Twenty-ninth meeting of the Animals Committee - Information documents

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Twenty-ninth meeting of the Animals Committee

Geneva, 18-22 July 2017

Information documents

1. Guidance for inspection of captive breeding and ranching facilities (submitted by the Secretariat)
Orientations pour l'inspection des établissements d'élevage en captivité et d'élevage en ranch (soumis par le Secrétariat)
Guía para la inspección de los establecimientos de cría en cautividad y en granjas (presentado por la Secretaría)
AC29 Inf. 1 14 English
2. A guide to the application of CITES source codes (submitted by the Secretariat)
Guide d'application des codes de source CITES (soumis par le Secrétariat)
Guía para la aplicación de código de origen de la CITES (presentado por la Secretaría)
AC29 Inf. 2 14 English
3. Full summary of trade during 2011-2015 using source codes C, D, F or R reported by Parties (submitted by the Secretariat and prepared by UNEP-WCMC) AC29 Inf. 3 (pdf or Excel) 14 English 13.06.2017
4. Net exports of Appendix II animal species, 2011-2015 - raw data (submitted by the Secretariat and prepared by UNEP-WCMC)
(Revision:amended trade volumes for Appendix I taxa with reservations)
AC29 Inf. 4 (Rev. 1)(pdf or Excel) 13 English 13.06.2017
5. Draft report - Legal gap analysis on the environmental law on hunting and wild fauna protection for Albania [submitted by the regional representative for Europe (Mr. Nemtzov)] AC29 Inf. 5 37.4 English 13.06.2017
6. IPBES Scoping report for a thematic assessment on the sustainable use of wild species (submitted by the Secretatiat) AC29 Inf. 6 11 English 13.06.2017
7. Recommendations on definitions for in situ conservation (submitted by the United States of America) AC29 Inf. 7 18 English 27.06.2017
8. Summary of Maine Symposium on Conservation of the American Eel, October 23-25, 2015 (submitted by the United States of America) AC29 Inf. 8 21 English 30.06.2017
9. Captive-breeding and ranching of CITES-listed animals: EU approaches to handling imports of C, F and R specimens (submitted by the European Union) AC29 Inf. 9 14 English 07.07.2017
10. Methodology for drawing-up non-detriment findings for CITES species (submitted by Spain)
Metodología para la elaboración de los dictamenes de extracción no perjudicial para especies CITES (presentado por España)
AC29 Inf. 10 10 English
11. Technical guidance to promote best management hunting practices for certain CITES species in the context of Article 4 of the regulation (EC) 338/97 (submitted by Spain) AC29 Inf. 11 29 & 16 English 11.07.2017
12. Guidance for making non-detriment findings for plants (submitted by the regional representatives of Europe of the Plants Committee and by Germany) AC29 Inf. 12 10 Italian 12.07.2017
13. Joint Press Release on the occasion of the Tenth Meeting of the Informal Consultation on International Cooperation for Conservation and Management of Japanese Eel Stock and Other Relevant Eel Species (submitted by Japan) AC29 Inf. 13 21 English 13.07.2017
14. Commercial species of freshwater stingrays in Brazil (submitted by Brazil) AC29 Inf. 14 24 English 13.07.2017
15. Report on lion conservation with particular respect to the issue of trophy hunting (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) AC29 Inf. 15 29 English 14.07.2017
16. Sustainable Management of the Trade in Reticulated Python Skins in Indonesia and Malaysia (submitted by Malaysia) AC29 Inf. 16 10 English 14.07.2017
17. Trade in Python Skins. Impact on Livelihoods in Peninsular Malaysia (submitted by Malaysia) AC29 Inf. 17 10 English 14.07.2017
18. WITHDRAWN AC29 Inf. 18 - - -
19. Establishment and testing of a Review of Significant Trade tracking and management database (submitted by the Secretariat) AC29 Inf. 19 13 English 14.07.2017
The distribution, population condition and conservation status of Pterapogon kauderni in 2015 (submitted by the Fondation Franz Weber)
AC29 Inf. 20 25 English 17.07.2017
Initial progress report of Indonesia on the conservation the Banggai cardinal fish - additional information (submitted by Indonesia)
AC29 Inf. 21 25 English 17.07.2017
22. A global taxonomic revision of the seahorses Hippocampus spp. (submitted by IUCN) AC29 Inf. 22 35 English 17.07.2017
23. Summary of Parties’ responses to Notification No. 2017/031 on the Request for new information on shark and ray conservation and management activities, including legislation (submitted by the Secretariat) AC29 Inf. 23 23 English 18.07.2017
24. Summary of Parties’ responses to Notification No. 2017/025 on Precious corals (submitted by the Secretariat) AC29 Inf. 24 22 English 18.07.2017
25. Guidance for inspection of captive breeding and ranching facilities (submitted by SSN) AC29 Inf. 25 14 English 18.07.2017
26. Trazabilidad del comercio de vida silvestre en Ecuador (presentado por Ecuador) AC29 Inf. 26 17, 18 & 19 Spanish 20.07.2017
27. Completed primary evaluations (submitted by IUCN) AC29 Inf. 27 10 English 20.07.2017