Twenty-eighth meeting of the Animals Committee - Information documents

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Twenty-eighth meeting of the Animals Committee

Tel Aviv (Israel), 30 August-3 September 2015

Information documents

1. An assessment of the commercial production of CITES-listed  snake species in Viet Nam and China AC28 Inf. 1 14.1 English 22/07/2015
2. Developing CITES Non-Detriment Findings for Snakes: Annexes AC28 Inf. 2 14.1 English 22/07/2015
3. Developing CITES Non-Detriment Findings for Snakes: Example Primary Evaluation AC28 Inf. 3 14.1 English 22/07/2015
4. An assessment of the impact of the pet trade on five CITES-Appendix II case studies - Python regius AC28 Inf. 4 14.1 English 22/07/2015
5. An assessment of the impact of the pet trade on five CITES-Appendix II case studies - Morelia boeleni AC28 Inf. 5 14.1 English 22/07/2015
6. An assessment of the impact of the pet trade on five CITES-Appendix II case studies - Calabaria reinhardtii AC28 Inf. 6 14.1 English 22/07/2015
7. An assessment of the impact of the pet trade on five CITES-Appendix II case studies - Boa constrictor imperator AC28 Inf. 7 14.1 English 22/07/2015
8. An assessment of the impact of the pet trade on five CITES-Appendix II case studies - Morelia viridis AC28 Inf. 8 14.1 English 22/07/2015
9. Methodologies for differentiating between wild and captive-bred CITES-listed snakes AC28 Inf. 9 14.1 English 22/07/2015
10. NDF guidelines and examples for aquatic species AC28 Inf. 10 17.2 English 22/07/2015
11. Guidance on projections of species declines for use in evaluating or preparing species proposals
Orientation sur les prévisions de déclin d'espèces aux fins d'utilisation lors de l'évaluation ou de la préparation de propositions sur les espèces
Orientación sobre las previsiones relativas a las disminuciones de especies para usar en la evaluación o preparación de propuestas para las especies
AC28 Inf. 11 20 & 22 English
Respuesta a la notificación de las Partes no. 2015/027. Medidas de gestión de la pesca de tiburones.
Información suministrada por la Autoridad administrativa CITES de Nicaragua
AC28 Inf. 12 17.1 Spanish 22/07/2015
Respuesta a la notificación de las Partes no. 2015/027. Medidas de gestión de la pesca de tiburones. 
Información suministrada por la Autoridad de los recursos acuáticos de Panamá
AC28 Inf. 13 17.1 Spanish 22/07/2015
Response to the Notification to the Parties No. 2015/027. Request for new information on fishery management measures for sharks. Information submitted by the European Union
AC28 Inf. 14 17.1 English 11/08/2015
Respuesta a la notificación de las Partes no. 2015/027. Medidas de gestión de la pesca de tiburones. 
Información suministrada por España
AC28 Inf. 15 17.1 Spanish 11/08/2015
16. Periodic review of Panthera Leo AC28 Inf. 16 20.3 English 12/08/2015
17. Improvements to the CITES identification materials AC28 Inf. 17 10 English 12/08/2015
18. Identification of sturgeons and paddlefish specimens in trade (Decision 16.137) AC28 Inf. 18 11 English 14/08/2015
19. Research proposal on status and distribution of Gray Langur (Semnopithecus schistaceus) in Bhutan AC28 Inf. 19 20.1 English 14/08/2015
20. Evaluation of the Review of Significant Trade: objectivesm process and progress
Évaluation de l'étude du commerce important: objectifs, processus et progrès
Evaluación del examen del comercio significativo: objectivos, proceso y avances
AC28 Inf. 20 9.1 English
21. Response to the Notification to the Parties No. 2015/027. Request for new information on fishery management measures for sharks. Information submitted by Colombia. AC28 Inf. 21 17.1 English 18/08/2015
22. Shark group report AC28 Inf. 22 17.1 English 18/08/2015
23. Report of the first pangolin range states meeting (24-26 June 2015, Da Nang, Viet Nam) AC28 Inf. 23 9.4 English 19/08/2015
24. Report of the amphibian trade workshops AC28 Inf. 24 7 & 9 English 19/08/2015
25. Comments of Argentina's Administrative Authority to the document AC28 Doc. 18 on Freshwater stingrays
Comentario de la Autoridad Administrativa CITES de Argentina sobre el documento AC28 Doc. 18 sobre Rayas de agua dulce
AC28 Inf. 25 18 English
26. Periodic review of Panthera leo AC28 Inf. 26 20.3.1 English 25/08/2015
27. Workshop on the assessment of productivity, susceptibility and management of Mexican Appendix-II listed sharks (Mexico City, 8-10 July 2015)
Taller de evaluación de productividad, susceptibilidad y manejo de tiburones mexicanos listados en el Apéndice II de la CITES (México DF, 8-10 de julio de 2015)
AC28 Inf. 27 (Rev.) 17 English
28. Identification guide on the morphology of the genus Abronia
Guía de identificación morfológica para el género Abronia
AC28 Inf. 28 (Rev.) 22 English
29. Response to the Notification to the Parties No. 2015/027.  Information submitted by Malaysia. AC28 Inf. 29 17.1 English 29/08/2015
30. Report of the second meeting of the CFMC/OSPESCA/WECAFC/CRFM working group on Queen conch
Informe de la segunda reunión del grupo de trabajo de CFMC/OSPESCA/WECAFC/CRFM sobre el Caracol rosado
AC28 Inf. 30 19 English
31. Comments on report of the working group
Comentarios sobre el informe del grupo de trabajo
AC28 Inf. 31 13.2 English  
32. Review of Macaca fascicularis in Cambodia and Viet Nam  AC28 Inf. 32 9.3 English 30/08/2015
33. Project on traceability of python skins  AC28 Inf. 33 14.2 English 31/08/2015
34. Adelphobates galactonotus (Amphibia: Anura: Dendrobatidae): Fact sheet AC28 Inf. 34  13 English 31/08/2015
35. Dendrobates tinctorius (Amphibia: Anura: Dendrobatidae): Fact sheet  AC28 Inf. 35  13 English 31/08/2015
36. Response to the Notification to the Parties No. 2015/027. Request for new information on fishery management measures for sharks. Information submitted by Fiji. AC28 Inf. 36 17.1 English 01/09/2015