Thirtieth meeting of the Animals Committee - AGENDA

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Thirtieth meeting of the Animals Committee

Geneva (Switzerland), 16-21 July 2018

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AGENDA (provisional)


updated on

Opening remarks of the Chair No document  
Opening remarks of the Secretariat No document  
1. Agenda AC30 Doc. 1 (Rev. 1) 19/07/2018
2 Working programme (changes to agenda item 10.2) AC30 Doc. 2 (Rev. 1) 04/07/2018
3. Rules of Procedure [Decisions 17.3, 17.4 and 17.5] AC30 Doc. 3 24/05/2018
4. Admission of observers AC30 Doc. 4 (Rev. 2) 03/07/2018
5. Animals Committee strategic planning for 2017-2019 (CoP17-CoP18)    
  5.1 Implementation of the work plan for 2017-2019 No document  
Preparation of the report of the Chair of the Animals Committee for the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties
No document  
6. Review of Terms of Reference of the Animals and Plants Committees contained in Resolution Conf 11.1 (Rev. CoP17)* [Decision 17.9] AC30 Doc. 6 /
PC24 Doc. 6
7. CITES Strategic Vision* [Decision 17.18] No document  
8. Appendix-I listed species* [Decision 17.24] AC30 Doc. 8 /
PC24 Doc. 8
9. Capacity building and identification materials    
  9.1 Report of the Secretariat [Decisions 17.32 and 17.33] AC30 Doc. 9.1 /
PC24 Doc. 9.1
  9.2 Update of the identification guide for CITES-listed alligator lizards (Abronia spp.)  AC30 Doc. 9.2 25/05/2018
10. Non-detriment findings     
  10.1 Report of the Secretariat* [Resolution Conf. 16.7 (Rev. CoP17)] AC30 Doc. 10.1/
PC24 Doc. 10.1
  10.2 Results of the 'International expert workshop on non-detriment findings for hunting trophies of certain African species included in CITES Appendices I and II' (Seville, April 26-29, 2018) (inclusion of the final report of the workshop) AC30 Doc. 10.2 (Rev. 1) 25/05/2018
Cooperation with organizations and Multilateral Environmental Agreements    
11. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)* [Decision 16.15 (Rev. CoP17)] No document  
General compliance and enforcement    
12. Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species [Resolution Conf. 12.8 (Rev. CoP17)]    
  12.1 Overview of the Review of Significant Trade AC30 Doc. 12.1 28/05/2018
  12.2 Species selected following CoP17 AC30 Doc. 12.2 22/05/2018
    Annex 1: Range States responses (in the original language) AC30 Doc. 12.2 A1  22/05/2018
    Annex 2: Report on species/country combinations selected for review by the Animals Committee following CoP17
(Revision: missing text amended for A. ararauna threats, on page 28)
AC30 Doc. 12.2 A2 (Rev. 1) 22/05/2018
  12.3 Country-wide significant trade reviews* [Decision 17.111] AC30 Doc. 12.3/
PC24 Doc. 13.3
13. Captive-bred and ranched specimens    
  13.1 Review of trade in animal specimens reported as produced in captivity [Resolution Conf. 17.7 and Decision 17.105] AC30 Doc. 13.1 22/05/2018
    Annex 2: Responses received from Parties in relation to general or specific questions drafted by AC29 (in the original language)
(missing page added and change to page 25)
AC30 Doc. 13.1 A2 (Rev. 3) 14/06/2018
    Addendum to Annex 2B: Macaca fascicularis - Cambodia (in the original language) AC30 Doc. 13.1 A2 (Rev. 3) Add. 12/07/2018
    Annex 3: Short reviews of known information relating to breeding biology and captive husbandry and any impacts, if relevant, of removal of founder stock from the wild for species selected by AC29 AC30 Doc. 13.1 A3 22/05/2018
Observations and recommendations on the first iteration of Resolution Conf. 17.7 [Decisions 17.103 and 17.105]
AC30 Doc. 13.2 23/05/2018
  13.3 Non-detriment findings for specimens with source codes W, R and F [Decision 17.104] AC30 Doc. 13.3 23/05/2018
  13.4 Publication of a ranching protocol for Morelet’s crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Mexico  AC30 Doc. 13.4 28/06/2018
14. Specimens produced from synthetic or cultured DNA* [Decision 17.90] AC30 Doc. 14 /
PC24 Doc. 14 (Rev. 1)
  Annex 5:  Study on wildlife products produced from synthetic or cultured DNA (English only) AC30 Doc. 14 / PC24 Doc. 14 (Rev. 1) A5 05/06/2018
15. Quotas for leopard hunting trophies [Decision 17.115] AC30 Doc. 15 22/05/2018
  Annex 1: Export quota review - Mozambique (English only) AC30 Doc. 15 A1 22/05/2018
  Annex 2: Export quota review - Namibia (English only) AC30 Doc. 15 A2 22/05/2018
  Annex 3: Export quota review - South Africa (English only) AC30 Doc. 15 A3 22/05/2018
  Annex 4: Export quota review - United Republic of Tanzania (English only) AC30 Doc. 15 A4 22/05/2018
  Annex 5: Export quota review - Zambia (English only) AC30 Doc. 15 A5 22/05/2018
  Annex 6: Export quota review - Zimbabwe (English only) AC30 Doc. 15 A6 22/05/2018
Trade control and traceability    
16. Definition of the term 'appropriate and acceptable destinations' [Decision 17.179]
[correction to the quoted text of Resolution Conf. 11.20 (Rev. CoP17) and inclusion of Global Eye's response]
AC30 Doc. 16 (Rev. 2) 13/06/2018
  Annex: Responses to Notification to the Parties No. 2018/033 (in the original language)
(Inclusion of Global Eye's response)
AC30 Doc. 16 (Rev. 2) A 14/06/2018
Aquatic species  
17. Sturgeons and paddlefish (Acipenseriformes spp.)    
  17.1 Conservation of and trade in sturgeons and paddlefish [Resolution Conf. 12.7 (Rev. CoP17)] AC30 Doc. 17.1 22/05/2018
  17.2 Identification of sturgeons and paddlefish specimens in trade [Decisions 16.137 (Rev. CoP17) and 17.183] AC30 Doc. 17.2 22/05/2018
18. Eels (Anguilla spp.)     
  18.1 Report of the Secretariat [Decision 17.186] AC30 Doc. 18.1 01/06/2018
    Annex 1: Implementation of the CITES Appendix II listing of European eel (Anguilla Anguilla) (English only) AC30 Doc. 18.1 A1 22/05/2018
    Annex 2: Status of non-CITES listed anguilid eels (English only) AC30 Doc. 18.1 A2 22/05/2018
    Annex 3: International technical workshop on eels (Anguilla spp.) (English only) AC30 Doc. 18.1 A3 22/05/2018
  18.2 Report of the workshop of range States of the American eel AC30 Doc. 18.2 28/05/2018
  18.3 Report from the 2nd meeting of the range States for the European eel (Anguilla Anguilla) under the Convention of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) AC30 Doc. 18.3 28/05/2018
19. Precious corals (Order Antipatharia and family Coralliidae) [Decision 17.192] AC30 Doc. 19 22/05/2018
20. Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.) [Resolution Conf. 12.6 (Rev. CoP17) and Decision 17.211] AC30 Doc. 20 01/06/2018
  Annex 1: Responses to Notification to the Parties No. 2018/041 (in the original language) AC30 Doc. 20 A1 25/05/2018
  Annex 2: Data on trade in CITES-listed sharks and rays since 2000 AC30 Doc. 20 A2 24/05/2018
21. Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni    
  21.1 Report of the Secretariat [Decision 17.262] AC30 Doc. 21.1 22/05/2018
  21.2 Indonesia's progress report [Decision 17.259] AC30 Doc. 21.2 01/06/2018
22. Queen conch (Strombus gigas[Decisions 17.287 and 17.288] AC30 Doc. 22 01/06/2018
  Annex 1: Responses to Notification to the Parties No. 2018/035 (in the original language and in English) AC30 Doc. 22 A1 24/05/2018
  Annex 2: Comments of the Scientific Authority of Jamaica on document AC29 Doc. 26 (English only) AC30 Doc. 22 A2 24/05/2018
23. Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus[Decision 17.300] AC30 Doc. 23 24/05/2018
Terrestrial species    
24. African wild dog (Lycaon pictus[Decision 17.238] AC30 Doc. 24 25/05/2018
25. African lion (Panthera leo[Decision 17.242] AC30 Doc. 25 01/06/2018
Great apes (Hominidae spp.) [Decision 17.232] 
AC30 Doc. 26 01/06/2018
27. Snakes (Serpentes spp.)    
  27.1 Conservation, sustainable use of and trade in snakes [Resolution Conf. 17.12 and Decision 17.279] AC30 Doc. 27.1 22/05/2018
  27.2 Information from Benin, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia and Togo [Decision 17.279] AC30 Doc. 27.2 25/05/2018
28. Tortoises and freshwater turtles (Testudines spp.) [Decision 17.293] AC30 Doc. 28 11/06/2018
Maintenance of the Appendices    
29. Periodic Review of the Appendices [Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP17)]    
  29.1 Overview of species under Periodic Review AC30 Doc. 29.1 01/06/2018
Species review
    29.2.1 Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis– Report of Australia AC30 Doc. 29.2.1 23/05/2018
    29.2.2 Dasyornis longirostris– Report of Australia AC30 Doc. 29.2.2 24/05/2018
    29.2.3 Leporillus conditor– Report of Australia AC30 Doc. 29.2.3 23/05/2018
    29.2.4 Pseudomys fieldi– Report of Australia AC30 Doc. 29.2.4 23/05/2018
    29.2.5 Xeromys mioides– Report of Australia AC30 Doc. 29.2.5 23/05/2018
    29.2.6 Zyzomys pedunculatus– Report of Australia AC30 Doc. 29.2.6 23/05/2018
30. Proposals for possible consideration at CoP18    
  30.1 Draft proposal for the inclusion of the subgenus Holothuria (Microthele) in Appendix II AC30 Doc. 30.1 01/06/2018
31. Appendix-III listings* [Decision 17.305] AC30 Doc. 31 /
PC24 Doc. 26
32. Report of the specialist on zoological nomenclature [Resolution Conf. 12.11 (Rev. CoP17) and Decisions 17.308, 17.310, 17.312 and 17.313] AC30 Doc. 32 28/05/2018
  Annex 1a: Responses to the Notification to the Parties No. 2018/037 (in the original language) AC30 Doc. 32 A1a 24/05/2018
  Annex 1b: Inconsistencies between the WoRMS database and the SPRAT database AC30 Doc. 32 A1b 24/05/2018
  Annex 2: Animal taxonomy and nomenclature (English only) AC30 Doc. 32 A2 24/05/2018
33. Annotations* [Decision 16.162 (Rev. CoP17)] AC30 Doc. 33 / PC24 Doc. 29 26/06/2018
34. Regional reports    
  34.1 Africa AC30 Doc. 34.1 03/07/2018
  34.2 Asia AC30 Doc. 34.2 (Rev. 1) 13/07/2018
  34.3 Central and South America and the Caribbean AC30 Doc. 34.3 11/06/2018
  34.4 Europe AC30 Doc. 34.4 01/06/2018
  34.5 North America AC30 Doc. 34.5 01/06/2018
  34.6 Oceania AC30 Doc. 34.6 01/06/2018
35. Any other business No document  
36. Time and venue of the 31st meeting of the Animals Committee No document  
37. Closing remarks No document  

* This agenda item is addressed to the Animals and Plants Committees.