Information Documents / Documents d'information / Documentos informativos
1. |
Guide for participants (submitted by the Secretariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 1 | Doc. 3 | English French Spanish |
19/09/2016 | |
An investigation into the trade of Nautilus (submitted by the United States of America)
CoP17 Inf. 2 | Prop. 48 | English | 25/07/2016 | |
Chambered Nautilus expert workshop report summary (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP17 Inf. 3 | Prop. 48 | English | 25/07/2016 | |
4. | Canadian principles for CITES (submitted by Canada) Principes du Canada relatifs à la CITES (soumis par le Canada) Principios canadienses para la CITES (presentado por Canadá) |
CoP17 Inf. 4 | All | English French Spanish Arabic Chinese Russian |
25/07/2016 | |
5. | Supplementary information on Peregrine falcon (submitted by Canada) Renseignements supplémentaires sur le faucon pélerin (soumis par le Canada) Información complementaria sobre el halcón peregrino (presentado por Canadá) |
CoP17 Inf. 5 | Prop. 17 | English French Spanish |
25/07/2016 | |
6. | Beyond enforcement: Involving indigenous peoples and local communities in combating illegal wildlife trade (submitted by Austria) Au-delà de l'application de la loi: Inclusion des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales dans la lutte contre le commerce illégal d'espèces sauvages (soumis par l'Autriche) |
CoP17 Inf. 6 | Doc. 13 and Doc. 16 |
English French |
25/07/2016 | |
7. | Draft terms of reference of the donor advisory group on wildlife and forest crime (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 7 | Doc. 7.5 | English | 25/07/2016 | |
8. | World Wildlife Crime Report (2016) (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 8 | Doc. 14.2 and Doc. 25 |
English | 25/07/2016 | |
9. | Participation of the European Union and its Member States in CoP17 (submitted by the European Union and its Member States) | CoP17 Inf. 9 | Doc. 4.1 | English | 02/08/2016 | |
10. | View of the United States of America regarding adoption of the Rules of Procedure (submitted by the United States of America) Opinion des Étas-Unis d'Amérique concernant l'adoption du règlement intérieur (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique) Opinión de los Estados Unidos de América relativa a la adopción del reglamento (presentado por los Estados Unidos de América) |
CoP17 Inf. 10 | Doc. 4.1 | English French Spanish |
02/08/2016 | |
11. | IUCN/TRAFFIC analyses of the proposals to amend the CITES appendices at the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (submitted by the Secretariat) Analyses UICN/TRAFFIC des propositions d'amendements aux annexes de la CITES à la 17ème session de la Conférence des Parties (soumis par le Secrétariat) Análisis de las propuestas de enmienda a los Apéndices de la CITES de UICN/TRAFFIC a la 17a reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes (presentado por la Secretaría) |
CoP17 Inf. 11 | Doc. 88.1 | English French Spanish |
02/08/2016 01/09/2016 |
12. | Comments submitted during the consultation process on the Rules of Procedure of the Conference of the Parties (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 12 | Doc. 4.1 | English | 12/08/2016 | |
13. | Communication from the Maldives regarding the FAO Expert Panel outcomes (submitted by the Maldives) | CoP17 Inf. 13 | Prop. 42 | English | 01/09/2016 | |
14. | Communication from Sri Lanka regarding the FAO Expert Panel outcomes (submitted by Sri Lanka) | CoP17 Inf. 14 | Prop. 43 | English | 02/09/2016 | |
15. | Information supporting amendment proposal CoP17 Prop. 13 to transfer Macaca sylvanus from Appendix II to Appendix I, as submitted by the European Union and Morocco (submitted by the European Union) | CoP17 Inf. 15 | Prop. 13 | English | 07/09/2016 | |
16. | Information supporting the proposal to list Capra causica in Appendix II, with a zero export quota for wild-taken Capra causica causica exported for commercial purposes or as hunting trophies, as submitted by the European Union and Georgia (submitted by the European Union and Georgia) | CoP17 Inf. 16 | Prop. 2 | English | 07/09/2016 | |
17. | Rationale for Swaziland's proposal to CITES to legalize trade in its rhino horn (submitted by Swaziland) | CoP17 Inf. 17 | Prop. 7 | English | 07/09/2016 | |
18. | Cooperación regional sobre el manejo y el comercio de especies de tiburones listados en Apendice II (presentado por Colombia) | CoP17 Inf. 18 | Doc. 56 | Spanish and English | 08/09/2016 | |
19. | Cooperación regional sobre el manejo y el comercio del caracol pala (Strombus gigas) en América central del sur y el Caribe (presentado por Colombia) | CoP17 Inf. 19 | Doc. 72 | Spanish | 14/09/2016 | |
20. |
Implications of the European Union's accession to CITES (submitted by the European Union and its Member States) |
CoP17 Inf. 20 | Doc. 4.1 | English French |
14/09/2016 | |
21. | Panthera pardus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016 (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP17 Inf. 21 | Doc. 39.1 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
22. | Regulating "bioengineered" wildlife products under CITES: Interpreting the phrase "readily recognizable" (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP17 Inf. 22 | Doc. 27 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
23. | A review on monitoring of trade in ivory: Fact, methogolody and information (submitted by China) | CoP17 Inf. 23 | Doc. 57.6 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
24. | Comments from Trinidad and Tobago in respect of the list of proposals for amendments to Appendices I and II of CITES (submitted by Trinidad and Tobago) | CoP17 Inf. 24 | Doc. 88.1 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
25. | Application de la Convention au commerce des ébènes (Diospyros spp.) et des palissandres et bois de rose (Dalbergia spp.) de Madagascar (soumis par Madagascar) Implementation of the Convention for trade in Malagasy ebonies (Diospyros spp.) and palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) (submitted by Madagascar) |
CoP17 Inf. 25 | Doc. 55.1 | French English |
14/09/2016 | |
26. | A new online resource for CITES medicinal plant listings - Kew's medicinal plant names services (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | CoP17 Inf. 26 | Doc. 81.1 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
27. | Information to the Parties at CoP17 regarding Singapore CITES enforcement efforts and measures to tackle the illegal ivory trade (submitted by Singapore) | CoP17 Inf. 27 | Doc. 57.6 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
28. | Relationship between the United Nations Environment Programme and the Multilateral Environmental Agreements for which it provides the secretariats (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 28 | Doc. 7.2 | English | 14/09/2016 | |
29. | Information on the exercise of the right to vote by the European Union or the EU member States (submitted by the European Union and its Member States) | CoP17 Inf. 29 | Doc. 4.1 | English | 15/09/2016 | |
30. | Información adicional sobre la propuesta de inclusión del género Polymita en el Apéndice I (presentado por Cuba) | CoP17 Inf. 30 | Prop. 49 | Spanish | 15/09/2016 | |
31. | Note from the FAO export panel coordinator on the Fifth FAO Expert Advisory Panel for the assessement of proposals to amend Appendices I and II of CITES concerning commercially exploited aquatic species (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 31 | Doc. 88.1 | English | 15/09/2016 | |
32. | Complementary information on the status and management of Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) wild populations in Mexico (submitted by Mexico) Información complementaria sobre el estado de las poblaciones silvestres y manejo de cocodrilo de pantano (Crocodylys moreletii) en México (presentado por México) |
CoP17 Inf. 32 | Prop. 22 | English Spanish |
16/09/2016 | |
33. | International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 33 | Doc. 14.2 | English | 16/09/2016 | |
34. | Offer by Sri Lanka to host CoP18 (submitted by Sri Lanka) | CoP17 Inf. 34 | agenda item 89 | English | 16/09/2016 | |
35. | Background information on the draft resolution on livelihoods and food security (submitted by Namibia) Informations justificatives pour le projet de résolution sur les moyens d'existence et la sécurité alimentaire (soumis par la Namibie) |
CoP17 Inf. 35 | Doc. 17 | English French |
16/09/2016 | |
36. | Joint statement regarding Madagascar's ploughshare / Angonoka tortoise (submitted by the United States of America) Déclaration conjointe sur la tortue à soc (Astrochelys yniphora), Madagascar (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique) |
CoP17 Inf. 36 | Doc. 73 | English French |
19/09/2016 | |
37. | Additional information about the Chambered Nautilus listing proposal (submitted by the United States of America) Informations complémentaires sur la proposition relative aux Nautiles (soumis par les États-Unis d'Amérique) Información adicional sobre la propuesta de inclusión de los Nautilus (presentado por les Estados Unidos de América) |
CoP17 Inf. 37 | Prop. 48 | English French Spanish |
19/09/2016 | |
38. | Supplementary information on Cape Mountain Zebra - Biodiversity management plan (submitted by South Africa) | CoP17 Inf. 38 | Prop. 6 | English | 19/09/2016 | |
39. | Supplementary information on Cape Mountain Zebra - CMZ off-take simulator tool (submitted by South Africa) | CoP17 Inf. 39 | Prop. 6 | English | 19/09/2016 | |
40. | Supplementary information on Siphonochilus aethiopicus (wild ginger) - Identification guide (submitted by South Africa) | CoP17 Inf. 40 | Prop. 61 | English | 19/09/2016 | |
41. | Elements for a modular reporting against the Aichi biodiversity targets (submitted by Switzerland) | CoP17 Inf. 41 | Doc. 14.1 | English | 19/09/2016 | |
42. | A statement from the MIKE and ETIS Technical Advisory Group on recent claims that the CITES-approved ivory sales in 2008 caused a spike in poaching levels (submitted by the Secretariat) Déclaration du Groupe technique et consultatif de MIKE et ETIS suite aux récentes affirmations selon lesquelles le fait que la CITES ait approuvé les ventes d'ivoire en 2008 a entraîné une poussée des niveaux de braconnage (soumis par le Secrétariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 42 | Doc. 57.5 | English French |
19/09/2016 20/09/2016 |
43. | Workshop on illegal, unregulated and unmonitored trade, conservation planning and non-detriment finding of Napoleon (Humphead) wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus, Jakarta, Indonesia, 8-10 December 2015 (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 43 | Doc. 54 | English | 20/09/2016 | |
44. | Napoleon (Humphead) wrasse - Cheilinus undulatus trade into and through Hong Kong (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 44 | Doc. 54 | English | 20/09/2016 | |
45. | CITES Non-detriment findings. Guidance for perennial plants (submitted by Germany, Canada, China, Georgia and Peru) Avis de commerce non préjudiciable de la CITES. Guide pour les plantes pérennes (soumis par l'Allemagne, le Canada, la Chine, la Géorgie et le Pérou) Dictámenes de Extracción No Perjudicial CITES. Guía para Plantas Perennes (presentado por Alemania, Canadá, China, Georgia y Perú) |
CoP17 Inf. 45 | Doc. 78 | English French Spanish Chinese Georgian |
21/09/2016 | |
46. | Implementation manual for plant annotations in the CITES Appendices (submitted by Germany) | CoP17 Inf. 46 | Doc. 83.1, 83.2 and 83.3 | English | 21/09/2016 | |
47. | Trade study of selected East African timber production species (submitted by Germany) | CoP17 Inf. 47 | Doc. 62, 77 and 78 | English | 21/09/2016 | |
48. | Global status of Dalbergia and Pterocarpus rosewood producing species in trade (submitted by Senegal) | CoP17 Inf. 48 | Doc. 55 and 62 Prop. 53, 54, 55 and 57 |
English French Spanish |
21/09/2016 | |
49. | Información complementaria sobre el cocodrilo americano (presentado por Colombia) | CoP17 Inf. 49 | Prop.21 | Spanish | 22/09/2016 | |
50. |
Weblinks to publications from the Fifth FAO Expert Advisory Panel for the assessment of proposals to amend Appendices I and II of CITES concerning commercially-exploited aquatic species (submitted by the Secretariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 50 | Doc. 88.1 | English | 22/09/2016 | |
51. | Déclaration de la réunion de Dakar sur le dévelopment d'une collaboration sous-régionale sur la lutte contre la criminalité liée aux espèces sauvages (soumis par le Sénégal) | CoP17 Inf. 51 | Doc. 30 | French English |
22/09/2016 | |
52. | Implementing Appendix II Listings for marine fishes - important considerations when making non-detriment findings (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 52 (Rev. 1) | Doc. 78 and 88 | 22/09/2016 | ||
53. |
Assisting Parties to meet their commitments: CITES Review of Significant Trade for Seahorses (Hippocampus ssp.), a taxon traded in high volumes (submitted by the Secretariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 53 (Rev. 1) | Doc. 33 |
22/09/2016 15/12/2016 15/12/2016 |
54. | Updated information to the Parties at CoP17 regarding Viet Nam CITES enforcement efforts to takle illegal trade on rhino horn and ivory (submitted by Viet Nam) | CoP17 Inf. 54 | Doc.68 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
55. | The feasibility of the use of fin size as a complementary regulatory measure for sharks in trade - Executive summary (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 55 | Doc. 56 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
56. | View of Japan regarding Conservation of African Elephants and Trade in Ivory (submitted by Japan) | CoP17 Inf. 56 | Doc. 24, Doc. 27 and Doc. 57.2 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
57. | Current state and further efforts regarding ivory trade in Japan (submitted by Japan) | CoP17 Inf. 57 | Doc. 24, Doc. 27 and Doc. 57.2 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
58. | Japan's domestic trade regulation on raw and worked ivory (submitted by Japan) | CoP17 Inf. 58 | Doc. 24, Doc. 27 and Doc. 57.2 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
59. | The status, trade and conservation of pangolins (Manis spp.) (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 59 | Doc. 64 and Doc. 88.1 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
60. |
Informing decisions on trophy hunting (submitted by the Secretariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 60 | Doc. 39 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
61. |
CITES-related approved motions from the IUCN World Conservation Congress (submitted by the Secretariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 61 | Doc. 13, Doc. 16, Doc. 51, Doc. 56, Doc. 57.2, Doc. 64, Doc. 69, Doc. 75 and Doc. 88 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
62. |
Propos du Dr. Rosalie Matondo, la ministre de l'économie forestière, du développement durable et de l'environnement du Congo (soumis par le Congo)
CoP17 Inf. 62 | All | French | 23/09/2016 | |
63. | Pacific-wide sustainability risk assessment of bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus) (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 63 | Doc. 88.1 | English | 23/09/2016 | |
64. | Implementation of CITES Appendix II listing for marine species (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 64 | Doc. 15, Doc. 22, Doc. 23, Doc. 25, Doc. 26, Doc. 36, Doc. 50, Doc. 51, Doc. 54, Doc. 56, Doc. 78 and Doc. 88.1 | English French Spanish |
25/09/2016 | |
65. |
Simple is good: moving toward pragmatic and effective monitoring to support CITES implementation for marine fishes and invertebrates on Appendix II (submitted by the Secretariat) |
CoP17 Inf. 65 | Doc. 15 and Doc. 88.1 | English French Spanish |
25/09/2016 | |
66. | Guidance for the preparation and review of CITES proposals that involve projection of species trends in the future (submitted by Canada) | CoP17 Inf. 66 | Doc. 88.1 | English | 25/09/2016 | |
67. | Comments from the MIKE-ETIS Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on CoP17 Inf. 23 (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | CoP17 Inf. 67 | Doc. 57.6 and Inf. 23 | English | 25/09/2016 | |
68. | Hunting trophies (submitted by South Africa and the European Union and its Member States) | CoP17 Inf. 68 | Doc. 39.1 and Doc. 39.2 | English | 25/09/2016 | |
69. | Application of the criteria for listing commercially exploited aquatic species in the CITES Appendices by the Fifth FAO expert advisory panel for the assessment of proposals to amend Appendices I and II of CITES concerning commercially-exploited aquatic species (submitted by Bangladesh, Bhutan, Comoros, EU, Fiji, Maldives and Sri Lanka) | CoP17 Inf. 69 | Prop. 42 and Prop.43 | English | 25/09/2016 | |
70. | Supplementary information on CoP17 Proposal 37 on Dyscophys antongili (submitted by Madagascar) | CoP17 Inf. 70 | Prop.37 | English | 26/09/2016 | |
71. | Additional information on international trade in Telmatobius culeus (submitted by Plurinational State of Bolivia) | CoP17 Inf. 71 | Prop.40 | English | 26/09/2016 | |
72. | New forensic methods as tools for CITES enforcement-isotope analyses (submitted by Germany) | CoP17 Inf. 72 |
Doc. 25 and Doc. 57.1 |
English | 26/09/2016 | |
73. | Proposed decision regarding the conservation of the African lion and the role of international trade (submitted by South Africa and Uganda) | CoP17 Inf. 73 | Doc. 39.1 and Prop. 4 |
English French |
26/09/2016 28/09/2016 |
74. | Establishing and working with rescue centres designated under CITES (submitted by Costa Rica) | CoP17 Inf. 74 | Doc. 34 | English | 26/09/2016 | |
75. | Summary of findings on devil ray (Mobula spp) - Growth, productivity, fishing mortality and relative extinction risk (submitted by Fiji) | CoP17 Inf. 75 | Prop. 44 | English | 26/09/2016 | |
76. | Summary of rationale behind the listing of Chilean devil ray (Mobula Tarapacana) as vulnerable in the IUCN red list (submitted by Fiji) | CoP17 Inf. 76 | Prop. 44 | English | 26/09/2016 | |
77. | Conservation, Timber identification and sustainable management of Central African bubinga (Kevazingo) species (submitted by Gabon and the European Union) | CoP17 Inf. 77 | Prop. 56 | 26/09/2016 | ||
78. | Southern Africa's wildlife trade: An analysis of CITES trade in SADC countries (submitted by South Africa) | CoP17 Inf. 78 | Doc. 39.2, Doc. 58, Prop.19 | English | 26/09/2016 | |
79. | Analysis of the demand-driven trade in Hongmu timber species: Impacts of unsustainability and illegality in source regions (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP17 Inf. 79 | Docs 55 and 62 Props 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57 |
English | 28/09/206 | |
80. | Recommendations on legal acquisition finding decisions at the 17th Conference of the Parties (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP17 Inf. 80 | Doc. 10.1.1 (Rev. 1) and Doc. 23 | English | 28/09/2016 | |
81. | Draft decision regarding the management and conservation of the African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) (submitted by South Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) | CoP17 Inf. 81 | Prop. 19 | English French |
28/09/2016 | |
82. | View of the Russian Federation regarding the proposed amendements to Resolution Conf. 12.7 (Rev. CoP16) on Conservation of and trade in sturgeons and paddlefish (submitted by the Russian Federation) | CoP17 Inf. 82 | Doc. 50 | English | 28/09/2016 | |
83. | An IUCN situation analysis of terrestrial and freshwater fauna in West and Central Africa (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 83 | Doc. 30 | English French |
28/09/2016 | |
84. | Estudio de caso del tiburón martillo (Sphyrna spp.) en el municipio de San Luis la Herradura, Departamento de La Paz, El Salvador (presentado por El Salvador) | CoP17 Inf. 84 | Doc. 13 | Spanish | 28/09/2016 | |
85. | Draft regional non-detriment findings for silky shark in the Indian Ocean and thresher sharks in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean (submitted by Germany and Sri Lanka) | CoP17 Inf. 85 | Prop. 42 and 43 | English | 29/09/2016 | |
86. | American crocodile complementary information (submitted by Colombia) Información complementaria sobre el cocodrilo americano (presentado por la Colombia) |
CoP17 Inf. 86 | Prop. 21 | English Spanish | 29/09/2016 | |
87. | The applicability of traceability systems for CITES listed non-timber forest plant species listed under Appendices I and II. Key Findings of the preliminary assessment for medicinal and ornamental plant species (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 87 | Doc. 45 | English | 01/10/2016 | |
88. |
Malagasy Precious Hardwoods: Scientific and technical assessment to meet CITES objectives (submitted by the United States of America) |
CoP17 Inf. 88 | Doc. 55 | English French |
02/10/2016 | |
89. | Chair’s Summary of the global partnerships coordination forum hosted by the international consortium on combating wildlife crime (ICCWC) (submitted by the Secreteriat) | CoP17 Inf. 89 | Doc. 14.2 | English | 02/10/2016 | |
90. | International consortium on combating wildlife crime (ICCWC) Side Event: Enhancing Responses to combat wildlife crime (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 90 | Doc. 14.2 | English | 03/10/2016 | |
91. | Argumentaire du Cameroun sur les perroquets gris à queue rouge (soumis par le Cameroun) | CoP17 Inf. 91 | Prop. 19 | French | 03/10/2016 | |
92. |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/70/L.63 - Tackling Illicit Trafficking in Wildlife (submitted by the Secretariat)
CoP17 Inf. 92 | Doc. 19 | English | 03/10/2016 | |
93. | Voting records in Committee I (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP17 Inf. 93 | All Props | English | 04/10/2016 | |
94. | Results of Ministerial Lekgotla (submitted by South Africa) Résultats de la Lekgotla ministérielle (soumis par l'Afrique du Sud) |
CoP17 Inf. 94 | All | English French |
04/10/2016 | |
95. | Déclaration du Niger sur le retrait de la proposition 4 recommandant l'inscription des lions d'Afrique à l'Annexe 1 (soumis par le Niger) | CoP17 Inf. 95 | Prop. 4 | French | 04/10/2016 | |
96. |
Evidence should be used in global management of endangered species: A reply to the CITES Technical Advisory Group (submitted by Kenya) |
CoP17 Inf. 96 | Doc. 57.6 and Inf. 42 |
English French |
05/10/2016 | |
97. | Empowering the Next Generation: CITES and Youth Engagement - Report of the Youth Forum for People and Wildlife (submitted by the United States of America) (submitted on 24/09/2016 but inadvertently overlooked by the Secretariat at the time) |
CoP17 Inf. 97 | Doc. 20 | English | 12/16/2016 |