AC23: Agenda and documents

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Twenty-third meeting of the Animals Committee

Geneva, (Switzerland), 19-24 April 2008

Agenda and documents

(all documents are provided in PDF format)

Agenda item


1.Opening of the meetingNo document
2.Rules of Procedure 
 2.1Current Rules of ProcedureAC23 Doc. 2.1
 2.2Proposed amendments*AC23 Doc. 2.2
3.Adoption of the agenda and working programme 
 3.1AgendaAC23 Doc. 3.1
 3.2Working programmeAC23 Doc. 3.2
4.Admission of observersAC23 Doc. 4
5.Regional reports 
 5.1AfricaAC23 Doc. 5.1
 5.2AsiaAC23 Doc. 5.2 (Rev.1)
 5.3Central and South America and the CaribbeanAC23 Doc. 5.3
 5.4EuropeAC23 Doc. 5.4
 5.5North AmericaAC23 Doc. 5.5
 5.6OceaniaAC23 Doc. 5.6
6.Revision of the Terms of Reference of the Animals and Plants Committees*AC23 Doc. 6
7.Cooperation with advisory bodies of other biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements*AC23 Doc. 7
8.Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species 
 8.1Evaluation of the Review of Significant Trade*AC23 Doc. 8.1
 8.2Progress report on the country-based Review of Significant Trade in Madagascar*AC23 Doc. 8.2
 8.3Overview of the species-based Review of Significant TradeAC23 Doc. 8.3
 8.4Species selected following CoP13AC23 Doc. 8.4
 8.5Selection of species for trade reviews following CoP14AC23 Doc. 8.5
  8.5.1Selection of the Solomon Islands population of Tursiops aduncus for inclusion in the Review of Significant TradeAC23 Doc. 8.5.1
9.Review of the use of source code ‘R’*AC23 Doc. 9 (Rev. 2)
10.International expert workshop on non-detriment findings*AC23 Doc. 10 (Rev. 1)
11.Periodic review of animal species included in the CITES Appendices 
 11.1Schedule and responsibilities for species selected for periodic review between CoP13 and CoP15AC23 Doc. 11.1
 11.2Periodic review of Felidae 
  11.2.1Periodic review of Felidae – progress report from the United States of AmericaAC23 Doc. 11.2.1
  11.2.2Status of the populations of Lynx rufus in MexicoAC23 Doc. 11.2.2
 11.3Periodic review of species selected prior to CoP13AC23 Doc. 11.3 (Rev.2)
12.Selection of a representative for the Standing Committee Working Group reviewing the implementation and effectiveness of the universal tagging system and the trade in small crocodilian leather goods

AC23 Doc. 12

13.Sturgeons and paddlefish 
 13.1Secretariat’s reportAC23 Doc. 13.1 (Rev. 1)
 13.2Evaluation of the assessment and monitoring methodologies used for stocks of Acipenseriformes species shared between different range StatesAC23 Doc. 13.2 (Rev. 1)
14.Nomenclatural mattersAC23 Doc. 14
15.Conservation and management of sharks 
 15.1Reports from Parties on commodity codes, opportunities to improve monitoring, verification and reporting of catch, bycatch and discards, market and international trade dataAC23 Doc. 15.1
 15.2Identification of shark species of concern that require consideration for inclusion in the Appendices if their management and conservation status does not improveAC23 Doc. 15.2
 15.3Linkages between international trade in shark fins and meat and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishingAC23 Doc. 15.3
16.Transport of live animalsAC23 Doc. 16
17.Progress report on the Identification ManualAC23 Doc. 17
18.Proposal to transfer the Mexican population of Crocodylus moreletii from Appendix I to Appendix IIAC23 Doc. 18
19.Time and venue of the 24th meeting of the Animals CommitteeNo document
20.Any other businessNo document
21.Closing remarksNo document


Information documents

AC23 Inf. 4Spanish

Biological background on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in the 'live-capture' trade and specifically on the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, T. Aduncus

AC23 Inf. 5English

Recommendations on the refinement of the list of shark species of concern (document AC23 Doc. 15.2): an example using the requeim shark group

AC23 Inf. 6English

Response from the Magement Authority of Japan on Notification to the Parties No. 2008/033 on sharks

AC23 Inf. 7English

*This agenda item will be discussed during the joint session.