 & Props. 10, 11 & 12 English 14/08/2019
53. Trade in Boswellia spp. (Burseraceae) (submitted by the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 53 Doc. 66 English 14/08/2019
54. Frankincense in peril (submitted by the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 54 Doc. 66 English 14/08/2019
55. Teatfish CITES scientist support letter (submitted by the United States of America) CoP18 Inf. 55 Prop. 45 English 14/08/2019
56. Updates on efforts, results of fighting against illegal trading in elephant ivories, rhino horns, pangolins and tigers in Viet Nam for 2018-2019 (submitted by Viet Nam) CoP18 Inf. 56 Doc. 32 English 14/08/2019
57. Alianza contra el tráfico ilegal del jaguar (presentado por el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia) CoP18 Inf. 57 Doc. 77 Spanish 14/08/2019
58. Comment from Thailand regarding the definition of "assisted production" in Resolution Conf. 11.11
(Rev. CoP17) in relation to agenda item 59.2 (submitted by Thailand) 
CoP18 Inf. 58 Doc. 59.2 English 15/08/2019
59. South Africa African grey parrots proposed amendments (submitted by South Africa) CoP18 Inf. 59 Doc. 81 English 15/08/2019
60. The status of and trade in the South African population of Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa (South African giraffe) (submitted by South Africa) CoP18 Inf. 60 Prop. 5 English 15/08/2019
61. Supplementary information on the Aloe ferox (bitter aloe) trade and industry) (submitted by South Africa) CoP18 Inf. 61 Prop. 55 English 15/08/2019
62. Report of the Prunus africana related discussions within the CITES tree species regional meeting for Africa (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 62 Doc. 80 English 15/08/2019
63. Report of the third meeting of the GFCM/OSPESCA/WECAFC/CRFM/CITES working group on queen conch (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 63 Doc. 85 English 15/08/2019
64. Workshop proceedings: Sustainable wildlife management beyond 2020 (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 64 Doc. 10 English 15/08/2019
65. Project tigris ID- development of diagnostic tools for DNA analysis in processed products (submitted by the Czech Republic) CoP18 Inf. 65 Doc. 71 English 15/08/2019
66. Tigris ID: Guidelines and sampling protocols (submitted by the Czech Republic) CoP18 Inf. 66 Doc. 71 English 15/08/2019
67. Sponsored delegates project: Supplementary information (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 67 (Rev. 1) Doc. 7.6 English


68. Note from the FAO on global review of precious corals in international trade (Order Antipatharia / Family Corallidae) (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 68 Doc. 64 English 16/08/2019
69. Marine ornamental fish trade (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 69 Doc. 94 English 16/08/2019
70. Documenting trade in CITES-listed marine species (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 70 Docs. 63, 67, 68, 72 & 85 English 16/08/2019
71. Updated on CITES implementation for humphead (Napoleon) wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 71 Doc. 71 English 16/08/2019
72. Ensuring effective stockpile management: A guidance document (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 72 Doc. 51 English 16/08/2019
73. Illegal trade in cheetahs: Supplemental information and recommendations (submitted by Ethiopia and Kenya) CoP18 Inf. 73 Doc. 60 English 17/08/2019
74. Overview of NDF materials available to CITES Parties (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 74 Doc. 45 English 17/08/2019
Methods for monitoring populations of pangolins (submitted by the United States of America)
Méthodes de surveillance des populations de pangolins (soumis par les Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
CoP18 Inf. 75 Doc. 75 English
76. Clarification and further justifications for the inclusion of the Mulanje cedar (Widdringtonia whytei) in Appendix II, in response to the Secretariat's recommendations (submitted by Malawi) CoP18 Inf. 76 Prop. 50 English 17/08/2019
77. Contributions of the Abidjan Convention to CITES (submitted by Guinea and Nigeria)
Contributions de la Convention d'Abidjan à la Convention CITES (soumis par la Guinée et le Nigéria)
CoP18 Inf. 77 Doc. 15.1 English
78. Supplemental information in support of the CITES CoP18 proposal to amend South Africa's export quota for black rhinoceros hunting trophies (submitted by South Africa) CoP18 Inf. 78 Doc. 48 English 18/08/2019
79. Comments on proposal CoP18 Prop. 49 by Sri Lanka and the United States of America to include all species of arboreal and ornamental tarantulas in the genus Poecilotheria in Appendix II (submitted by India) CoP18 Inf. 79 Prop. 49 English 18/08/2019
80. Revised scales of assessment (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 80 Doc. 7.4 English 18/08/2019
81. Loxodonta localizer: Using mitochondrial DNA as a tool for CITES enforcement (submitted by Gabon) CoP18 Inf. 81 Docs. 69.1 & 69.5 English 19/08/2019
82.   CoP18 Inf. 82   WITHDRAWN 19/08/2019
83.   CoP18 Inf. 83   WITHDRAWN 19/08/2019
84.   CoP18 Inf. 84   WITHDRAWN 19/08/2019

Accra Declaration on combatting illegal trade in rosewoods, timber and forest products in West Africa (submitted by Sierra Leone)
Déclaration d’Accra sur la lutte contre le commerce illégal des bois de rose, des grumes et des produits forestiers en Afrique de l’ouest (soumis par la Sierra Leone)

CoP18 Inf. 85 Doc. 34



MRU-Freetown declaration on countering the illegal wildlife trade within the subregion (submitted by Sierra Leone)
UPFM-Déclaration de Freetown sur la lutte contre le commerce illicite des espèces sauvages dans la sous région (soumis par la Sierra Leone)

CoP18 Inf. 86 Doc. 34.



87. Conservation strategies for pangolin (Pholidota: Manidae) (submitted by the Philippines) CoP18 Inf. 87 Doc. 75 English 21/08/2019
88. Notes on the proposal for inclusion of the shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and longfin Mako (Isurus paucus) sharks in Appendix II of CITES in relation to the stock status and scientific advice provided to the ICCAT commission (submitted by the Secretariat) CoP18 Inf. 88 Doc. 68 English 21/08/2019
89. CITES CoP18 – rhino horn trade protocol CoP18 Inf. 89 Prop. 8 English 22/08/2019
90. Letter from IUCN Viper Specialist Group in support to the proposal 32 CoP18 Inf. 90 Prop. 32 English 22/08/2019
91. Strengthening CITES implementation in Central America and the Caribbean: Species assessments for Dalbergia Stevensonii, Sphyrna spp. and Strombus Gigas
Fortaleciendo la implementación de la CITES en América Central y el Caribe: Evaluaciones de especies para Dalbergia Stevensonii, Sphyrna spp. y Strombus Gigas
CoP18 Inf. 91 Doc. 45 English
92. Evaluating the relationships between the legal and illegal international wildlife trades CoP18 Inf. 92 Doc. 45 English 25.08.2019
93. TRAFFIC feedback on issues raised in the discussion of the ETIS report presented in Cop18 doc. 69.3 (rev. 1) in Committee II CoP18 Inf. 93 Doc. 69.3 English 28.08.2019