Thirtieth meeting of the Animals Committee - Information documents

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Thirtieth meeting of the Animals Committee

Geneva (Switzerland), 16-21 July 2018

Information documents

1. Colombia's response to Notification to the Parties No. 2018/035 (submitted by Colombia) AC30 Inf. 1 22 Spanish 15/06/2018
2. Identification guide for the dragons (Arboreal alligator lizards, Abronia spp.) regulated by CITES (submitted by Mexico)
Guía de identificación de los dragoncitos (lagartijas aroborícolas, Abronia spp.) regulados por la CITES (presentado por México)
AC30 Inf. 2 9.2 English
3. Ranching protocol for Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Mexico (submitted by Mexico)
Protocolo de rancheo para el cocodrilo de pantano (Crocodylus moreletii) en México (presentado por México)
AC30 Inf. 3 13.4 English
4. Unveiling the patterns and trends in 40 years of global trade in CITES-listed wildlife (submitted by the Secretariat) AC30 Inf. 4 / PC24 Inf. 4 12 & 13 English 19/06/2018
5. Especímenes criados en cautividad y en granjas (presentado por Colombia) AC30 Inf. 5 13 Spanish 22/06/2018
6. Guidance for the development of more detailed national/regional customs codes for live anguilla eel in American eel range states (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of the Zoological Society of London) AC30 Inf. 6 18 English 26/06/2018
7. Réponses à la notification aux parties no. 2018/037 (soumis par la Tunisie) AC30 Inf. 7 32 French 26/06/2018
8. Black sea bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus) (submitted by Ukraine) AC30 Inf. 8 23 English 26/06/2018
9. Respuestas a la notificacion a las parties no. 2018/035 (presentado por Nicaragua) AC30 Inf. 9  22 Spanish 26/06/2018
10. Respuestas a la notification a las partes no. 2018/035 (presentado por Honduras) AC30 Inf. 10 22 Spanish 26/06/2018
11. Status and resources management of tropical anguillid eels in Southeast Asia (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of SEAFDEC) AC30 Inf. 11 18 English 26/06/2018
12. Wedgefishes and guitarfishes (submitted by Pakistan) AC30 Inf. 12 30 English 04/07/2018
13. Spider tail viper (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides) (submitted by Iran) AC30 Inf. 13 30 English 06/07/2018
14. CITES Appendix II implementation issues for the three listed Hammerhead Sharks due to look-alike issues with the six remaining non-listed species of Sphyrnidae (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of WWF International, WWF Pacific and TRAFFIC) AC30 Inf. 14 20 English 09/07/2018
The Legal and Illegal Trade in African Lions. A study in support of Decision 17.241 e) (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of TRAFFIC)
AC30 Inf. 15 25 English 10/07/2018
A study to assess the impact of international trade on the conservation status of Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai cardinalfish) (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of IUCN)
AC30 Inf. 16 21 English 13/07/2018
17. Comments on the results of the "International expert workshop on non-detriment findings for hunting trophies of certain African species included in CITES Appendices I and II" (Seville, April 26-29, 2018) (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of SSN, Center for Biological Diversity, HSI and Pro Wildlife) AC30 Inf. 17 10.2 English 13/07/2018
18. Quotas for leopard hunting trophies (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of HSI) AC30 Inf. 18 15 English 13/07/2018
19. Joint press release on eels (submitted by Japan) AC30 Inf. 19 18 English 13/07/2018
20. Trade in vicuña fibre: Implications for conservation and rural livelihoods (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of ITC) AC30 Inf. 20   English 13/07/2018
21. Summary of Parties's responses to Notification 2018/041 on the request for new information on shark and ray conservation and management activtities, including legislation (submitted by the Secretariat) AC30 Inf. 21 20 English 14/07/2018
22. Amazona farinosa, Ara ararauna, Ara chloropterus / Suriname (submitted by Suriname) AC30 Inf. 22 12 English 15/07/2018
23. A scientific overview of the conservation status of African leopards (Panthera pardus pardus) with a specific focus on trophy hunting (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of Panthera) AC30 Inf. 23 15 English 15/07/2018
24 Supplementary information on lion trade (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of Environmental Investigation Agency) AC30 Inf. 24 25 English 16/07/2018
25. Guidance for inspection of captive breeding and ranching facilities (submitted by the Secretariat)
Orientations pour l'inspection des établissements d'élevage en captivité et d'élevage en ranch (soumis par le Secrétariat)
Guía para la inspección de los establecimientos de cría en cautividad y en granjas (presentado por la Secretaría)
AC30 Inf. 25 13


26. A guide to the application of CITES source codes (submitted by the Secretariat)
Guide d'application des codes de source CITES (soumis par le Secrétariat)
Guía para la aplicación de códigos de origen de la CITES (presentado por la Secretaría)
AC30 Inf. 26 13 English
27. Quotas for leopard hunting trophies (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of Conservation Force) AC30 Inf. 27 15 English 16/07/2018
28. African lion (Panthera leo) (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of Conservation Force) AC30 Inf. 28 25 English 16/07/2018
29. L’exploitation de l’anguille en Algérie (soumis par l'Algérie) AC30 Inf. 29 12 & 18 French 16/07/2018
30. Black Sea bottlenose dolphin in the Russian Federation (submitted by the Russian Federation) AC30 Inf. 30 23 English 17/07/2018
31. Analysis of status and sustainability of use of Eel population (Anguilla anguilla) in Belarus (submitted by Belarus) AC30 Inf. 31 18 English 17/07/2018
32. Export quotas review – Uganda (submitted by Uganda) AC30 Inf. 32 15 English 17/07/2018
33. Understanding the global caviar market (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of TRAFFIC) AC30 Inf. 33 17 English 18/07/2018


Joint sessions of the 30th meeting of the Animals Committee and 24th meeting of the Plants Committee

Geneva (Switzerland), 20-21 July 2018


1. Unveiling the patterns and trends in 40 years of global trade in CITES-listed wildlife (submitted by the Secretariat) AC30 Inf. 4 / PC24 Inf. 4 12 & 13 English 19/06/2018
2. Invitation from Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (submitted by the Secretariat) AC30 Inf 34 / PC24 Inf 13 11 English 20/07/2018
3. Statement of Principles - Musical Instruments and Appendix II Annotation #15 (submitted by the United States of America)
Déclaration de principes - Instruments de musique et Annexe II Annotation # 15 (soumis par les États-Unis d’Amérique)
Declaración de Principios - Instrumentos Musicales y Apendice II Anotación #15 (presentado por los Estados Unidos de América)
AC30 Inf 35 / PC24 Inf 14 AC30 33 / PC24 29 English